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LunaticLeviTheSecond - Characters

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Abigail Flora Brantley

Sorrow’s leaving town

(Danny Vera)

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0:00 ——————-————————————————————— 3:16

NAME: Abigail Flora Brantley

BIRTHDAY: October 13th

AGE: 17

GENDER: Female


LIKES: Books, violin, teaching, being alone, debating,

DISLIKES: arrogant men, stress, the feeling of not knowing something

Inquisitive, astute, eristic, didactic, introverted









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Detailed Profile




HAIR: Brown

EYES: Blue

FACE-CLAIM: Felicity Jones

FEARS: Being married to a man who does not appreciate her, losing her father or brother,

LIKES: Books, violin, teaching, being alone, debating, exploring

DISLIKES: arrogant men, stress, the feeling of not knowing something

STRENGTHS: fast learner, interested in a lot of things, loves learning, debating

WEAKNESSES: introverted, doesn’t do well under stress

SKILLS: horse riding, piano playing, violin playing, good dancing, painting




FULL NAME: Abigail Flora Brantley

NAME MEANING: Abigail means “my father’s joy” or “cause of joy” signifying her stronger relationship with her father. Flora is the nickname her father gave her mother. Brantley is a last name that means “fiery sword” as they are a fiery family that fights or earns for their place in the high society

NICKNAME: Abby, Gail

LANGUAGES THEY SPEAK: English, German, French

PETS: None



Mother - Alessandra Brantley nee Erstwhile

(deceased at 35)

Father - Daniel Brantley (38)

Brother - Bainbridge Brantley (18)

FAV. COLOUR: Amaranth Pink

FAV. BOOK: Goethe’s Faust

HOBBIES: Cross stitching, reading, exploring, learning languages, playing violin and piano, singing

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Born in 1794, a year after her brother, Abigail was welcomed into the Brantley family. Both the children in this family had good relations with both of their parents, but when her brother was more afilliated with her mother, she was more affiliated with her father. That's why when her brother was more outgoing and cheerful as a child like his mother, she would often play with anything in her father's office while he was working and be happier while at home. One year, when she was 12 and her brother was 13 their mother died of influenza and their father started working much harder than ever before. The children knew it was a coping mechanism to bury himself in work to not have to deal with such heartbreak, and they would've done something about it weren't it for a coping mechanism themselves. Seeing as they also need to cope with the loss of a loved one, they couldn't help their father while also dealing with the emotions he postponed feeling with his work. The children didn't hate each other or often fight, but they never got very close, and it was the shared heartbreak of their mother's death that brought them closer. When their aunt's husband died and started lodging with them until she gets back on her feet, she was the one who was their chaperone and guardian in their upcoming season, but just before they were both introduced for the first time her only daughter married and she went with her daughter to London. Now their father has got to his senses and went trough those necessary changes, but he's ready to help them out when they need him most.

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Abigail Flora was always an introverted girl, unlike her extroverted brother, but that didn't mean she hated balls and functions and avoided them whenever she could, but that unlike her brother who found being around a lot of people relaxing and nice, she liked it but found it exhausting after a while, and needed to be alone to recharge her will to be there. As a child she loved when she learned something and her father would notice and call her smart or intelligent, and when she was older she loved the feeling of knowing something and explaining something you know to somebody who doesn't know. That's why now she's obsessed with learning things. Although she's a bit of an introvert and she's not likely to overshare things about herself she's also smart enough to understand what men generally look for in women and she knows sounding too smart would make men feel less smart and men don't like that. That's also why she doesn't talk too much about her interests to men, unless she's sure beforehand he'd like to hear it, but when she does it she imagines the man a friend because that's how it would usually go for her. She likes her cousin Calder, who her brother hates because where he sees a cold and way too serious, she sees him as withdrawn to not so close relations and smart. She likes how he doesn't think less of her when she outsmarts him, but he sees it as a challenge and tries to meet her. It's the brotherly competition she didn't have with Bainbridge since they're so different. She dislikes playing the piano but loves some other instruments.

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Rumors others have heard�1.) That she and Calder are secretly engaged (they’re close, but not in a romantic sense)�2.) She dislikes the piano and thus she doesn’t often play it, and one jealous girl started a rumor that she doesn’t play the piano often because she only memorized how to play a few songs and has to hide it.�3.) There’s a rumor that since her father is a property lawyer he could find out details about his clients for her and advise her how to behave and what they liked based on their estates and incomes. She can’t refute this one since her father does have the abillity to learn those information about his clients and it would be very helpful should she ever want to marry either of them for their money and make it seem like she’s the perfect woman for them.

