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Today is: November 10th

Our Monthly Theme is: Mission and Vision

Welcome to the...

All Are Welcome Here!

Prelude music: ‘The Sounds of Silence’ (Simon and Garfunkel)

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Welcome to this place of possibility!

This is love's hearth, the home of hope,

a refuge for minds in search of truth

unfolding, ever beautiful, ever strange.

Here, compassion is our shelter,

freedom our protection

from the storms of bigotry and hate.

In this abode, may we find comfort and courage.

Here may our sight become vision

to see the unseen,

to glimpse the good that is yet to be.

— Marianne Hachten Cotter

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  • UU Southwest Women's Conference 2020; Feb 28 - Mar 3 (*blog) https://www.swuuw.org/
  • UUA or Touchstones sermons available for Services. Please pick one (usu. 15-20 min.) to present; you don't have to lead also -- See Hunter
  • To post an announcement, send an email to: uulalafellowship.announce@blogger.com with the title of the announcement in the subject, and the text of the announcement in the body of the email.
  • Major Handy house fire fund accepting donations (*blog)
  • Executive Committee Meeting minutes now available (*blog)

*Click the ’Announcements’ link at uulala.org for more info!


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November Services:

10 - Abigail Choisser - Touchstones Sermon

17 - Nel Hahn - Immigrant Detention Centers in Louisiana

24 - Kiera Frey: Hope in an Age of Ecological Despair

December Services:

1 - Ayla Reith: Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement


November Events:

12 - Public input for LUS planning South Regional Library, 6-8 pm

13 - Compassionate Lafayette, 1 pm

16 - Election day

16 - Reviving Resilient Landscapes workshop, 8-11 am; learn how to make your home’s landscape resilient; complementary plants

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Lighting the Chalice:


(say together)

With humility and courage born of our history, we are called as Unitarian Universalists to build the Beloved Community where all souls are welcome as blessings, and the human family lives whole and reconciled. With this vision in our hearts and minds, we light our chalice.

--UUA Leadership Council

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Hymn #121 We’ll Build a Land (to Mission)

We’ll build a land where we bind up the broken,

We’ll build a land where the captives go free,

where the oil of gladness dissolves all mourning.

Oh, we’ll build a promised land that can be!

Come build a land where sisters and brothers,

united in purpose may then create peace:

where justice shall roll down like waters,

and peace like an ever flowing stream.

We’ll build a land where we bring the good tidings

to all the afflicted and all those who mourn.

And we’ll give them garlands instead of ashes.

Oh, we’ll build a land where peace is born.

Come build a land where sisters and brothers,

united in purpose may then create peace:

where justice shall roll down like waters,

and peace like an ever flowing stream.

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Readings from the Common Bowl

(words of wisdom)

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Joys and Concerns

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Joys and Concerns (unison response)

For the joys shared, we join you in celebration.

For the sorrows and concerns spoken here, may you feel our sympathy and compassion.

For all that remains unspoken, both joy and sorrow, may the caring of our community offer you both kindness and hope.

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You’ve Got a Friend (James Taylor)

When you're down, and troubled, and you need some lovin' care

And nothing, nothing is going right

Close your eyes and think of me, and soon, I will be there

To brighten up, even your darkest nights


You just call out my name, and you know, wherever I am,

I come running, to see you again

Winter spring summer or fall, all you got to do is call

And I'll be there, You've got a friend


If the sky, above you, grows dark and full of clouds,

and that old, north wind, begins to blow

Keep your head together, and call my name out loud

Soon, you'll hear me knocking at your door


You’ve got a friend, You’ve got a friend

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The moment of prayer is an invitation to be calm in the midst of the tumult of the world and our over-busy lives, to bring together thought and feeling, mind and spirit, and to find some center -- some still point -- of perspective and peace.

-- Earl K. Holt III

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Responsive Reading: #470 Affirmation ( Leonard Mason)

We affirm the unfailing renewal of life.

Rising from the earth, and reaching for the sun, all living creatures shall fulfill themselves.

We affirm the steady growth of human companionship.

Rising from ancient cradles and reaching for the stars, people the world over shall seek the ways of understanding.

We affirm a continuing hope

The out of every tragedy the spirits of individuals shall rise to build a better world.

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What is UULaLa’s Mission Statement?

uulala.org>About Us>Our Mission

“We are a religious community of diverse individuals. We offer reverent services, stimulating learning, social concerns, and a welcoming community. Our fellowship is strengthened as we live the Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes.“

(uulala.org>About Us>Our Mission)

Today’s Sermon:

A Vision of the Future

(presented by Abigail Choisser)

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Offering Hymn: #402, “From You I Receive” (sing together)

From you I receive,

to you I give,

together we share,

and in this we live.


Offertory: “Cry Me a River” (Bruce Snow)

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Extinguishing the Chalice

The Chalice is now extinguished,

but its light lives on

in the minds and hearts and souls

of each one of you.

Carry that flame with you

as you leave this place

and share it

With those you know

With those you love

and most especially,

with those you have yet to meet!

--Sydney K. Wilde

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Closing Song “A Unitarian Ascription,” (sing together)

May I who live be true unto my being;

One in my thoughts, my words and every deed.

I was born free! An ever-changing river,

is what I am; And Neighbor, so are you.

We have the power,

Through laughter love and tears,

To face all fears, and live forever free.

Benediction: Go out in joy and be led back in peace.