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I.I.S. «Marconi-Guarasci»

Economic Technical School

(SIA- Sistemi Informativi Aziendali)

Rogliano (Cosenza) Italy

Teacher Rosa Marincola

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  • The School

  • Rogliano (town)

  • Calabria (Region)

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The School

Institute "Antonio Guarasci", entitled roglianese to the illustrious political man, first President of the Region Calabria, is articulated in two addresses: scientific high school and economic technical institute. The school is installed in a town context that introduces evident cultural, sanitary and economic priorities in comparison to the countries of the Savuto’s valley. Rogliano, for inhabitants, it is, in fact, the most populous commune, with an active economic life. Centers of aggregation don't miss, what cultural and social circles, volunteer associations, sporting structures, syndical, etc. The school, in this context, he/she answers to his/her cultural, formative and civic function which has called from the Constitution and from the emergent needs in breast to the social transformations to which the young people are submitted.

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Rogliano is a town of 6000 inhabitants located about twenty Kilometers South of Cosenza, well connected with the Main Roads, railways and airports in the region. Center of gravity of the Valle del Savuto (River Flowing in the territory), located on the hills rich in fruit trees and vineyards, this city has always been the main point of reference for Social Activities, Economic and Cultural Rights of the district. Art village for the work of His workers, Rich Documents, Ideal place for the presence of schools, museums, banks, state institutions and public interest offices, hotels and restaurants, Antica Rullianum (the roll) or Rublanum (the reddish) Today is Above Place of Shops and Trade, handicraft (wrought iron, ceramics, wood, leather), and the link between the plateau of Sila, the coasts of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the province of Cosenza and Catanzaro. The old urban layout (a Horseshoe) and divided into districts, each with its own A parish church, a square with a fountain, a noble palace, one beside the other. The Rogliano origins are not entirely clear and its foundation more assumptions are made. Some want very ancient, dating back to the people of Ausoni, others to Enotri, others will place its origins in Roman times, and still others to flee as a result of Cosenza Saracen invasion of Cosenza. The origin by Ausoni said that Sabasio son of Hur time Ausoni founded the city, and called Sabasio and gave the same name to the river that flowed nearby, such as use of the ancients, the actual river Savuto, a name that will bring throughout 'Latin era (Subbatium), from which corruption will become Sabbath, another name of the Savuto. Later, oenotrus, founder of Enotri, arrived at the scene to take over the city, the king invited him to lunch Ausoni, and during the banquet had him killed and hack, then from that place was called Tavolaria.

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Conquered the territory, oenotrus went up the mountain and in a high place, at the foot of Mount Holy Cross built the new city, Rublanum, the reddish, name deriving from a red marble erected by the Enotri in the heart of the forest, as an idol to the goddess Diana. later, the city continued its existence for many centuries, until the arrival of Cosenza that repopulated the existing Rogliano. Other scholars argue that probably Rogliano arose after the Saracen invasion of Cosenza and not previously existed, as in the case of most of the houses of Presila Cosentina and Alto Savuto. In 1181 the town was destroyed by a terrible earthquake and was rebuilt in the current site, previously was located further downstream, in the St. Nicholas area. The first evidence of roglianese administrative life dates back to 1443, when it is described as one of the twenty baglive of Cosenza, including the Criti houses, Casale Grande and Le Marche, with a population of 367 fires (families). In 1519 he was born the Blessed Bernardo da Rogliano, aka Leonardo Militia, founder of the Monastery of Colloreto. The March 27, 1638 Rogliano was destroyed by the great earthquake of Palm Sunday of 1638, which resulted in one Rogliano 1208 victims. Following the 1638 earthquake Rogliano take note conformation Horseshoe growing on the five hills above the valley: Monte Santa Croce, Serra, Spani, Donnanni and Cuti. In the sixteenth century and in later centuries developed in roglianese the famous school of stonemasons and carvers of Rogliano, from which descend following other known schools of Calabria. June 3, 1745, Charles II, son of Philip V granted the title of city in Rogliano, with the ability to boast of such a definition. In 1807 he broke away from Rogliano the house Li Marzi, becoming the autonomous municipality of Marzi. In 1854 a new earthquake struck the area and since then the village will take over as patron saint, the Immaculate Virgin.

