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Nov. 8, 2018 Thursday--Welcome!

  • Student Led Circle and Silent Reading (40 minutes)
  • Writing Workshop: Silent Writing and drafting of “I was raised by” poem. Try to complete 3 different versions of an “ I was raised by” poem. If you finish you can work on your own writing or read silently. (20 minutes)
  • Greece: Chapter 25 and Cornell notes. You do this individually but can help one another within your City State groups. (20 minutes)
  • No getting out of your seat or going to other groups. Complete and put in folder.
  • Revise your notes; tape into Social Studies notebook and add questions and summary to your Cornell Notes on Chapter 25. Complete front and back and discuss questions with your group and write a clear summary. (10 min)
  • Deciphering the Vocabulary--City States can help one another within their group
  • WWW 9 cards and study/review WWW 15 min.
  • Mr. Davies will be able to decide how many drachmas your City State will get based on you being on task and respectful to him and one another.

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Chapter 25 quiz

  • During which years did Ancient Greek culture flourish?
  • What is a peninsula?
  • What contributed to isolation of the different City States?
  • Compare and contrast traveling in Ancient Greece with traveling now.
  • In Ancient Greece was it easier to travel by land or sea? Why?
  • How did most people in Ancient Greece make their living?
  • Name 3 types of food that Ancient Greeks grew and ate.
  • Name 3 animals they raised and ate.
  • Shortage of what resource sometimes led to wars?
  • What is a colony?
  • What are 3 items that were traded between the City States?
  • How did Greek sailors guide their ships?