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This week, I want teach you how readers

______________________ .

This means ______________ .

This skill valuable because…

Readers/Writers use it to…

  • Start an anchor chart.
  • Explain WHEN a reader/writer would think like this.
  • Reveal WHAT the process is for thinking/writing like this.
  • Identify WHERE these kinds of details will be found/added in the text.
  • Identify HOW (the steps) to think/write like this. (Consider the types of information to look for or add in words or pictures. Consider the types of details/clues that would be helpful)

  • Reveal a familiar text or topic.
  • Reference the anchor chart for how to think like this.
  • Then, apply the skill, executing the thinking (i.e., Think aloud).
  • I see this and think…
  • I could try to…
  • What if I….
  • Now I know that…

  • Invite students to help you with a second parallel example– meaning another example applying the SAME reading/writing skill with a DIFFERENT text or topic.
  • Guide students to reference the anchor chart for the reading/writing process.
  • Guide them to identify relevant text details (for a comprehension skill) or possible words and details (for a writing skill)
  • Guide them to put those thoughts together to come up with a possible answer or example.

This week, we are learning how readers/writers ____ . I encourage you to think like this while you are reading/writing independently today. (Announce the task.)