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Also: here’s a fair warning that HCPS has been proven to punish for this, and you may be suspended for showing the image- even if it is just showing behind you on a TV.

Understand the risks (suspension) of doing this.

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If you would like to host this protest in your own class, you can do so in a few ways:

  • A simple way (which also works well if you are using an HCPS-issued laptop), is to place a secondary device in view of the webcam (like a phone). For the best viewability, try and have it as large as possible in the camera view.
  • If you would like to go the virtual camera route (that only works on non-hcps laptops), you can do so by installing OBS, OBS-VirtualCam, and then downloading these slides and placing them in as an Image Slideshow

Setup instructions are on slides 2-3

Feel free to share this as you wish using the url protest.kvizdos.com

Get the protest slides here: protest.kvizdos.com

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Instructions for HCPS-issued laptops

Because HCPS-issued laptops do not allow for external programs to be installed, you are unable to do a proper virtual webcam. However, there are still ways.

One of the best ways, if you are able, is to position your webcam in such a way that a secondary screen is visible with the slides actively rotating. Remember, there is nothing in the HCPS guidelines that states you must be in the frame.

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Using your own device

After some research, the best way to accomplish this on your own device is to install OBS and VirtualCam. Once you get both of those installed, add a new “Browser” source with the URL pointing to:


Finally, change your Teams webcam to “OBS Cam” and you’re all set.


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"Please turn off your camera or I’ll need to kick you out of class."

I understand that you will be forced to kick me out of class for expressing my 1st Amendment rights, even though there are no rules against what I am currently doing.


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"My biggest concern is that if I allow one person to say their mind, that means everyone will be able to do it."

This is a form of peaceful, non-disruptive protest. The Student Code of Conduct does not block this, nor does the rule against Teams virtual backgrounds, because this is not a virtual background. If other people want to make slides, they are allowed to do this same thing. I just didn’t want to remain silent anymore and this is a safe way to protest.


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“Please turn off your camera.”

No. I have nothing against you or your class, however it is my right to protest. In 1969, Tinker ruled that students have the rights to free speech in public schools. Unlike Amy Coney Barrett, I know that protests are covered under the 1st Amendment. The slideshow is as PG as possible while still allowing the truth to be said. Also, this video is not a virtual background; instead, in all all technical sense, this is a webcam; therefor, no school rules are being broken.


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“Please turn off your camera.”- HCPS rules

From the Virtual Handbook for Parents and Students from HCPS:

Unlike Preschool through Grade 5, which states cameras should be on as appropriate, the high school version states:

  • Student cameras should be on as needed. Students will be encouraged to use a generic “virtual background” within Microsoft Teams determined by their teacher.
  • Control video and audio quality. This may include positioning your HCPS-issued tablet or computer close to an internet source, making sure windows or lamps/lights are not directly behind you, using headphones/earbuds, and muting your microphone when necessary


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“Please turn off your camera.” - ACLU

Also, the ACLU has protected student protests as long as they do not include: lewd and vulgar speech, threats to others, or speech that encourages drug use or illegal activity. This protest does not contain any of those elements. Also, I understand that I am not allowed to disrupt class, however this protest does not substantially disrupt the orderly operation of the school or create immediate dangers to any students to commit an act that is unlawful or in violation of school rules. The ACLU has also proved that I have the right to express my opinion at school, even if others don’t agree with what I’m saying. Finally, school officials may believe that this protest is too controversial, divisive, or in "bad taste," however they are still not allowed to censor my rights to free speech.


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“Please turn off your camera.”

Please produce the rule I am breaking and I will turn my camera off.

If you are unable to produce the rule, the camera feed will remain on; or, if you choose, you can kick me out of class, though it should be known that it would be censoring my First Amendment rights.


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“You’re distracting the class.”

The point of a protest is to attract attention to a certain topic. If a student feels like this is distracting, they can select More (or … depending on the platform) → Turn off incoming video. Personally, I do not believe I have the responsibility to shudder my voice to fit a couple of people. From the way I see it, I am non-disruptively protesting- just like I could in school- the only way I can. Virtually.

I would love to talk after class if there is still a problem. Let’s just not make more of a distraction by trying to get me to turn it off.


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The amount of racism and other facist-beliefs in the student body of public schools is still outstanding. Deep Run is not an exception. I personally feel the need to voice my opinion in a non-disruptive way, because I’m sick of doing nothing.

Also, as of 11/4/20 @ 8:41am, Short Pump voted 62% in favor of Trump. Shady Grove voted 65%.



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