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Community Building in Chorus

Hosted by Stephanie Riley

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Community Building in Chorus

  • Padlet intro
  • Why invest in community building?
    • Social Emotional
    • Musical Investment
    • Student Leadership
  • Activity ideas
    • When is the best time to incorporate?
  • Idea sharing (Padlet again!)

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So, why invest time into community building?

Social Emotional

  • Particularly in our time of remote and hybrid learning, we don’t necessarily get to see our students in person and don’t have the ability to check in one on one like we would normally get to do.
  • Builds trust between peers and between students and teacher.
  • Builds awareness.

Musical Investment

  • Field of Dreams-If you build it, they will come

Student Leadership

  • Future students have a positive example of what is expected of them
  • Internal supportive atmosphere

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  • BINGO!
  • Scavenger Hunts
  • Check ins on Padlet
    • Peach and Pit
  • Super Bowl National Anthem Bracket
    • Youtube Playlist
    • Bracket List
  • Flood of compliments
  • Trivia Time
  • Kahoot-These can be done in teams now!
  • Celebrations!
    • Seniors-college!
    • Birthdays

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Activities continued

  • Music Share
    • Designate one day a week/one student a week to share out a piece of music for a 10 minute time slot to listen and discuss as a class
  • Conductor of the week
    • Similar to music share, give students an opportunity to conduct the group once a week!
  • Ultimate Choral Mixtape
    • Have your students pick out their favorite pieces for a “mixtape”.
  • This or That
    • Could be completely musical or nonmusical
  • Escape Rooms!

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Share out time!

Post your ideas to the padlet that’s posted in the chat!

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Thank you!

Have ideas for future workshops or would like to run/host a workshop in the future? Please reach out to me!