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Calabria is one of the oldest regions of Italy. Millions of years ago it was part of the continent Tirrenide, which sank into the sea in the Tertiary Period. From the Archipelago it was made up of three islands and a larger peninsula which attached it to the massive Pollino. Calabria was invested with alluviums which covered its interior water bodies with a mantell of sediment, until eventually forming the current plains of: S. Eufemia, Corace, Sibari, Crati and Mesima. Later on, erosion and a slow process of a rising coastline resulted in the phenomenon of terracing, until reaching, in some points of the Aspromonte, the thousand meter mark. Today Calabria is a narrow penninsula approximately 250 km long, with no point in the territory more that 50 km from the coast. The mountain system stretches from its border with Basilicata to the strait of Messina, and land surface lying less than 200 meters above sea-level represents only 9% of the territory. The presence of humans in this region dates back to the first phases of antiquity, and around 700,000 years before Christ a type of Homo Erectus evolved leaving many traces of lithic industry spread along some coastal areas. �The arrival of the Ice-Age and the Riss-Glacier swept every trace of human life from the isolette that constituted Calabria. Humans returned to Calabria in the Mid-Paleolithic Period, leaving traces throughout, and during the Stone-Age created, in the Cave of Romito, in the town of Papasidero, "the most majestic and joyous expression of Paleolithic Realism in the Mediterranean", the "Bos Primigenius", a figure of a bull on a cliff which dates back 12,000 years. When the Neolithic Revolution came, man changed from hunter to farmer (agriculture), and founded the first villages, around 3,500 B.C., becoming numerous in Calabria. During the Iron-Age new people came to Calabria, and around 1500 B.C.  the prehistoric phase ended. Greeks arrived in large masses on the coasts and founded colonies that soon became rich and powerful, and truly merited the name "Magna Graecia." 

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The region was called Saturnia, Ausonia, Enotria, Tirrenia, Esperia and finally Italy. In fact, before the Romans conquered and unified its [the peninsula's] many regions under one dominion the inhabitants of the southern part of Calabria were called Italians. The name, Italy extended from the south, northward, until identifying the entire peninsula by the time of Augustus, in 42 A.D.Numerous and infinite traces of Greek and Roman culture were left on the Calabrese territory, even if today's Calabresi are not fully aware of the history and cannot fully appreciate the value of this ancient heritage. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Calabriaremained, for centuries, under the domination of the Byzantines, though Arabs and Lombards tried in vain to conquer the entire territory. �The Normans arrived around 1000 A.D., and created the Kingdom of the South. After the Normans came the Swabians. In the regions of the south, Federico II created one of the most civilized nations in the world, the famous Kingdom of the Sun, a place to encounter a variety of cultures and civilizations: Western, Islamic and the Greek-Orthodox... In 1250 Federico died and the reign fell into the hands of the Angioini, who created an "iron-fisted" feudal system to control the subjects and the territory. The Angioini were followed by the Aragonese, Spanish, Austrians and Bourbons, and during these periods the population withdrew to the mountains and highlands, provoked by malaria, as well as numerous pirate raids along the coast, first by Saracens and then Turks. This phenomenon created an internal and external isolation, with population centers of the highlands and the valleys unable to communicate, and with impassable roads during the winter season. When Italy was unified in 1861, Calabria had only one road that crossed it from the north to Reggio in the south; the railroad was nonexistent and 90% of the towns had no internal or external roads. Only the effort of the national government and fascism contributed to breaking this isolation. And today, changes in social and economic conditions have resulted in a radical change of direction. Because of tourism, many population centers are situated along the marine coasts and are becoming more important than their highland counterparts. But this has also created problems: land and construction speculation have ruined the landscape in many places, and the dispersion of the population has caused a loss of heritage and cultural traditions that the Calabresi past has marked.