Personal/Family Secrets�1.) When Hadley was about 5 years of age he had a disease and he was coughing a lot. One of the doctors used morphine for the cough and advised use of morphine to treat the cough when he left. Due to the overuse of morphine which releases histamine, and due to sudden releases of histamine Hadley got cluster headaches. The parents didn’t realize the headaches were the result of the drugs, they thought the headaches and the coughing were connected, and they stopped giving him the drug when they realized his cough was gone but his awfully painful headaches persisted. He got better but he developed depression and anxiety and was traumatized by this. The parents didn’t realize that his creativity was actually a coping mechanism where he imagined a world that would help him cope with the trauma he didn’t comprehend he had. Then one day he got sick with the measels and he bore through it like a champ, but he was reminded of how it went the last time he was sick and he developed cluster headaches again and was ruched to a doctor. When everybody got wind of what was going on and why he was suddenly depressed, the parents told everybody that he was badly affected by the measles, while he was actually getting psychiatric help to cope with his trauma. Well, when I say his parents knew, I mean only his parents … Except for maybe Calder and Abigail who figured it out on their own.

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Bainbridge Brantley

Romeo and Juliet

(Dire Straits)

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0:00 ——————-————————————————————— 6:00

NAME: Bainbridge Brantley

BIRTHDAY: February 12th

AGE: 18



LIKES: feeling of being helpful, being compared to his mother, poetry, passion

DISLIKES: school, bores, lonesomeness, being ignored

Passionate, friendly, energetic, poetic, easily angered









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Detailed Profile




HAIR: Blonde

EYES: Blue

FACE-CLAIM: Charlie Hunnam (specifically from movie Nicholas Nickleby)

FEARS: losing his family, isolophobia, dying having not having lived fully, losing his sense of humor

LIKES: feeling of being helpful, being compared to his mother, poetry, passion

DISLIKES: school, bores, lonesomeness, being ignored

STRENGTHS: friendliness, passion, well developed manners

WEAKNESSES: possible himbo, although not aggressive he’s easily angered, passive agression,impulsive and lead by his emotions more than reason

SKILLS: poetry, piano, painting, dancing, hosting




FULL NAME: Bainbridge Brantley

NAME MEANING: Bainbridge is a name that means useful bridge, since he’s sociable and a bit of a people pleaser he might be a bridge to being introduced to better people. The name Brantley was already explained

NICKNAME: Bain, Baines, Brantley

LANGUAGES THEY SPEAK: English, French, Swiss languages

PETS: Horse called Schwartz


ZODIAC: Aquarius

Mother - Alessandra Brantley nee Erstwhile

(deceased at 35)

Father - Daniel Brantley (38)

Sister - Abigail Flora Brantley (17)

FAV. COLOUR: Lake Blue

FAV. BOOK: A red, red rose by Robert Burns

HOBBIES: dancing, hunting, playing cards, swimming, walking, running, hosting, riding, playing piano, painting

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The family Bainbridge comes from came into money quite suddenly and they family is still considered new money because of the means of which they came by it. The fact Bainbridges ancestor was a plain worker who happened to gain a lot by means of gambling, but even though they never gained a title the family is still respected because they proved that once they came into money they knew what to do with it. Bainbridge follows in his ancestor’s foosteps by proving the same. When he was young he connected more with his mother considering her blonde hair isn’t the only thing he inherited from her. They were always alike and his mother decided that instead of a tutor for the first part of his education, she should teach him and in that way she also decided to teach him about etiquette and good moral sense. God knows his cousin lacks compassion sometimes, and although he’s fair to his workers, he is cold and hard and it’s hard to budge him. Bainbridge never really liked his cousin so when he was around Bainbridge found other ways and means to amuse himself and thus became proficient in piano and his painting skills improved greatly, alongside with his health as he joined his parents on walks. When his mother died, everybody grieved because she was the best person most people knew, and losing such a person is hard on everybody. As their father became a workaholic and healing from her death that way, Bainbridge and his sister Abigail took comfort in each other’s company and they acted as each other’s rock. That’s why now that they both entered the season they’re both keeping an eye on each other, because they formed a connection and they won’t let just anybody try their luck with their siblings.

