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We Came Together Now What?

Fatih Degirmenci, Ericsson Melvin Hillsman, Huawei Robyn Bergeron, Red Hat

@fdegir @mrhillsman @robynbergeron

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  • We all do CI/CD
    • mostly limited to our communities’ context
  • We all work on solving similar challenges
    • generally on our own
  • We know there are lots of great ideas out there
    • haven’t been talking to each other much
  • We believe in collaboration
    • happening but we need more

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The point

  • Break the barriers
  • Work together as one big happy community
  • Enable smooth flow of software from commit to user
  • Do cool things!

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What about the tools?

  • Many available
    • Gerrit, Github, Gitlab, Jenkins, Zuul, Spinnaker, Nexus, Artifactory
  • They help us to do what we need
    • design, develop, build, test, deliver, visualize, automate, collaborate
  • They should not dictate what we can achieve and how
    • We choose and use them as needed to help us move forward together

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By the way, who is “we”?

We currently consist of the folks who attended a CICD/Infra F2F Workshop in LA, California, prior to the Open Networking Summit.

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By the way, who is “we”?

More than just theory. Pragmatic goals and themes to always consider as a community of practitioners.

CNCF CrossCloudCI


Operators and Developers of major CI systems/initiatives:

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What we achieved

  • Now we know each other better
  • We share similar concerns
  • There are lots of things we can share with each other
  • We have community contacts named
  • We identified key themes to start tackling

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Initial Key Themes

  • Vocabulary, Use Cases, Considerations, Constraints
  • Integrating CIs, Event Driven CI/CI Federation
  • Means and Types of Feedback, Visualization
  • Cross Community Test Strategy
  • Security

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What’s next?

  • Keep in touch
  • Continue bringing in new ideas, thoughts, concerns
  • Keep pushing!
  • Start trialing
  • Involve more communities

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Having a plan is good but is there anything real?

Making machines talk to each other!

Ω Γειά! Πώς είσαι?

啊,你好! 你好吗?

Oj Hej! Hur mår du?

Oh hi! Howdy?

Oh hi! Howdy?

Oh hi! Howdy?

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Having a plan is good but is there anything real?

Ω Γειά! Πώς είσαι?

啊,你好! 你好吗?

Oj Hej! Hur mår du?

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Get involved!

  • Mailing list, IRC, mattermost, gitlab, twitter
    • lists.openci.io
    • #openci on Freenode
    • gitlab.openci.io
    • mattermost.openci.io
  • Wiki, Etherpad, Ethercalc
    • (wiki|etherpad|ethercalc).openci.io

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OpenCI Collab Discussion

  • Face-to-face/round table collab discussions
    • May 23rd, 09:00 - 12:30
    • Room 302/303

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Thank you!