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Taxonomy: �Classification of Life

Class notes

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Taxonomy Vocab: Use Chapter 18 (p.509)

Taxonomy�Prokaryotic�Eukaryotic�Phylogeny�Taxa / Taxon�Binomial Nomenclature�Cladogram (phylogenetic tree)�Carolus Linnaeus�

Domain�Kingdom�Phylum�Class�Order�Family �Genus�Species

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Classify the following items into �2 large categories…

Then, smaller subcategories…

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Classify these items into different groupings…

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What is Classification?

  • Classification: arrangement of organisms into groupings based on their similarities.
  • Classification = Taxonomy
  • Taxonomists are scientists that identify & name organisms.

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Carl Linnaeus

  • 18th century taxonomist
  • Classified organisms by their structure
  • Developed binomial nomenclature (used today!)
    • Two-word name (Genus & species)

“Father of


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Taxonomic Groups (Taxons)


Did Ken Pour Coffee On Fran’s Good Shirt?





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  • a group of organisms that can reproduce and have fertile offspring (their offspring can reproduce too).
  • NOTE: variation within a species – are a

Chihuahua and a St. Bernard members of

the same species?

    • YES! Species Canis familiaris, all dogs belong to this species…
    • Horse and donkey ➔ mule ➔ infertile (sterile) ➔ not considered the same species.

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Binomial Nomenclature


  • two-word system of naming
  • Genus species

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Bison priscus Steppe bison

Ursus maritimus Polar bear

Ursus americanus luteolus

Louisiana black bear

Tamias speciosus Lodgepole chipmunk

Eutamias quadrimaculatus Long-eared chipmunk

Panthera leo


Panthera onca


Felis catus

House cat

Ursus arctos

Brown bear


Identify the Genus term, the species identifier, and the common name. Which organisms are closely related? How do you know?

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Taxonomic Key / Dichotomous Key

  • Used to identify organisms
  • Consist of paired statements, describing characteristics of the organism (yes or no)
    • Start with the organism…
    • Read both characteristics and apply them to that organism only

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Taxonomic / Dichotomous Key

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Phylogenetic Tree

  • Shows the evolutionary relationships
  • Shows common ancestor

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Common Ancestor�Think about it…

  • Species that share many characteristics – are believed to share common ancestor species

  • More similarities ➔ more recent the species evolved from a common ancestor.

  • Fewer similarities ➔ further back the two species shared a common ancestor.

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Domain Eukarya





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Domain Archaea

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Domain Bacteria

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Domain Eukarya�Kingdom Protista

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Domain Eukarya�Kingdom Fungi

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Domain Eukarya�Kingdom Plants

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Domain Eukarya�Kingdom Animals

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3 Domains

  • Broadest, Broader than kingdom!
  • 3 domains
    • Archaea (Archaebacteria)
    • Eubacteria

  • Eukarya
    • more complex (have nucleus and membrane-bound organelles)


unicellular prokaryotes

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Domain Archaebacteria

  • Live in harsh environments
  • volcanic hot springs, high salt environments (lakes or seas)
    • Prokaryotic – no nucleus
    • Many grow only in environments without oxygen
    • Unicellular


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Domain Eubacteria

    • unicellular
    • Prokaryotic
    • Most Heterotrophic
    • Disease producing bacteria


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Domain Eukarya: �Divided into 4 Kingdoms

  • Protista (protozoans, algae…)
  • Fungi (mushrooms, yeasts …)
  • Plantae (multicellular plants)
  • Animalia (multicellular animals)


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Kingdom Protista

  • Most are unicellular (some multi-cellular)
  • Eukaryotic Cells
  • Protozoa - Animal like protists – Motile, Heterotrophic
  • Algae - Plant like protists –unicellular or simple multicellular organisms, carry out photosynthesis


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Protists: �Amoeba & Paramecium

  • Common in ponds & streams
  • They are protists ➔ carry out their life processes within a single cell.


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Kingdom Fungi

  • Parasites: live off other living things
  • Decomposers: breakdown dead matter
  • Some are unicellular = Yeast
  • most are multicellular = molds, mushrooms
  • Heterotrophic!!
  • Cell walls made of chitin


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Kingdom Plantae

  • Mosses, ferns, seed plants, trees
  • Autotrophic → photosynthesis
    • chloroplasts
  • Multicellular
  • Cell walls made of cellulose


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Kingdom Animalia

  • More species in Animalia than in any other kingdom.
  • Multicellular
  • Most animals can move from place to place on their own (motile, locomotion)
  • Obtain their food from the environment = Heterotrophs!


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Kingdom Animalia

  • Invertebrates – no backbone
    • Sponges, worms, and insects
  • Vertebrates – have a backbone
    • Fish, snakes, and humans
  • Sexual reproduction is more common than asexual reproduction.


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  • Animal kingdom
    • Phylum Chordata
      • Class Mammalia (mammals)

  • Mammals nourish their young with milk.
  • Their bodies are covered with fur or hair.
  • Many have well-developed brains.
