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The Odyssey by Homer ���The Odyssey Global Introductions/�Journal Topics

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# 1 Leadership

  • What are the characteristics of a good leader?

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#2 Journey’s Obstacles

  • Write a paragraph that tells of a journey (physical journey to a specific place like the beach/family vacation or a “journey” with understanding friendship, faith, athletics, the importance of family, etc.) you have taken. Describe something challenging or amazing that occurred. Describe any obstacles you encountered.

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#3 Tragic Flaw

  • One characteristic of an epic is that the protagonist has a tragic flaw (a personality flaw that causes the individual harm). What is Odysseus’ greatest fault based on our reading thus far?

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#4 Reunion

  • Imagine that you have been separated from a loved one for an extended amount of time (over 10 years). How would you feel if you were suddenly reunited with your loved one? What emotions would you have? What questions would you ask?

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# 5 Betrayal

Odysseus finally returns home only to find his land and house overrun by suitors. Imagine you are Odysseus or Penelope. How do you feel knowing that the men have betrayed you? How do you plan to respond? Power Verb Possibilities: challenges, compels, asserts, reflects, indicates.

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Impossible Obstacles

  • Obstacles-What makes an obstacle impossible to overcome? Use at least 2 of the following words: achieve, adapt, cease, challenge, contemplate, justify.

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  • Which is more difficult to overcome or resist-tempters or aggressors? Use at least 2 of the following words:covet, desire, transform, interact, oppose.

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Odysseus’ Leadership

  • What leadership characteristics have we seen in Odysseus’ character so far?

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Odysseus’ Leadership

  • Overall, was Odysseus a good or bad leader? Provide specific examples to defend your position: criticize, alter, cease, demonstrates, embody, transforms

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  • If you could change any part of the story, what would you change and why?

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Greek Culture

  • After reading The Odyssey, what seemed to be valued in Greek society and culture?