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Weekly Newsletter

Volume: The Last One of 2024

Learning for the Week

Exhibition of Learning Information:

Our EoL is set for 1:20 in the gymnasium on June 6th. We will be sharing our writing, our sailing process, movement, music, and our drama trailers. We will be starting off with a gallery walk followed by asking parents and students to find a spot to share their writing and drama around the gym. We will signal for all students to come back with a gong, before sharing our Movement and Music. We need to be sure to go quickly as the 5th grade celebration of learning is right after.

Celebration of Learning:

The 5th graders will be celebrating their time here at Etude Elementary at 2:00 on June 6th in the gymnasium. During this time, students will talk through their years and also share a movement piece that showcases their learning throughout the years.

Following the celebration, at about 2:40, 5th grade families and students will be invited to a special party with food provided by our 4th grade friends.

Fourth grade families, here is the link for those that signed up to bring something for this celebration. Link

End of the Year Picnic:

Just a reminder that on the last day of the school year, students will be hanging out and having fun at our school picnic. There will be games to play and food to eat. Pizza will be provided courtesy of Freak Toyz and ice-cream from Blast will be served. To help sign-up for this day, here is the sign-up genius link. We will be dismissed at Noon on Friday!

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Weekly Newsletter

Volume: 36

Learning for the Week

Sailing Basic Information:

Tuesday, May 28th and Thursday, May 30th

9:00: Bus Leaves School

2:30: Bus Arrives Back at School (Leaves Elkhart Lake at 2:00)

With sailing happening next week here is a list of stuff that they need to have with them, packed in their backpack or other bag:

  • Towel (or 2) and/or blanket
  • Extra set(s) of clothes
  • Shoes that work for water
  • Sunscreen
  • Swimming suit under clothes (swim shirts are recommended to avoid chafing from the life jackets)
  • Water bottle (full)
  • Life jacket (we have some as well if they don’t have one)
  • Jacket or Sweater
  • Rain gear/umbrella if needed


If you signed up to volunteer, find Ms. Hernandez when you arrive. She will be the point person that will talk about roles and responsibilities. Volunteers should bring their own lunch as it is not provided. Here is the sign-up sheet.

If You Are Coming

We will be sailing out of the Point Elkhart Condo Association which is right next to Fireman’s Park. The condo association is providing access to the beach and access to bathrooms. Parking is available along the road or in the far lot at Quit Qui Oc Golf Course. A map can be found below (or click here) which indicates the beach and Quit Qui Oc parking locations.

When you get there, please wait in the parking lot if you have the morning shift and we will walk together as a group. If you are arriving later, please park in the lot and walk down Point Elkhart Drive (past the tennis courts) until you arrive at the Ryan residence. At that point, you will walk on the side of their condo, down a hill, until you get to the gathering point. There may be a sign directing where to go.


Please know that we do not have a rain date for this. If it is raining, we will be sailing. We will not sail if there is severe weather.

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Weekly Newsletter

Volume: 34

Learning for the Week

Reading/Writing: Students will need to have their final feedback done by the end of this week with their writing. They may have to take home their Chromebook for this for their adult feedback. Any changes can be done directly on the computer as we are not printing out the rough drafts.

In Drama, students have signed up to film their stop motion animations over these next couple of weeks. Each student will get a 45 minute minutes session to film and edit their stop motion. They will then need to add the titles and the audio to finish it out.

Project Based Learning: Next week we are going to be creating our sails. Starting on Monday. The students will be taking their blueprint designs and creating their sails out of large plastic wrap. They will then be using the duct tape (that came from the donations so thank you!) to decorate their sail to their liking. We are hoping to be done with all of these over the span of three days. If you are interested in coming into the chaos and helping out, we are going to be working on these from 1:10-1:40 and 2:00-3:00 of these the first three days this week.

Math: In 5th grade we are working on multiple decimals and fractions again. Chapter 7 will be a review of a lot of the things that we have done this year to get them ready for middle school. You should have gotten the chapter 6 test last week. Please make sure to sign and return it as soon as possible.

4th graders will be finishing up and taking a test on chapter 6 soon. They may not have home learning this week if there is a test.

Important Events/Dates

  • I will be sending out more information on the sailing times and places on Thursday or Friday of this week. Thanks for those who volunteered!
  • 5th Graders are heading to Sheboygan South for 5th grade sports day on Thursday. Please remind them to dress appropriately and have their lunch unless they ordered their lunch from school.

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Weekly Newsletter

Volume: 33

Learning for the Week

Reading/Writing: Students should be finally done with chapter 3 in their writing. Next week we will be going through the feedback process. First with themselves, then peers, and last with an adult of some sort. This will be done over the next week and a half.

