1 of 10

The Macaroni Forest

By K. E. Anderson

SJP3N1, 1994

2 of 10

What is macaroni? Draw a picture of a piece of macaroni and describe it by labelling your picture.

3 of 10

  • Find the word, ‘vast’ on page 16 of The Macaroni Forest. Write out the sentence which it is in.
  • Find the word, ‘vast’ on page 23 of The Mystery of Tunguska. Write out the sentence which it is in.
  • From looking at these two sentences, what do you think the word, ‘vast’ means?

4 of 10

Explain what is meant by the ‘harvesting season’ (page 16).

5 of 10

Find a sentence from the story, The Macaroni Forest, which makes you wonder if this story might be made up.

6 of 10

Why do you think this story has been made up?

7 of 10

“...enormous strands of macaroni that...spout out like a fountain” (page 17, The Macaroni Forest).�In this sentence, what is the growth of the ‘macaroni’ compared to?�

8 of 10

Why do the strands of macaroni bend down? �Use words which you have learned about force and movement.

9 of 10

Do you think there is a lot of macaroni left on the forest floor for the harvesters to collect? What information from the text supports your answer?

10 of 10

On page 19, it says that the plastic bags need to be sealed. Why do you think it is important to seal the bags?