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5/2/19 Thursday!

Today you will need:

Historical novel and notes/notebook

Renaissance Faire notes/paragraphs

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Historical novel mini-lesson

Today we are focusing on what we can learn about characters by how they respond to trouble.

Anchor text: Patrol

  • Look for a moment of trouble in the text (copy a sentence or two)
  • Observe closely how the character copes with the moment of trouble
  • What does the character’s reaction reveal about them?

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Example notes.

“I think I see the enemy. I reload and shoot again. It is only a shadow, but I do not stop shooting. In war, shadows are enemies, too.

The main character is shooting at shadows, so he doesn’t even know if there is an enemy there. He is scared. He is acting irrationally, but perhaps that is what war does to people. He is in an unfamiliar environment, and has to watch for enemies he cannot see. Shadows are enemies when people are so afraid that they are ready to attack anything to stay alive, yes, even a shadow. Even though the character is a soldier, he doesn’t fit the stereotype of the hero, the killing machine with no regard for the enemy. The war seems to be damaging him. He is human, and afraid, and shooting at shadows.

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Thought prompts for fast journal entries

I used to think… but now I realize…

When I started, my first impression of the character was… but now I realize…

On the surface, my character seems… but I think that really…..

This character seems complicated. On the one hand… but on the other hand…

This character faces complex troubles, such as… and therefore….

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Getting ready for tomorrow’s book club meeting

  • Starting tomorrow, during your meetings you will keep minutes to your meeting, which means you will write down your main points and talking topics.
  • You will open a shared document on google classroom and add do it each time your meet.
  • Today your goal is to read and take 1 page of notes from your book. You have 30 minutes of silent reading time.

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  • Today we will read and discuss the example paragraph.

  • Work time:
    • Finish research and turn in or have me grade if it is on paper.
    • Write paragraph 4. Use the example paragraph as your guide. Use kid friendly language and be sure to have a fun question that is the topic of your paragraph so people will want to read it!
    • Only use notes as evidence.

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  • WWW cards 23 due tomorrow, quiz next Thursday
  • Finish up paragraphs
  • Be ready for historical novel group tomorrow with 1-2 pages of notes --can be writing or illustrations