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Bainbridge is a type of person who wants validation from others. He’s nice to most people and helps them if he can because of the overflowing feeling of being helpful or kind. That way, he takes after his mother, except unlike her, he knows when people are attempting to use his kindness, and when he noticed that he will turn agressive, or passive agressive and sometimes it leads to childish ideas. Bainbridge was taught propriety, etiquette, manners and such by his mother, and he does act gentemanly to all ladies, not just the ones he finds beautiful. However, just like his mother he will often let his emotions or his heart decide something, and Bainbridge isn’t known for acting logically. In fact, he likes his distant cousin more because of his poetic side. However with all these manners Bainbridge doesn’t know how to woo propperly and gets flustered easily, so poetry is what would ultimately help him express his feelings for somebody he loves. He’s passionate, and he expresses it through painting, poetry and piano, but this passion often leads to anger, and he gets angry easily, but he’s never agressive. If you anger him and you are married, you are more likely to end up under the sheets with him.

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Rumors Heard (from others)�1.) He is all his mother and nothing in him reflects his father so there was a rumor that he is not his father’s son.�2.) That the reason his mother taught him was because he was badly-behaved and agressive as a child and his mother couldn’t keep a tutor or a governess with him acting so poorly and that although he grew up some traits of agression and poor behavior still linger on in his demeanor.

Personal and Family Secrets�1.) Andrew Brantley was homosexual and had a lover during his service in the American War of Independence.�2.) Andrew Brantley’s death a few years after the war was said to be of sepsis, but it was actually syphillis that was given to him by his lover, and it took it’s toll 5 years after the infection. A friend and the moritcian had to be either asked for their silency or bribed for it.�3.) Bainbridge was concieved by the means of premarital lovemaking and the wedding was rushed once the parents found out.

Shared Secrets�Pierce Hatcherman was an acquintance of Andrew while he was alive and they both served in the war. Pierce is Augustus’s great uncle (Madilnel) and he witnessed Andrew embracing and kissing his lover as he lay dying. He only told some close people about the embracing, hinting at something more, but never about the goodbye kiss, however he changed his tune when Andrew died of an STD and the family asked Pierce to keep quiet about this.

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Hadley Cuthbert

I can’t give you anything but love, baby

(Tony Bennett)

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0:00 ——————-————————————————————— 2:38

NAME: Hadley Cuthbert

BIRTHDAY: March 5th

AGE: 19



LIKES: poetry, love, books, philosophers, the romanticism movement

DISLIKES: diseases, pain, suffering, his mood swings

Moody, romantic, sweet, tortured, artistic, obsessed with love









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Detailed Profile




HAIR: Ginger

EYES: Blue

FACE-CLAIM: Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser S1)

FEARS: Algophobia, Nosophobia, Traumatophobia, spiders, medical instruments, dying not being loved and having loved somebody

LIKES: poetry, love, books, philosophers, the romanticism movement

DISLIKES: diseases, pain, suffering, his mood swings

STRENGTHS: trauma survival, emotional strength, compassion, understanding, ability to smile through pain

WEAKNESSES: mood swings, trauma, dissociation and some of his coping mechanism, overthinking

SKILLS: Poetry, creativity, fast reading, horse riding, piano playing, dancing, good sufferance (physically speaking), love making




FULL NAME: Hadley Cuthbert

NAME MEANING: Hadley means heather field and heather is a beautiful flower that can grown on acidic soil whereas Hadley is similar to it for his persistence to survive despite the acidity of his childhood.

Cuthbert derives from a name that means “bright” and “known” and it’s a name suited for somebody whose future is bright and who is well known for his riches

NICKNAME: Heddy, Cutie, Hades

LANGUAGES THEY SPEAK: English, German, Swiss

PETS: Gray greyhound called Wooden after the anglo-saxon god of hunting


ZODIAC: Pisces

FAV. COLOUR: Garnet Red

FAV. BOOK: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

HOBBIES: reading and writing poetry, reading romantic novels, riding horses, painting, playing piano and harp, swimming, fencing, hunting

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Hadley is the first and the only heir to the Cuthbert fortune, and he was raised accordingly until the age of 5 when something horrible happened to him. Hadley developed a cough that couldn’t go away, and the doctor that was in charge of healing him gave him morphine to ease it. The coughing went away but because of too much morphine he started getting cluster headaches and nobody noticed it was hurting him because of the morphine. Because of all this pain he developed a phobia of being hurt in any way so as a child he wouldn’t socialize like other young boys but cling to his mother’s skirt because of the terror it would bring him to think he’d feel pain again. The fear is still with him now but he’s managed to keep it under control and is now nothing like the child although the memory of the terror is still there and haunts him sometimes. When he was still a young boy he was sent away to Switzerland to study and he hasn’t come back since. He hasn’t even visited his parents in a long time, but it’s rumored he would visit soon and maybe stay for the season, regardless of the fact he might come in the middle of the season, he might just join it and win over some girl’s heart.

