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International Baccalaureate Registration Information

Diploma Programme At

La Costa Canyon High School

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  • Program Overview
  • Model Schedules
  • Q & A

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International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme

Two year program students participate

in during their junior & senior years

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IB DP University Enrollment

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IB Students Beyond LCC

  • Brown University
  • Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
  • Central Washington University
  • Elon University
  • FIDM
  • Fordham University
  • Harvard University
  • Hofstra University
  • MIT
  • McGill University
  • NYU
  • Purdue University
  • SDSU
  • Stanford
  • Ohio State University
  • UC Berkeley
  • UC San Diego
  • UC Santa Barbara
  • UC Davis
  • UC Los Angeles
  • University of Hawaii
  • University of Utah
  • West Point Military Academy

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IB DP Team at LCC

  • Justin Conn, Principal & IB Head of School
  • Danielle Martinez, IB Counselor
  • Thea Chadwick, TOK
  • Cindi Schildhouse, IB Coordinator & IB Biology
  • David Evers, CAS Coordinator & IB Film & IB Physics
  • Michael Melzer, EE Coordinator & IB History of Americas & IB Psychology
  • Michelle Anderson, IB Math
  • Lara Antkowiak, IB Spanish
  • Eden Borsack, IB Environmental Systems
  • Melanie Emr, IB French
  • Jocelyn Peck, IB Math
  • Erika Wanczuk, IB English

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The programme aims to develop students who have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge and students who flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.

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Why IB?

  • Experiences
  • Connections
  • Skills

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Planning & Considerations

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High School Graduation Requirements

Social Science

3 years

World History, US History,

Government*, Economics*

*(IB History year 1 & 2)


4 years

English 9, 10, 11*, 12*

*IB Lang & Lit or AP Lang & AP Lit


3 years

Integrated Math I required


2 years

Life Science & Physical Science

Visual or Performing Arts

1 year

Including IB Film

CTE / Practical Art

1 year

Including Business Pathway, Comp Sci, Culinary, Speech & Debate, etc.

Physical Education

1 year

Year 1 PE & Health


70 credits

Please see your counselor for specific questions!

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UC & CSU “A-G” Requirements


US history/Social Science

2 years



4 years



(including Integrated Math I, II, and III)

3 years

(4 years recommended)



2 years

(3+ years recommended)


Language other than English

2 years (3 years recommended)


Visual or Performing Arts

1 year


College Prep Elective

1 year

Please see your counselor for specific questions!

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Junior & Senior

Student Pathways in IB

Student Paths

Focus in IB Courses

Full Diploma Candidate


IB & AP Courses

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Who are our IB DP Candidates?

  • Academics
  • Active Community Members
  • Actors, Directors & Technians
  • Artists & Designers
  • Athletes
  • Dancers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Journalist & Editors
  • Musicians
  • Speech & Debate

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Full Diploma Candidates

  • Fully engage in all components of IB DP experience
  • Have a rich experience within IB DP
  • Able to earn the IB Diploma

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Full Diploma Academic Requirements


Course Options

Group 1

IB English HL Year 1 & Year 2

Group 2

Spanish V* & IB Spanish SL

French IV* & IB French SL

Group 3

IB History of the Americas HL Year 1 & Year 2

Group 4

IB Physics HL Year 1 & Year 2


IB Env Sys & Soc SL

Group 5

Math 3*

Math 3H*

IB Math SL

IB Math HL Year 2


Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

1 year

College Application Seminar

(TOK Year 2 support)

Group 6

or Elective

IB Film HL Year 1 & Year 2

IB Film SL

IB Psychology SL

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Full Diploma Candidates Requirements

  • Students must balance HL & SL courses
    • Students must take a minimum of 3 HL courses
    • Students may take up to 4 HL courses

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Full Diploma Core Requirements

  • Students must take Theory of Knowledge courses
  • Students must complete the Extended Essay
    • Independent & Self-directed Research Paper
  • Students must fulfil the Community, Activity, Service Requirement
    • Student initiated involvement in activities and projects based on their interests and talents outside of the classroom
    • Reflection of personal learning and outcomes

