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No fertilizer VS Natural and Artificial fertilizer

Cherokee Heirloom Tomatoes

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The purpose of my experiment is to find out what is more efficient on plant growth and what helps the seeds germinate the most, Natural fertilizer, Artificial fertilizer, or no fertilizer. For this experiment I chose Cherokee Heirloom Tomatoes.

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The hypothesis of the experiment is that the natural fertilizer will be more efficient on plant growth because natural fertilizer has been used for hundreds of years, prior to man made fertilizers. .

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Non-Consumable Materials Used

The Non-Consumable materials I used in this experiment are:

  • Measuring Cup
  • Teaspoon
  • Ruler
  • Nine Each 6” Flower Pots
  • Watering Pot
  • Shovel

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  • Nine Each 6” Flower Pots

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Consumable Materials

The Consumable materials I used in this experiment are:

  • Heirloom Cherokee Tomato Seeds
  • Soil
  • Egg Shells
  • Coffee Grinds
  • Miracle Grow Artificial Fertilizer
  • Water

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Artificial Fertilizer Used:

Seeds Used:

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  • Fill up all nine containers with 64oz of dirt
  • Label 9 pots, 3 ea. “ No Fertilizer”, 3 ea. “Natural Fertilizer” and 3 ea. “Artificial Fertilizer”
  • Incorporate 8 oz equal parts of ground eggshells and coffee grinds with dirt in the pots labeled NATURAL FERTILIZER
  • Plant 5 seeds in each pot, equally distanced
  • Mix the Artificial fertilizer, 2 tsp. of artificial fertilizer into 32oz of water
  • Add 8 oz of artificial fertilizer to the pots labeled ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZER
  • Put all the pots somewhere where they get the same amount of sunshine
  • Give all plants 8oz of water weekly
  • Place 2 oz of ground eggshells and coffee grinds on top of the dirt in the pots labeled NATURAL FERTILIZER weekly
  • Add 2 oz of Miracle Gro to the pots labeled ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZER,using the formula in step 5, weekly
  • Repeat procedure for 4 weeks

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Data Table

Cherokee Heirloom Tomato Growth - Results

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In conclusion,the natural fertilizer is the most efficient on plant growth and germination. Artificial had the most growth but the least amount of germination. Neutral fertilizer had the same amount of germination as natural fertilizer, but the least amount of overall growth. This proves Natural fertilizer will give the overall most consistent results, because it had more plant growth than neutral and more germination than artificial.

This experiment consisted of three different trials giving four weeks of data.Total data was used to give us multiple results that were averaged out to give us a final conclusion.

So, if you want to grow some plants use natural fertilizer because your plants will grow bigger and germinate more, it also helps people and animals survive.

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Real World Connection

The real world connection of the experiment is to tell people which fertilizer could help plants so they can grow because, plants create oxygen so we can breathe, if we know what fertilizer works better than we can help all living things survive, not just humans.