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Project Based Learning

October 2018

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Why PBL?

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Project Based Learning VS Projects


Culminating Project

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Interesting Problems + Creative, Student Driven Solutions = Fun, Engagement, Learning…

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Pages 13, 14, and 54 of workbook.

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Unpacking PBL

  • Talk about each element
  • How do these elements make a PBL different from a regular project
  • How do these elements make PBL worth doing
  • What are examples of these elements for your age group

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Is It PBL - Engaging the Standards (early Elem)

Design Elements Checklist - Page 69

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The Dog Project (Early Elem)

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Is It PBL - Engaging the Standards (Older Elem, JH and HS)

Design Elements Checklist - Page 69

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Mountain Continuum

Which design elements come the easiest to you?

Which ones will be the hardest for you to do?

Which 3 design elements can you commit to doing all year long whether you are doing PBL or not?

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10 Min Break

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Key Knowledge and LEarning Objectives

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Driving Question Review & Grouping

  • Philosophical or Debatable Issue, or an Intriguing Topic
  • Specifying a Product, Task, or Problem to be Solved
  • Adding a Real-World Role for Students

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Writing a Driving Question

An effective Driving Question is:

  • Engaging for students
    • Appropriate for the student population
    • Students can understand the Question
    • Doesn’t sound like it came from a teacher or textbook
    • Actively guides students through the project
    • Provokes students to ask further questions
  • Open-ended
    • Has several possible “right answers”
    • Shouldn’t be Google-able
  • Aligned to Learning Goals
    • Students will need to learn important content and skills in order to create project products
    • It’s not too big, requiring more knowledge than can be learned in a reasonable amount of time

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DQ Brainstorm for upcoming topics

Pg. 22

Framing Words

Person or Entity

Action or Challenge

Audience or Purpose

How can...






Real-World Problem

How do...

We as, (roles, occupations)



For a Public Audience






For a School





For a Classroom






For an Online AUdience

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Sustained Inquiry

  • Conducts an entry event to provoke questions and presents/co-constructs a driving question
  • Facilitates a process for generating student questions (Topic Web, KWL, I See,,,, I Think…, I Wonder…)
  • Guides students in finding and evaluating sources of information to answer questions (Experts, Experiments, Books, Observations, Games)
  • Provides scaffolds and support (e.g., lessons, workshops, note-taking guides)
  • Provides additional resources and experiences to generate deeper questions
  • Helps students reflect on the answers they find, and apply their new knowledge to project tasks

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Entry Events

  • Field Trip
  • Guest Speaker
  • Film, Video, Website
  • Simulation or Activity
  • Provocative Reading
  • Startling Statistics
  • Puzzling Problem
  • Song, Poem, Art
  • Lively Discussion

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Project management

Project Launch

  • Entry Event
  • Driving Question
  • Final Product
  • Start Need to Know list
  • Project teams formed
  • Discussion of expectations for teamwork
  • First team meeting: contract, initial task list

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  • Journal / Learning Log
  • Whole-Class Discussion
  • Survey
  • Focus Group
  • Fishbowl Discussion
  • Other...

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Critique and Revision

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PuBLIC Product

Who are you going to include?

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Assessment in PBL

Pg. 30

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High Quality Assessment

Sounds like...

Looks like...

Feels like...

Pg. 29

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Show Your Sketch