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Nut & Bolt Tutorial

Working With Threaded Parts

ABMS Technology & Engineering Education 2021

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to...

  • Create a new file
  • Convert a file to inches
  • Use the ruler tool
  • Name a file
  • Drag shapes to the workplane
  • Adjust shape dimensions
  • Join shapes together
  • Duplicate shapes
  • Use one shape to cut away from another
  • Move parts along X, Y, and Z axes
  • Use the align tool
  • Scale shapes proportionally
  • Use the mirror tool
  • Drop shapes to the workplane
  • Export an STL file for 3D printing

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File Setup

  • Select your class.
  • Select the Nut & Bolt Activity.
  • Select “Copy & Tinker”.
  • Adjust the file name - replace “FirstName” and “LastName” with your name.


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File Setup

  • Open a new file.
  • Bring out a ruler and drop it in the corner of the workplane.
  • Change the units to inches.
  • Rename the file using the following format: Period_Semester_School Year_First name_Last name_Nut-Bolt Example: 3_2_2021_Sarah_Brown_Nut-Bolt (meaning the 2020-2021 school year)


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Keyboard Shortcuts

To see the shortcuts better…

Zoom-in: Ctrl + Alt + +

Zoom-out: Ctrl + Alt + -

*This does not work in Present mode

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Nut vs Bolt


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Adding a Threaded Cylinder

  • Select “Featured” under “Shape Generators” from the menu on the right side of the screen.
  • Bring out an “ISO metric thread” and drop it on the workplane.

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Threaded Cylinder Setup

  • Set the dimensions and options as seen below (in the order they are presented):

Diameter: ---------- 0.3

Pitch: ---------------- 0.06

Segments: -------- 32

Rotations: --------- 6

Tip Scale: --------- 0.25

Tip Segments: --- 2

Thread Scale: ---- 0.65


Z: 1.25

*Only change the height. The X and Y dimensions have been addressed with diameter*

Type them in

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Adding a Head For The Bolt

  • Change back to “Basic Shapes” from the menu on the right side of the screen.
  • Bring out a “Polygon” and drop it on the workplane.
  • Set the dimensions as seen below:


X: 0.433

Y: 0.5

Z: 0.25

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Duplicate The Polygon

  • With the polygon selected, press the duplicate button in the tools in the upper-left portion of the screen (or use Ctrl + D).
  • Slide one polygon out of the way to use for the nut later in the tutorial.

** The hexagon should be even on all sides when viewed from ** the top view. If they are not, you mixed up the dimensions

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Align The Head & Body

  • Click on the threaded cylinder to select it.
  • Hold down the shift key and click on the closest polygon.
  • Select the Align Tool from the upper right-hand corner of the screen (or press L).
  • Click the center dot along the Y axis.
  • Click the center dot along the X axis.
  • Click the bottom dot along the Z axis.

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Group The Head & Body

  • With both parts active, select the Group Tool to make them into one part.
  • Please note, if you ever need to adjust grouped parts, there is an Ungroup Tool.

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Duplicate The Bolt & Align With Nut

  • With the bolt active, use the Duplicate Tool to make a copy for the next step.
  • Move one bolt near the polygon from earlier.
  • Change the color of the polygon to make the next steps easier.

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Raise The Nut

  • Raise the nut off the workplane by 0.25 inches (¼”).
    • You can use the black cone above the shape to drag it. (Red in the image because it is selected)
    • You can type the dimension in - be careful to select the correct dimensions to change. It will be at 0 before moving the nut.
    • You can hold down the Control key (Ctrl) and use the up and down arrows. (Ctrl + ) (Ctrl + )
  • You can press “D” to drop a selected object to the workplane.

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Increase Bolt Size

The bolt size needs to be increased slightly to allow the nut enough space to traverse the threads easily.

  • Change the dimension along the X axis from 0.433” to 0.463”.
  • Change the dimension along the Y axis from 0.50” to 0.53”.



** Change the size of the BOLT ** Not the nut

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These numbers have been adjusted. Please use 0.463 and 0.53

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Make The Nut

  • Select the bolt.
  • Turn the bolt into a hole using the Shape Options window.
  • Select the nut and the bolt.
  • Use the Align Tool to center the nut and bolt along the X and Y axes.
  • Group the two parts to cut the threads into the nut.

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Place The Nut and Bolt

  • Drop the nut to the workplane by pressing “D” on the keyboard.
  • Set the nut and bolt side by side on the workplane.
  • It is important that both parts are sitting on the workplane and not floating in air or angled.

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Insert A Letter

  • Change from “Basic Shapes” to “Design Starters” in the menu on the right-side of the screen. Select the large A.
  • Drag the first letter of your first name onto the workplane.

***Update: Select Design Starters to access letters.***

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Size The Letter

  • Hold down the Shift key and click a corner of the letter. Drag it inward until the X and Y coordinates are approximately 0.2 inches.
  • Dragging a shape while holding Shift will change the X, Y, and Z dimensions at the same time.
  • Set the Z distance (height) to 0.02 inches.

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Place The Letter

  • Place the letter next to the bolt.
  • Turn the letter into a hole.

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Align & Cut The Letter

  • Rotate the view cube to look at the bottom.
  • Use the Mirror Tool to flip the letter so you can read it when looking at the bottom.
  • Use the Align Tool to center the letter on the head of the bolt.
  • Group the two objects together to cut the letter from the head of the bolt.

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Export STL File

  • Click the Export button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  • Make sure “Everything in the design.” is selected.
  • Select .STL

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Save The STL File

  • Save the STL file into your Tech folder in your Google Drive.


If you are on a desktop computer, you need to open Google Drive from the Start menu first and log in.

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Copy Link & Add to Classroom

  • Submit the STL file and a link to your design on Classroom under the appropriate assignment.

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Submit The STL File & Link

  • Submit the STL file and a link to your design on Classroom under the appropriate assignment.


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Printing Notes

Filament: PLA

Quality: 0.20mm

Infill: 15%

Brim: Yes

Supports: No