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Android and iOS fundamentals

Sam King


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What we missed

  • Advanced threads
  • Lots and lots of OS-like abstractions
  • Professor’s challenge for your final project

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Administrative: schedule for next week

Monday: Security lecture -- experiences working on iOS security in industry

Wednesday: Guest lecture on Blockchain

    • If there is a guest lecture there will be a 0 question in-class quiz
    • If there isn’t a guest lecture then I’ll cancel class

Friday: Demo day

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Administrative: $1 lab fee due by Tuesday

Custom iOS app that you need to install via testflight

Scan the card with your camera

If you don’t have a credit card or an iOS device let me know. I’ll bring an iPad to class on Monday and I have an iPad today

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Final project and Demo grading

More details on Monday about what we’re expecting

Broadly, what we’re thinking (subject to change):

  • Code quality and app quality
  • Demo: your pitch
  • Demo: the magical experience/that one part of the app that adds value to your users
  • One really smooth and well designed flow. (could be the same as the magical experience)

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Final project and demo grading

Documentation will be lightweight and easy. We just want to have enough so that Zhiyi and I can figure out what’s going on and who did what.

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Demo day

Less formal “booth” style where you interact with each other

Each group will setup an area in the class to demo their app, location is important to make it easy for Zhiyi and I to go around

Make sure there is at least one group member at the booth at all times, others can (and should!) go around to see other apps

I’ll post a schedule where Zhiyi and I will spend 5 minutes with each group during the period

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How to give a demo

What problem are you solving and why is it important

Why are the current solutions insufficient

  • For this class it’s fine if your app isn’t novel, but you should know and comment on any existing apps that your copying

What is your solution and why is it better


  • For you, that is your app! Focus on your “magical” experience

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An example demo