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Citizens Advisory Committee/Harbor Team

August 11, 2021

6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Virtual Meeting

Chair: Adam Lindquist

Join by Video: 

MS Teams Meeting Link

6:00 pm     

Convene: Welcome, Roll Call & Introductory Comments

  • Action: Approval of May 12 meeting summary

Adam Lindquist, Chair

6:10 pm

DMMP Mid-Year Report

Kristen Keene, MDOT MPA

6:30 pm

Fleming Park Beneficial Use Project

Larry Bannerman, Turner Station

Issac Hametz, Mahan Rykiel

6:50 pm

US Army Corps of Engineers Report

Trevor Cyran, USACE

7:00 pm

Committee Reports

  • Comments from the HMI Citizens Oversight Committee
  • Comments from the Masonville Citizens Advisory Committee
  • Comments from the Cox Creek Citizens Oversight Committee

Paul Brylske, Chair, HMI COC

Anita Kestel, Chair, MCAC

Gary Gakenheimer, Chair, CC COC

7:20 pm

Roundtable Remarks & Open Discussion

All Members

7:30 pm


  • Next Meeting: November 10

All meeting materials can be found

in this File Share Folder

Join by Phone: +1 443-409-5228

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