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Full Diploma Courses

11th Grade

IB English HL Year 1

IB History of the Americas HL Year 1

Spanish V

French IV

Math 3

Math 3 Honors

IB Math SL

IB Math HL Year 2

IB Physics HL Year 1


IB Env Sys & Soc SL

Theory Of Knowledge

IB Film HL Year 1

IB Film SL

IB Psychology SL


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Full Diploma Courses

12th Grade

IB English HL Year 2

IB History of the Americas HL Year 2

IB Spanish SL

IB French SL

IB Math SL

IB Math HL Year 2

Calc D/Linear Algebra

IB Physics HL Year 2


IB Env Sys & Soc SL

College Application Seminar (TOK Year 2 support)

IB Film HL Year 2

IB Film SL

IB Psychology SL


AP Stats

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Sample Full Diploma Schedule

Interested in Science, Engineering & Math

11th Grade

12th Grade

IB English Year 1 HL

IB English Year 2 HL

Spanish V or French IV

IB Spanish SL or IB French SL

IB History of the Americas Year 1 HL

IB History of the Americas Year 2 HL

IB Physics Year 1 HL

IB Physics Year 2 HL

Math 3H or IB Math SL

IB Math Year 2 HL


College Application Seminar

(TOK Year 2 support)

IB Film SL


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Sample Full Diploma Schedule

Interested in Healthcare & Life Sciences

11th Grade

12th Grade

IB English Year 1 HL

IB English Year 2 HL

Spanish V or French IV

IB Spanish SL or IB French SL

IB History of the Americas Year 1 HL

IB History of the Americas Year 2 HL

IB Biology SL

IB Psychology SL

Math 3H

IB Math SL or IB Math Year 2 HL


College Application Seminar

(IB Year 2 support)

IB Film HL Year 1

IB Film HL Year 2

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Sample Full Diploma Schedule

Interested in English, History & Business

11th Grade

12th Grade

IB English Year 1 HL

IB English Year 2 HL

Spanish V

IB Spanish SL

IB History of the Americas Year 1 HL

IB History of the Americas Year 2 HL

IB Env Sys & Societies SL


Math 3

IB Math SL


College Application Seminar

(IB Year 2 support)

IB Film HL Year 1

IB Film HL Year 2

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Focus in IB Courses

  • Students elect to participate in several IB courses
    • HL courses are two year courses
    • SL courses are one year courses

  • Students may elect to participate in TOK

  • Students are not required to complete the EE or CAS

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Select IB & AP Courses

  • Students elect to participate in IB courses as well as AP courses that are most interesting

  • Students may elect to participate in TOK

  • Students are not required to complete the EE or CAS

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Sample IB Courses Schedule

11th Grade

12th Grade

IB English Year 1 HL

IB English Year 2 HL



IB History of the Americas Year 1 HL

IB History of the Americas Year 2 HL

IB Biology SL

IB Psychology SL

Math 3

IB Math Year 2 SL


College Application Seminar

(IB Year 2 support)

IB Film HL Year 1

IB Film HL Year 2

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Sample IB Courses Schedule

11th Grade

12th Grade

IB English Year 1 HL

IB English Year 2 HL



IB History of the Americas Year 1 HL

IB History of the Americas Year 2 HL

IB Physics Year 1 HL

IB Physics Year 2 HL

Math 3

IB Math Year 2 SL


College Application Seminar

(IB Year 2 support)

IB Film SL


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What questions do you have about IB at LCC?


IB Coordinator


Question Form

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From our IB Graduates

  • I am principled because I have learned that taking responsibility for my own actions also applies to taking responsibility for my prejudices as well, because those affect my actions. In this way, I think I better understand the importance of taking responsibility for one’s education, in order to unlearn prejudices that I might not even be aware of.

  • As an athlete, student, worker, and friend, I have learned many important lessons about balance and how to maintain a good attitude and energy levels throughout my life.

  • I have been given the opportunity to realize how much I take for granted. Reading and hearing from others has given me the opportunity to understand that I can reflect on myself, on my life and how I can better myself.

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From our IB Graduates

  • Having gained more knowledge, I have gained more confidence. With confidence, I am able to take risks and do things I have never done before. I am no longer afraid of the idea of failure or sounding incompetent (for the most part). I am able to make that effort to learn even if I have no clue what I'm doing.

  • I have always been inquisitive but IB has given me a great chance to research and answer a lot of those questions. I love that in history, biology and my EE I was able to choose topics that I was really interested in to talk about so that I could answer my own questions instead of someone else's.

  • Through the IB program, I learned that I am capable of more than I ever could have imagined. It has been a fantastic experience!

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