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Wikidata for Wizards�Navino Evans and Simon Cobb

Wikimania 2022 UK Community Festival

Friday August 12, 2022

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Wikidata for Wizards

Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that has grown from the centralised repository to provide dynamic content to the Wikimedia ecosystem and has become an integral part of the Linked Open Data cloud. Being broad in scope, huge (and still expanding rapidly) and highly interconnected, it is a rich data source for humans and machines to draw upon. The Wikidata Query Service is a powerful tool that enables the discovery and retrieval of relevant data, with built-in visualisation options to make the results informative.

In this session, we will focus on the aspects of SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service that are essential to know to progress beyond the basics of queries. Whilst prior knowledge would be beneficial, all are welcome to join us and try the example queries as we use extended syntax to explore the data model, demonstrate how to utilise third-party tools and share tips about our favourite visualisations and features.

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Wikidata Query Service

  • Skills
  • Using third party tools
  • Visualisations
  • Wikidata, Wikibase and WMF projects

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  • Statement nodes

Access qualifiers, references and other data connected to a statement

  • Ranks, no value claims

Working with statements of different ranks or “no value” claims

    • Query

Aggregate data with counting, averages, concatenation and more. Also essential when you need to remove multiple rows for the same item.

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Items with P3120 statement

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Cool visualisations

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Third party tools

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Wikimedia ecosystem & beyond

  • Wikibase - https://tinyurl.com/2f9thcp3
  • Commons query - https://w.wiki/5ZMN
  • ONS federated query - https://w.wiki/5Yw3
  • LOD cloud - https://lod-cloud.net/

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Exploring Wikidata

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Further information

  • SPARQL Wikibook - https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SPARQL
  • Tips and Tricks slides