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Embedded Librarians: Research Support for Online Students

Kristen Cinar, Ammerman Librarian

Jenny Farquhar, Ammerman Librarian

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What is embedded librarianship?

“The establishment of a library presence in a virtual learning space” (Frederiksen and Phelps 3)

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Benefits of a library presence

in online courses

  • Levels the playing field by providing equivalent access to resources for students in synchronous and asynchronous courses.
  • Enables instructors to devote more time to course content and less time to assisting with research issues
  • Enables students to contact a real person for help with research
  • Introduces/reinforces information literacy skills

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Best Practices

  • Clear communication between librarian and course instructor
  • Program level determination of which courses would best benefit from information literacy instruction
  • Clear link between research tools and research assignment
  • Instruction/resources provided at “point-of-need”
  • Incentivize student use of research tools
  • Avoid overwhelming students with resources
  • Assessment through instructor feedback, student surveys, librarians’ observations, etc.
  • Awareness of staffing limitations

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Video of Personal Librarian

  • Mimics a warm greeting one might receive when experiencing a face-to-face interaction
  • Helps students view the librarian as a valuable part of their course and someone they can trust and interact with

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Live Chat

  • Provide remote, real-time reference assistance each hour the library is open
  • Email students a transcript of the session to help guide them in the future

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Weekly email messages

  • Informative research tips
  • Tutorials
  • Research goal announcements that correspond with each stage of the course lesson plan
  • Invitations or reminders to contact the librarian with research issues as the semester progresses

Tuesday Tip: Did you know that you can browse our eBook collection by subject?

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Librarian moderating group discussion

  • Launching research related threads would allow students to receive prompt feedback from the librarian and discussion comments from their classmates
  • Librarians could quickly detect and address any shortcomings in student research preparedness
  • Students would benefit from project-specific feedback, as opposed to broader library workshop assignments

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LibGuides, Tutorials, Videos, Database Search Widgets etc.

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Additional Resources