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CNCF TOC Meeting

Mar 15 2017

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LF Antitrust Policy Notice

CNCF meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws.

Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at CNCF meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy. If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.


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Meeting Logistics

Time: Mar 15 340PM-510PM (Pacific)


Conference Number: +1-415-579-0198 No Pin Needed


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TOC - Members Present Today












Note: TOC meetings shall require a quorum of two-thirds of the TOC total members to take a vote or make any decision. If a TOC meeting fails to meet the quorum requirement, discussions may proceed, however there shall be no voting or decisions.


Camille Fournier

Ken Owens

Jonathan Boulle

Solomon Hykes

Elissa Murphy

Brian Grant

Bryan Cantrill

Benjamin Hindman

Alexis Richardson

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  • Standard Agenda
    • Berlin Roll Call & Projects F2F
    • WG: Networking
    • Special Projects: AWS Marketplace
    • Community Presentations: Heron and Containerd and Rkt

  • AOB
    • Marketing
    • Events
    • Reminders
    • Next Time


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Berlin Roll Call

Who will be at CloudNativeCon/KubeCon? (doc)

Main CNCF Events for 2017:

Sponsorships open: sponsor@cncf.io


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Berlin Projects TOC F2Fs

Goal: discuss "how" we on TOC can review projects, what we want to know, how we can help!

In Berlin we have organised two “meet the TOC” sessions

  • Prometheus - Alexis, Jon
  • Kubernetes - Brian, Ken
  • ANY Others? TBD

Also note: SIGs & WGs & Hackfest

→ Any volunteers / suggestions?


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WG: CI & Networking Updates


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Special Project: AWS Marketplace

Use Case:

Put free & open source AMIs in AWS Marketplace

  • Open source projects need to package & distribute software
  • There is demand for software that is packaged for AWS, using AMIs
  • AWS Marketplace is infrastructure to publish and promote AMIs to AWS users, but the Marketplace requires an org to act as publisher - traditionally this has been a vendor

  • Proposed Solution: For CNCF projects, CNCF is able to act as publisher for community AMIs
  • Same vendor-neutrality as CNCF projects eg. Kubernetes AWS-SIG is used to agree code & release plan for an OSS AMI and supporting AWS marketplace docs, with CNCF licensing (ASL2, CC)
  • To pilot this, CNCF is signing up as a ‘seller’ for Kube AMIs. AWS is supportive of trying the approach.
  • Follow up via Kube AWS-SIG channels please.
  • If successful, any CNCF community could use this facility in future


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Special Projects: No Update Today

Documentation - see next slide


Cloud Native Storage Patterns (RFC doc) - Alex Chircop - more feedback plz

(See also Marketing in AOB section of this deck)

Not today...

- Governance: See scratchpad and (see https://github.com/kubernetes/community/pull/286)

- Certification (launched by Dan at Kubecon Nov 2016)

- Ref Arch (done) & Landscape (v 0.9.2, https://github.com/cncf/landscape)


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Heron Redux (Karthik)

  • Started in 2013 at Twitter
    • Sanjeev and Karthik
  • Motivated by several issues with Apache Storm
    • Inability to debug/tune/resource reservation
    • Several GC incidents
  • Open sourced May 25, 2016 (see blog post)
  • Apache 2.0 License


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Heron: Community

  • 1816 commits
  • 60 contributors
  • 2620 github stars
  • 1118 pull requests - 25 open
  • 213 open issues
  • Production at Twitter > 2.5 years
  • Production at WeChat, Fitbit, Google, Microsoft, ndustrial


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Heron: Key Features

  • Fully API compatible with Apache Storm
  • Task isolation
  • Developer productivity
  • Ease of manageability
  • Use of mainstream languages C++/Java/Python
  • Kubernetes support planned (see github)


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Heron: Architecture


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Heron Papers

  • Twitter Heron: Towards Extensible Streaming Engines (with Microsoft) - ICDE 2017
  • Streaming@Twitter - IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin - Dec 2015
  • Twitter Heron - Streaming@Scale - SIGMOD 2015 (more than 25,000 downloads)


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Heron + CNCF

  • Heron seeks a neutral foundation to grow the contributor community
  • Desire to integrate with CNCF projects such as k8s + take advantage of CNCF services such as events, cluster and so on!
  • Inception level project


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Community Presentation: containerd

What is containerd�containerd in the container ecosystem�containerd architecture�containerd community�Why CNCF


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containerd: What is a Core Container Runtime?

Component that provides core primitives to manage containers on a host

  • Container execution and supervision
  • Image distribution
  • Networking
  • Local storage
  • Native plumbing level API


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containerd’s role in Container Ecosystem


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containerd 1.0 planned for Q2 2017


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containerd community



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containerd community


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why CNCF?

