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Abdominal Exercise: -Crunch with Fitball-

Bibliographical review

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-Abdominal work with fitball-

The fitball has been demonstrated as an effective method of training (Behm y col., 2002).

“The strengthening of the lumbo-abdominal muscles in unstable surface demands a major participation of the system of motive control in order to stabilize and to balance the trunk “

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-Normal Crunch VS Crunch with fitball-

Research: “Levels of activation in exercise of curl-up without device and with the utilization of fitball”. From Whiting and cols. (1999), Hildenbrand and cols., (2004).

The following table shows the muscular electrical activity of the exercise of crunch realized of two different forms:

- Traditional version (on the floor).

- With fitball.

The study concludes that the muscular activation of the abdominal zone is major if the exercise is realized with fitball.

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-Comparison of the exercise Crunch, executed of different forms.-

Research: Effects on muscular activation in the exercie of curl-up with different criteria of execution and stabilization”. Vera, FJ; Grenier, SG; McGuill, SM., (2000).

There were valued the possible effects of the above mentioned surfaces on the mechanical response - activity of the muscles of the abdominal wall. Using the exercise of curl-up in four situations (on stable bank, on fitball of 70 cm. With support of feet in the soil, on fitball and support of feet in a bank and on a bascule table).

“ The execution of the curl-up on stable bank gave place to the lowest extent of abdominal activity observed in any task.”

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  • With the destabilizing elements there exists a major activation of the abdominal musculature.
  • Exist a major participation of the system of motive control in order to stabilize and to balance the trunk.
  • Not recommended to inexpert subjects or patients with rachidial injuries.