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1/22/19 Tuesday--Welcome!!

  • Circle and speed dating academic talk around new argument essay topics.
  • Reading--next book club meeting Friday.

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Writing, WWW, HW

  • Writing: exploring possible topics for your next argument essay.
    • Fill out ideas chart on google classroom after reading both attachments and some articles.
    • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zlBdsJUFcfTMBBhEhZGH5MjWZR97KxORRJThxyOUmcw/edi
    • HW: By Thursday you need to have chosen a topic and in your writing notebook write the 2-3 sides/perspectives around it and brainstorm/quick write everything you know about each side.
    • AND find 3-5 sources --at least 1 per side and another 1-2 for your side. Due Thurs. Just find them, we will talk about taking notes on Thursday.
  • WWW card check/study time--quiz tomorrow! I can check off cards.
  • ***Yellow Reading Rate sheet due tomorrow--signature. Also remember to be working on your BINGO sheet--it is due Feb. 13--write at the top.