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Required Materials

Recommended Materials


Schilke 51c4 Trombone Mouthpiece - by 8th grade, your face, teeth, and lips have changed since getting your 4th grade mouthpiece - this mouthpiece will better match your facial structure and help with tone and higher notes

PAMPET Practice Mute (trombone ONLY) - for students who feel uncomfortable practicing at home/are in a living situation where practicing isn’t allowed




Conn Helleberg Tuba Mouthpiece - recommended if you don’t own your own mouthpiece yet

ALL students must have a tuner and metronome (smartphone apps are fine!) and a music stand at home

8th Grade Low Brass

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Things to Consider:

  • Required materials include basic instrument care items and lesson books. Students MUST have these at school each day.
  • If purchasing required items is a financial constraint, call or email me - LMS + AHS have lesson books and care items we can loan your student.
  • I’ve provided links to purchase items on Amazon, but many of these items can be purchased locally, at either Paul Effman Music (by AHS) or D&M Music (Pleasant Valley).
  • D&M Music delivers to LMS every Friday, if travel is an issue!

If you have any questions about item specifics, ask your student or me!