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Dec. 4, 2018 Tuesday

  • Reading 20 minutes--silent and sustained. The goal is the exercise your brain to concentrate on one thing for 20 minutes--one book. Pick a book and stick with it for 20 minutes. When you are struggling, take a breath, reread if you need to, think about what is happening and make sure it is making sense to you, and keep going. You should be able to read 20-50 pages in 20 minutes.
  • Geography partners for the day.
  • Book Talks/WWW study time and cards check.
  • Writing Workshop: Read articles and take interactive notes--quotes/responses

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Tues. Dec 4, con’t

  • Greece: study guide for quiz next Tuesday Dec 11.
  • Crash Course--Greeks and Persians video--partner talk and notes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-mkVSasZIM
  • HW: WWW quiz tomorrow; yellow sheet due tomorrow--get signature and add up your pages, read 20-30 minutes. Finish notes for sports article. Study for Quiz
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqEEndY0sT8 Khan Academy Video
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwwNxWXf1eU Khan Academy Video
  • Roving paragraph frame activity