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MediaWiki User Survey

MediaWiki Stakeholders’ Group

Markus Glaser

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  • Insights for the movement
    • How is MediaWiki used?
    • What are the most pressing issues?
  • Insights for the group
    • What is our target audience?
    • What roles do they fulfill?
    • What is the state of the MediaWikis out there?
  • Outreach
    • Gather user contacts
    • Make us known to the target audience

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  • Google spreadsheet is good for small and quick surveys
  • Easy to set up
  • Gives you live data
  • Initial graphs and summary function

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Spreading the news ...

  • Key issue: how do we reach the relevant people?
    • Primary interaction is “Download MediaWiki”, users leave no trace
  • Strategy: distribute the link broadly at places users go to
    • Mailing lists: mediawiki-l, mediawiki-enterprise-l, wikitech-l, semediawiki-user
    • Websites: Wikiapiary, note on MW Download page
    • Twitter: #mediawiki
    • Personal social media accounts
  • We reached about 25.000 people (estimation).

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...and wait for responses

The tension is unbearable :)� By Mglaser (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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Result presentation

  • Presentation during Wikimania (pre-published version)
  • Online version on our homepage: http://mwstake.org/mwstake/wiki/MediaWiki_Usage_Report_2015
  • Various references in discussions and talks
  • Feed findings into a follow-up project: MediaWiki Wishlist
  • Still people do not know about it

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  • Pretest your questions
  • Figure out how to use the official Wikimedia channels
  • Have several channels to push this
  • Push the survey in waves
  • Track hits by using a short link service
  • Have realistic expectations about the number of responses (hits to response ratio was 10:1)
  • People are very willing to give qualitative input
  • Don’t be afraid to talk about the survey, people will find it very useful
  • There is already data out there. Put your data in place