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Mentee Presentation �

May 20th, 2019

Ann Richards School

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The purpose of MAGIC is to facilitate learning for girls that are interested in STEM fields by working 1:1 with a mentor in a STEM-related career.

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  • Amrutha Manoj - 7th
    • Computer Aided Design of a Plane �
  • Jayden Malone - 6th
    • JadeMAGICplant�
  • Triana Dominguez - 6th
    • Blog Website�
  • Camila Citalan - 6th
    • Climate Change Website


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Amrutha Manoj


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Mentor photo, preferably with mentee, goes here

My Mentor

  • My mentors name is Madhura Limaye
  • She works at company VMware, where she is a product marketing manager
  • She has been working with MAGIC for 6 years now and she has been working in her profession for 18 years.
  • She enjoys reading science fiction and hiking

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My Project

    • Graphic Design/Aerodynamics/AeroSpace engineering
    • To learn more about Airfoils and understand the concepts of the behind the scenes of an graphic design of a airplane
    • Graphic Design of an Airplane
    • MachUp / USU Aero Lab
      • I learned to design the wing,Vertical stabilizer and many more aspects of the design of a plane
      • Made a graphic design model of an airplane

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    • Me and my mentor went back and forth to deciding what my MAGIC project should be depending on my interests
    • We went though OpenVSP,and other graphic design softwares to finally decide on USU Space Lab
    • Learnt to use more Graphic design tools such as OpenVSP and now MachUp
    • Learnt about the requirements an aircraft must have for a safe flight ( I used a Fixed Wing)
    • The model of the aircraft depends on the aircraft’s mission requirements

My MAGIC Experience

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Thank you!

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Jayden Malone


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My (amazing) Mentor- Emily To

  • Profession

-Software Engineer at Google

-Works on Cameras!�

  • Education

-CS Degree at University of Berkeley�

  • We Were Matched Because…

-I wanted to make a website and learn Javascript

  • Fun Facts

-Likes to cook and bake

-Likes reading

-Is from San Jose California

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My Project

  • Title: “JadeMAGICPlant” Website�
  • What It Is: Website that shows what plants are in season to grow in the current month�
  • Why Did I Choose This? I love plants, and wanted to pair that interest with digging deep into Javascript�
  • Languages: HTML / CSS / Javascript

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In This Early Part of My Javascript Code...

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What Did I Learn About Javascript & Creating Functions?

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  • The Things I Loved About MAGIC…

I loved that I can do what I love (Coding)! There aren’t many opportunities to! I especially love that this introduces women to STEM!

  • Lessons Learned in MAGIC...

In the MAGIC program I learned a lot about coding! And not just coding, I learned patience. Coding can be difficult and that's why I took things one step at a time.

  • How Do I Feel About STEM Today?

I feel that there should be waaaay more women in the STEM field. But what is good is that we are improving that some what.

My MAGICal Experience

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My Demo

  • The final product


  • Behind the scenes


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Thank you!

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Triana Dominguez


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Mentor photo, preferably with mentee, goes here

My Mentor

  • Anouk
    • She works from home
    • Radiologist
    • Lives in Arizona
    • Hiking and Puzzles

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My Project

  • Describe your project
    • “Triana’s Blog”
    • Purpose of website: blog!
    • Languages Learned: HTML and CSS
    • Resources: We used W3 CSS to help us build the website
      • HTML tags (buttons,images,titles,hover)
      • CSS classes (color,margin,width,pixels,position)
      • Slideshow with images,fonts,designs,and is adjusted to every screen.
    • We 1st did a practice website then we used a w3 template and we modified it and added more to it.
    • Expand template and add more images and text

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  • Experience
    • I learned more about HTML and CSS - Anouk was very helpful!�
    • Other Key Learning:
        • How to add a slideshow to a website
        • How to write a webpage from scratch
        • How to make/modify a website with a template�
    • Challenge I Faced:
        • When all my code was deleted! Learned the value of saving!�

My MAGICal Experience

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My Demo

  • Websites




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Thank you!

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Camila Citalan


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My Mentor - Cher Shedd

Profession & Education

  • Web Developer
  • Bachelor’s From Saint Edward’s


  • Drinking Coffee
  • Going to Tech Meetups�

Our Match

  • I was interested in learning more about web development!

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My Project

Website About Climate Change�

Climate change is important to me because its affecting animals and plants.

Web development was interesting to me because it’s something new and it’s fun.

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My Project

Final Project


We used a lot of different resources to support our learning and coding!��Codecademy, Chartist.js, freeCodeCamp, National Geographic Kids, NASA-Climate��

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My Project

Chartist.js - Telling A Story With Data

  • Chartist.js�
  • Using a JS library allowed me to be able to quickly create a chart that could show meaningful data�
  • Anomaly in temperature from the year 1900 to 2018


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My Project

Help The Planet Box

  • <button> element with an onclick attribute with newHelp() passed in as a parameter�
  • Added suggestions to a variable in an array�
  • For our newHelp() function, we needed to generate a random whole number that ranges from 0 to the length of our suggestions array

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  • What I enjoyed about the MAGIC experience is that I got to learn more than just basic HTML & CSS. I also got to learn JavaScript.�
  • I think STEM is really fun to do and something everybody should learn more about.

My MAGICal Experience

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My Demo

  • Let’s check it out!

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Thank you!