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Since his childhood Hadley grew a liking for poetry, novels and romanticism. He became very artistic and poetic, making sweet verses some ladies would melt from, and he does paint. He loves reading a lot, but also walking, dancing and socializing. He’s a romantic and is obsessed with the notion of love and at the time radical idea that marrying for love is what he wants instead of marrying to improve his standing or gain a title or an inheritance or a big dowry. Despite years passing Hadley is sometimes still haunted by his past and can’t fight the fear of pain or disease, but he also wants to live his life to the fullest because he hates himself when he gets so afraid of disease that he acts like a germaphobe which, like his childhood disease, sucked all the joy from his life. He’s a philosopher, a romantic and a tortured soul all in once and it’s a wonder how he can switch between those three on a moments notice. He’s understanding and always makes it a point to understand how others feel and has an urge to help them if he can.

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Family history:

-1723 - Abner and Mary Brantley had their one and only son - Harold Brantley

-1727 or 1728 - Harold Brantley is introduced to a middle class family his father works for and makes friends with the family. There he learned how to gamble.

-1742 - Got into a high stakes gambling party and managed to get out with a lot of money.

-1743 - Going into war to hide from the gambling thugs, manages to make more money by profiteering

-1748 - Buys an old house going for sale and some land with it, marries the daughter of the previous house owner. (Florence Cropper)

- First child f, born 1750, second child born m 1752, last child born m 1755

- First child joined the british side for the American Independence war in 1775, died 1791

- Family now owns a cotton mill they rent to masters, a house and land they get yearly income from, own an incredibly successful Iron Industry that the youngest son opened at the right time

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Abner Brantley

Mary Poots

Harold Brantley

Florence Cropper

Edith Brantley

Andrew Brantley

Casimir Brantley

Henry Cuthbert

Beatrice Melanie Alvarez

Daniel Brantley


Abigail Flora Brantley

Albert Brantley

Bainbridge Brantley

Dowager Baroness Althea Fitzroy

Colonel Herbert Cuthbert

Darius Cuthbert

Hadley Cuthbert

Alessandra Erstwhile

Clotilde Beaumont (Ouija)

Baron Patrick Fitzroy

Lady Jane Fitzroy

Mervinia Cuthbert née Northwick




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Harold and Florence Brantley,

their wedding portrait labeled

“Flora & Fauna”

which were their nicknames for eachother

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Name: Andrew Brantley

Story: Born in 1755, Andrew is a second son. That’s why he was happy to never having to have an heir since his older brother would be the one inheriting the family estate (farm). In 1775 he went to war against America in order to get a fortune. He never married and died before the turn of the millenia from a popular disease of the time. Since he never had a wife or children his fortune was split between his nephews but only Daniel, Althea and Herbert

Status: Dead

FC: Henry Garett

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Name: Edith Brantley/Cuthberg

Story: The youngest among her siblings, born 1750 almost right after her parents married. She married a rich man when she was 19 and she had her first child at 22, and her second she had at 24. In 1775 she got pregnant but had a miscarriage and after that she did everything she could to avoid having one. Her husband believed her loss happened because of grief, as that’s when her brother was at war and there was news of his death that nobody could confirm nor deny. Thankfully he came back with only a few scratches and with only a slight damage to his hearing, but Edith felt she was too old for more children.

Status: Dead

FC: Elaine Cassidy

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Name: Darius Cuthbert

Story: 1789 when Darius was 18 his father asked him that he should start thinking about settling down since he is the heir of the fortune. Knowing that he doesn’t need a really good match because he can’t get a title nor does he need money for the time being, he didn’t make any plans to marry anybody. Also for him it was hard picking a favorite of all the women he already has some harmless flirtation becuase in his eyes none of them seemed different out of the bunch. But then one day he saw a redhaired woman looking his way with longing. No, she didn’t long for him, she longed for the relationship he and other women had where they felt easy to flirt. She wanted that freedom, she wanted to be romanced and have a great love in her life, but she had her own responsibility so she can only do one of those. But he took it as a challange, because him thinking she was watching him because she liked him, he realized out of the bunch of girls in the room he talked to that liked him and wouldn’t mind marrying him if he asked, she was the one who caught his eye withouth even talking to her. So whenever he would doubt this decision he made himself forget it, so he started wooing her even though he didn’t really love her, it was all based on that experience that one night. He realized she comes with a big family and some money which was a good offer for him and being in a rich family was a good offer for her as well. He asked right after he turned 19 and a few months later they were married. Married life seemed to agree with him because he started loving her after the marriage, They had one son who was born 1792 when he was 21 and she was 22.