Alignment with CNCF goals

  • cloud native: container packaged, dynamically managed, micro-services oriented
  • containerd’s goal is to be a great core container runtime for cloud native systems

Alignment with CNCF projects

  • uses GRPC, exposes metrics in Prometheus format
  • designed to be a great replacement for Docker as Kubernetes CRI implementation


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The pod-native container runtime for Linux

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rkt - a short history

  • 2014/12: development started, project announced
  • 2016/01: stable 1.0
  • 2017/03: diverse user base relying on it for production workloads�
  • Original motivations:
    • Drive competition in container engine technology
    • Provide a pod-native, composable runtime
    • Spur the conversation around container standards
      • appc image/runtime specifications (today: OCI)


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rkt - today

  • By the numbers:
    • ~180 contributors, maintainers from CoreOS, Kinvolk, Intel
    • ~25 releases since 1.0, ~fortnightly* cadence
    • ~6800 🌟s, ~5200 commits, ~2200 merged PRs on GitHub

  • Integrations (more):
    • System tooling: cadvisor, systemd, <existing supervisors>
    • Orchestrators: Kubernetes, Nomad, <bespoke>
    • Technologies: ClearContainers, Docker images, OCI, gRPC


*en_US speakers: this means every two weeks

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rkt - how it works

  • CLI tool, following Unix process model
    • pods as self-contained processes
    • Works well with systemd (logging, process lifecycle, etc)
  • Staged architecture with pluggable execution backends
    • re-uses: systemd-nspawn / lkvm / qemu-kvm / runc
    • customizable: stable and documented interface
  • External network management
    • simple plugins model (CNI)
  • Scheduling/orchestration delegated to external tools


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rkt - how it works, visualised

rkt (stage0)

pod (stage1)

Invoking process

app1 (stage2)

app2 (stage2)

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rkt - how it works, visualised (part 2)

rkt (stage0)

pod (stage1) systemd-nspawn/qemu/...

Invoking process bash/systemd/kubelet/...

app1 (stage2) systemd.unit/runc

app2 (stage2) systemd.unit/runc



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rkt compared to other container projects

vs Docker Engine?

  • self-contained process (not daemon-oriented), narrower scope

vs containerd?

  • Linux-focused, not RPC-based, no shims/reapers

vs runc, systemd-nspawn, qemu?

  • higher level (uses them internally); adds pod-semantic and images

vs Kubernetes?

  • no orchestration, focused on lower-level runtime tasks


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rkt and containerd

  • Competitive, but compatible
    • Shared surfaces: OCI, CNI, CRI
    • Shared libraries: storage? locking? TBD
  • Very different philosophies/architectures
    • Pod-oriented vs. app-oriented
    • Process model vs. daemon model

Standards are most effective when there are multiple, independent implementations with different architectures �(HTTP => httpd, nginx; OCI etc. => containerd, rkt)


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rkt - why CNCF?

  • Container execution is a core part of cloud-native!�
  • A neutral, respected home for the project�
  • Seeking help with community building and engagement�
  • Fostering interoperability with Kubernetes, OCI, containerd


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AOB / Reminders

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CTA to help with messaging / positioning - talk to Mark Coleman please, via Marketing list here

Please also keep up discussions on TOC list, see eg multiple threads from Feb 2017 here

Webinar last week, Alexis personal perspective of cloud native & why useful for weaveworks; slides here


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Main CNCF Events for 2017:

  • Sponsorships open: sponsor@cncf.io


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Upcoming CNCF Sponsored Events

  • CNCF is sponsoring and helping program content at the following events. We have travel funding available for TOC members (and possibly others) who would be willing to travel:
    • OpenStack Kubernetes Day, Boston, 5/2
    • Open Source Summit, Tokyo, 5/31-6/2
      • And co-located Automotive Linux Summit
    • LinuxCon ContainerCon CloudOpen, Beijing, 6/19-20

Please email dan@linuxfoundation.org and kschultz@linuxfoundation.org


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  • Last meeting slides on 3/1/2017
  • Meeting Cadence Reminder
    • First and third Wednesday of every month
    • Calls without TOC quorum will still be used to review issues
  • Next Meeting: 4/5/2017


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Reminder: Reference Architecture

End User Reference Architecture voted* through (big thank you to Ken & co.)

CNCF End user reference architecture

Please go ahead and USE the material!

Contribute: https://github.com/cncf/landscape

�Example: Redpoint/CNCF Landscape https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/landscape/master/landscape/CloudNativeLandscape_v0.9.2.jpg


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Projects: Pipeline

  • libStorage (storage API) → Storage WG
  • NATS (pubsub)
    • TOC sponsor: Alexis Richardson (working on project proposal and legal issues moving to ASLv2)
  • Minio (storage / more maturity in terms of adoption needed; will be discussed later)
  • OpenZipkin (need to reach out and needs more discussion)
  • CockroachDB (distributed SQL DB)
  • GitLab


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Thank You