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Video Game Tinder

The Second Swipe (™)

Swiping left and right on your video game favs

the panel

Kenneth Shepard (he/him)

Kate Sánchez (she/her)

Jenny Windom (she/her)

Ben Starr (he/him)

Anya Combs (she/her)

the host

Eric Van Allen (he/him)

additional jokes c/o

John Carson

Jesse Vitelli

Cameron Hawkins

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Well, well, well, look who's back

  • It's time for another round of VG Tinder, because the last one didn't get us bann- I mean, was a rousing success
  • Before we lay out the ground rules, everyone introduce yourselves

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So, what is this again?

  • It's Video Game Tinder!
  • Our panel will vote to swipe left or right on a variety of fake Tinder profiles I've concocted for real video game characters

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Why are you doing this… again?

  • To explore the depths of attachment generated by compelling video game writing and characters?
  • To celebrate the enriching culture around positive fandom and the collective joy there-in?
  • To laud the work of every developer who poured blood, sweat and tears into making memorable heroes, villains, companions and more?
  • Yes to all that, but also

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The rules!

  • The panel has not seen any cards I've prepared
  • They will have to vote and determine: swipe left or right?
  • The audience is allowed, even encouraged, to judge them
  • Please hoot and / or holler as you wish, whenever you feel like it.
  • Even right now!
  • Man, someone seriously cheered for rules…
  • I do not own or lay claim to any of these characters and for legal reasons this is all parody please don't tell Nintendo they're here this year and WILL find me

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Now it's your turn!

Please line up at the mics to offer any potential Tinder candidates!

Keep it civil

Don't nominate bad weird, only good weird

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Thanks for attending!