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Sekai • Retail Shop

Buying shoes with Sekai

Third party Google Assistant App

| Confidential and Proprietary

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Introduction & content

This document presents a canonical example of a third-party retail store (a fictional third party called Sekai) using facilitated payments with the Google Assistant.

This deck presents a workflow for ordering and checking out with Google-facilitated payments.

This example flow shows unique details for:

  • Changing form of payment

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Samuel is passing time glancing at his phone and decides to buy some shoes…

| Confidential and Proprietary

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<Alright, here’s Sekai>

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TIP: Greet your visitors and get them engaged. Ask what they need and offer a few chips to get them started.

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<<Hi, welcome to Sekai. You're looking for sneakers. is that right?>>

Spoken response (TTS)

Hi, welcome to Sekai. You're looking for sneakers, is that right?

TIP: Chat bubbles can be a slightly shorter version of the dialog, without cutting out anything essential.

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<<Alright, let me see what I have for you.>>

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Building a cart

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<<Okay, I found 5 pairs. The most popular ones are from Garson. Would you like me to check your size in any of these?>>

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<<OK, what size?>>

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TIP: Be prepared to respond to common issues in a conversational manner.

For example, be prepared to offer a suggestion when you're out of a certain size or color, or invite users to sign up to be notified when the item is back in stock.

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<<Size 10, got it. Anything else, or are you ready to check out?>>

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<<Sure. To do that, I’ll just need the address. Can I get that from Google?>>

Request delivery address

TIP: When requesting user info, like their address, let them know why you are asking and how it will benefit them.

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Prefix added by Sekai retail store:

To calculate your total with shipping,

Text from the API template:

I’ll just need the address. Which one can I get from Google?

Request delivery address

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Place order

<<Here’s your order summary. Your total is $75. Are you ready to place the order?>>

Prefix added by Sekai retail store:

Got it.

Text from the API template:

Here’s your order summary. The total is $86.25. Are you ready to place the order?

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Place order

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TIP: Google handles purchase authorization based on the user's settings (if needed, our risk assessment could kick off an additional step like a CVV request).

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<<OK, you're all set. Your receipt is on the way.>>

TIP: After the payment is complete, be sure to email a receipt and an order confirmation. It's important that users understand that you are the merchant of record, and will follow up with all details about the order, not Google.

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TIP: This receipt card serves as a condensed record of the recently placed order.

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  • Changing form of payment

| Confidential and Proprietary

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Change payment method

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Change payment method

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Change payment method

TIP: Note that the order summary is built with the data you pass via the API. The "Pay with Google" label helps users understand that Google facilitated the payment.

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Change payment method

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<<Alright, which payment method do you want to use?>>

Change payment method

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Change payment method

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Change payment method

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<<Your Visa ending in 2 3 4 5, got it. Are you ready to place the order?>>

Change payment method

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Change payment method

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Change payment method

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Change payment method • Place order