Status: Alive

FC: Rufus Sewell

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Name: Mervinia Cuthbert nee Northwick (@Jass’s character)

Story: born Mervinia Northwick, was born in a wealthy family as the oldest daughter of the Marquees and Marchioness. From a young age her parents pressured her into marrying well, she had been studying multiple languages, arts, but also was passionate about literature. Mostly however, she enjoyed nature and riding her horse. She would take every opportunity she had to do so. In her heart she had always wanted a love match, but she knew as the first born she had to marry well for the sake of her whole family, to open doors for her younger sisters mostly. So she put her family above her own desires, but ended up finding both in her match. She fell in love, as well as having a good match in the society’s eyes.

Status: Alive

FC: Marion B. (model)

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Name: Colonel Herbert Cuthbert

Story: Herbert is the second son to Henry Cuthbert and as such he knew he would inherit nothing. Like his uncle, who was alive when this decision was made, Herbert decided to join the army, and his uncle gave him a recommendation. For a while he was serving in African colonies, but in 1803 he started serving in the war against France. Now he’s still serving in the same war, but he might come back from the war soon enough, in hopes of finally getting married, something he was actively avoiding in his youth … Except now he has more money. He’s 2 years younger than his brother Darius

Status: Alive

FC: David Morrissey

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Name: Casimir Brantley

Story: He’s the first heir, but he’s the second child. He married the youngest, at just 18, and had a child when 19. His parents set up his wife for him, but it didn’t take him long to fall in love with her. They had 3 children together, Albert, Daniel and Althea and with the help of his wife he started a successful iron factory that still works today and is still worth a lot. He died in 1804 at the age of 52 due to a horrible accident in his factory. Since then provisions were made to ensure such an accident doesn’t happen again.

Status: Dead

FC: Dmitri Shosthakovich

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Name: Beatrice Melanie Alvarez


Status: Alive, widdowed

FC: Olivia de Havilland

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Name: Daniel Brantley

Story: Born 1773 as the youngest of 3 children, and his brother was the one everybody would focus on since he would inherit everything. Daniel knew he would have to earn money on his own. As an 18 year old when he first arrived in college he met Alessandra when she was at the library frantically writing into a cook book. A few months later they eloped and by the time he was 20 and she was 22, they had their first child. They had another a year and a few months later.

They lived in a rented residence until Daniel was able to buy a townhouse. He was a solicitor first, but in 1799 he advanced to become a barrister.

Status: Alive, Widowed

FC: Ben Willbond

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Name: Alessandra Erstwhile/Brantley

Story: Born 1771 as a middle child to a family of many children, Alessandra had to go out of her way to be noticed. She grew up to be a people pleaser but she also loved life and loved being around people. When she was 20 she felt she was being ignored for marriage because of her plenty siblings that when a younger man approached her in the library where her brother was studying, she fell easily for the stranger that approached her. However, she didn’t regret marrying him. He was still studying when they married and had children, but he had some money left to him by his uncle who died somewhere in the 1790s. Daniel became a solicitor and could offer them a more comofortable life. She died 1806 at 35.

Status: Dead

FC: Kate Phillips

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Name: Albert Brantley


Status: Alive

FC: Christoph Waltz

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Name: Calder Brantley


Status: Alive

FC: Matthew McNulty

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Name: Dowager Baroness Althea Fitzroy


Status: Alive, Widowed

FC: Harriet Walter

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Name: Lady Jane Fitzroy


Status: Alive, Engaged to Duke Fleur

FC: Emmy Rossum

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Bainbridge - Born 1793 (18) when his father Daniel was 20, who was born 1773 when Casimir was 21 (1752)

Abigail - 1794 (17) when Daniel was 21

Calder - 1792 (19) when his father Albert was 20, who was born 1772 when Casimir was 20

Lady Jane - 1789 (22) when her mother was 18, who was born 1771 when Casimir was 19

Hadley - 1792 (19) when his father Darius was 21, who was born 1771 when Edith was 21

[color= #70836C]

[color= #F19CBB]

[color=#FF4422] - Bruce

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THE BARNETT FAMILY HOUSE (Owned by Albert Barnett) - Selewyn Manor

Pictures of house: https://www.francisyork.com/blog/a-17th-century-english-country-manor-in-dorset

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Pictures of house: https://www.mansionglobal.com/articles/a-regency-era-townhouse-with-views-of-the-english-channel-lists-for-3-75-million-01657130615

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Melania Ironworks - Owned by Louisa Brantley