We will have reading groups next week, even with a shorter week. My Friday group will meet on Thursday instead. Students are starting to finish their books so they may be starting new ones soon!

Project Based Learning: Next week we are digesting all the information from the final sailing and getting ready for their PoLs on Thursday and Friday. For PoLs, students will be going through the four different experiments with their adults and talking through what they learned in each of the experiments. We also are having our guest sailing expert come in next week to start some early thinking about sail designs. He is scheduled to come in on Monday afternoon at 2:00 and the following couple of weeks as well.

Math: In 5th grade we are working on volume again. They will be working with missing factors when figuring out the length, width, or height of rectangular prisms.

We are continuing with Unit 6, which includes multiplication and division with larger numbers, line plots, fractions, and a review of area and perimeter. Homework will be sent home on Tuesday and be due on Thursday.

Important Events/Dates

  • Field trip forms and other information should be going home today. Please review and sign as soon as possible.
  • Our PoLs are set for next week Thursday and Friday. Just a reminder that students have a half day on Thursday and then the day off on Friday.
  • Studente took their final STAR tests this past week. The results of those will be given at their PoLs next week.

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Weekly Newsletter

Volume: 32

Learning for the Week

Reading/Writing: So, with PoLs this week we did not get to where we wanted to be with writing. With that in mind, next week they should be finally done with chapter 3 in their writing. Also next week we will be going through the feedback process. First with themselves, then peers, and last with an adult of some sort. This will be done over the next week and a half.

For Drama, students next week will start creating their movie trailers for their adventure stories. Each child will sign up for a time slot to create their stop motion animation over the next couple of weeks.

Project Based Learning: Starting next week, we will be going through the initial start up process for creating the sails. Early on we will be doing a Compass Points to see how students are feeling. Next, we will start off with our initial thoughts in Blueprint One before getting feedback from our peers. We also may have Steve, our sailing expert, pop in next week to give feedback to the students we well.

Math: In 5th grade we are going to be finishing up with area in Unit 6. Late next week we will be having a test for the chapter. We will not do too much in terms of preparation for it as the kids have a firm grasp on the information needed. Home learning will be sent out on Monday with an expected return date of Wednesday.

In 4th grade, students are working with models for multiplication and division of larger numbers, including ratio tables and two-part area models. Homework will be sent home on Tuesday and due on Thursday.

Important Events/Dates

  • All field trip forms need to be returned by Wednesday of next week. All donation money for sailing can be sent in an envelope or bad and be attached to the permission slip.
  • 5th Graders have their end of the year field trip set for next Friday (17th). Students will be heading to Mini-Golf by Blue HArbor and heading to Blast for ice-dream. We will be leaving early (9:00) and getting back in the afternoon (2:00ish).

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Weekly Newsletter

Volume: 31

Learning for the Week

Reading/Writing: Students will be working on chapter three next week in their adventure stories.

Project Based Learning: Next week we are going to look at how shaped affect harnessing wind through building mini-sails.

Math: In 5th grade we are working on triangles and quadrilaterals. In 4th grade, students will be working on Unit 6 which deals with division.

Important Events/Dates

  • April 29th: Human Growth and Development: Students will be split up by gender and learn about puberty through a set of videos that were shared and a questions and answer session. This will be done in the morning.
  • May 2nd and 3rd: STAR Testing
  • May 9th/10th: Presentations of Learning. If you haven’t signed up for a time, please do so. Students will be sharing their experiments in science as well as a year end reflection on their Hopes and Dreams.
  • May 17th: 5th Grade Field Trip to Mini-Golf and Blast Ice Cream. Permission slips will be going some soon.
  • May 23rd: 5th Grade Sports Day. This will be done at Sheboygan South High School. Parents are welcome to attend but it is a pretty long day. The students will each do two events and be sitting in the bleachers the rest of the time.
  • May 28th and May 30th: Sailing dates at Elkhart Lake. We are going to be leaving at 9:00 and getting back by 2:30. We will be sending out a list of needed parent volunteers within a couple of weeks but we are limited to about 10 a day for the three classes due to parking. The EOL will not be on this day.
  • June 6th: EoLs: Our EoL will be in the gym at 1:20 until 2:00. They will be showing pictures of their sails, drama, writing, movement, and music.
  • June 6th: CoL (5th Grade Graduation) This will take place immediately after the EoL and will be in the gym as well. This will take place from 2:00-3:00 with a short party following in a classroom. We will be sending out a sheet for 4th grade families to bring in a treat/food for the party, Each year the 4th grade families provide the food for the 5th grade party and get paid back the following year.
  • June 7th: Last Day of School (Picnic). An email should be going out soon on this!