1 of 46

6th Grade Austens

Monday, March 19, 2018

2 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
    • Study using Quizlet for 5 minutes tonight.
  • Read 20 minutes

3 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Roots quiz, pronouns retest, reading check chapters 4-5
  • Review answers

  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Recall important details from the text.

4 of 46

6th Grade Austens

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

5 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
    • Study for 5 minutes using Quizlet
  • Read 20 minutes

6 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Read chapter 6 together.
  • If time allows, complete and discuss packet questions for chapters 4-6.

  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Cite textual evidence to support an analysis of the text.
  • Analyze a text.

7 of 46

6th Grade Austens

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

8 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
    • Study for 5 minutes using Quizlet.
  • Read 20 minutes

9 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Work on The Giver packet:
    • Complete dictionary detectives 4-6
    • Complete comprehension questions for chapters 4-6.
    • Dictionary detectives 7-9.
  • Consult reference materials to determine a word’s meaning.
  • Use context to determine the meaning of a word.
  • Annotate a text effectively while noting important details and events.

10 of 46

6th Grade Austens

Thursday, March 22, 2018

11 of 46


  • Roots test tomorrow (roots 1-25)
    • Study using Quizlet 15 minutes
  • Read for 15 minutes

12 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Analysis of chapters 1-6 (notes).
  • Correct packets for chapters 4-6.
  • Begin reading and annotating chapters 7-9 (The Giver).
  • Roots review game if time allows

  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.

13 of 46

6th Grade Austens

Friday, March 23, 2018

14 of 46


  • Finish reading and annotating chapters 7-9

15 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Roots test
  • Review answers
  • Finish reading and annotating chapters 7-9 of The Giver.
  • Analysis of chapters 7-9
  • If time allows, dictionary detectives chapters 10-12
  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Consult reference materials to determine the meanings of words.
  • Annotate a text carefully while analyzing important details and events.

16 of 46

6th Grade Shakespeares

Monday, March 19, 2018

17 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
  • Read 20 minutes

18 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Roots quiz
  • Review answers
  • Review mood, tone, diction, connotation, and denotation.
  • Continue reading and annotating Brown Girl Dreaming pages 43-92.
  • Work on writing assignment two in packet
  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Consider how diction affects mood and tone.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.

19 of 46

6th Grade Shakespeares

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

20 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
  • Finish reading and annotating pgs. 43-92 and packet questions if not completed in class.

21 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Continue reading and annotating Brown Girl Dreaming pgs. 43-92.
  • Work on writing assignment two in packet

  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Consider how diction affects mood and tone.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.

22 of 46

6th Grade Shakespeares

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

23 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
  • Read 20 minutes

24 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Analysis and review answers to packet for part two of Brown Girl Dreaming.
  • Turn in graded packet questions.
  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Consider how diction affects mood and tone.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.

25 of 46

6th Grade Shakespeares

Thursday, March 22, 2018

26 of 46


  • Roots test tomorrow (roots 1-25)
  • Read 20 minutes

27 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Roots review
  • Forms of poetry and practice
  • Identify different types of poetry.
  • Identify rhyme scheme in a poem.
  • Express thoughts and feelings through poetry.
  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.

28 of 46

Types of Poetry

29 of 46

6th Grade Shakespeares

Friday, March 23, 2018

30 of 46


  • Finish reading and annotating pages 93-138 in Brown Girl Dreaming and complete packet questions (writing assignment 3)

31 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Roots test
  • Review answers to roots test
  • Read and annotate pages 93-138 in Brown Girl Dreaming and complete packet questions
  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.

32 of 46

6th Grade Tolkiens

Monday, March 19, 2018

33 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
  • Read 20 minutes

34 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Roots quiz
  • Review answers
  • Literature circles
  • Discuss answers to packet questions for writing assignment one.
  • Begin reading and annotating pages 43-92 if time allows.
  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Effectively collaborate with peers by asking questions and sharing my own thoughts and insights.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.

35 of 46

6th Grade Tolkiens

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

36 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
  • Read 20 minutes

37 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Review diction, connotation, and denotation.
  • Continue reading and annotating Brown Girl Dreaming pgs 43-92.
  • Work on writing assignment two in packet

  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Consider how diction affects mood and tone.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.

38 of 46

6th Grade Tolkiens

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

39 of 46


  • Roots test Friday (roots 1-25)
  • Finish reading and annotating Brown Girl Dreaming pages 43-92.

40 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Forms of poetry and practice
  • Roots review
  • Finish reading and annotating Brown Girl Dreaming pages 43-92.
  • Work on writing assignment two in packet

  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Consider how diction affects mood and tone.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.

41 of 46

6th Grade Tolkiens

Thursday, March 22, 2018

42 of 46


  • Roots test tomorrow (roots 1-25)
  • Read 20 minutes

43 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Analysis and review answers to packet for writing assignment two of Brown Girl Dreaming.
  • Turn in graded packet questions.

  • Consider how diction affects mood and tone.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.

44 of 46

6th Grade Shakespeares

Friday, March 23, 2018

45 of 46


  • Read 30 minutes

46 of 46


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Roots test
  • Review answers to roots test
  • Begin reading and annotating pages 93-138 in Brown Girl Dreaming and complete packet questions
  • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Consider how diction affects mood and tone.
  • Analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning.
  • Identify figurative language in poetry.