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Ancient Egypt

Geography and Timeline

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What do you know about Ancient Egypt so far?

  • Tell your partner one thing you learned last class.
  • Tell your partner one thing that you still want to learn about Egypt.
  • What do you think Ancient Egyptians did for fun?

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Video: Ancient Egypt 101

Discuss with your partner:

  • What does this video tell you about Ancient Egypt?
  • Based on what you saw would you want to live in Ancient Egypt?
  • What do you think daily life was like for Egyptians compared to the other ancient civilizations we have learned about?

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Timelines of Ancient Egypt Activity

  • Step 1: Access the timelines of Ancient Egypt linked in the class document.
  • Step 2: Read the Kingdoms of Egypt timeline, record the three major periods of time in your notes and discuss with your partner.
  • Step 3: Read the Pharaoh timeline and write down on a piece of paper 3 pharaohs that stood out to you. Write 1-2 sentences for each explaining why they seem important to you.
  • Step 4: Discuss the pharaohs with the class

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Video: Regions of the Nile

Key vocab: Delta

A river delta is a landform shaped like a triangle, created by the deposition of sediment that is carried by a river and enters slower-moving or stagnant water.

This occurs when a river enters an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir, or another river that cannot carry away the supplied sediment. It is so named because its triangle shape resembles the Greek letter Delta.

Discuss with your partner: What is the difference between upper and lower Egypt? Why was so much of Egyptian life concentrated by the river?

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The Nile as the Giver of Life

    • Kemet, The Black Lands: Fertile lands near the river where the annual flood brought rich silts from the Nile.
    • Deshret, The Red Lands: The arid lands and deserts away from the river where nothing could be grown.

Picture above: the stark divide between Kemet and Deshret. This environmental reality led to the symbolic belief in black as the colour of life and resurrection and red as the colour of death.

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  • How do you think the geographical features of Ancient Egypt helped make it the successful and prosperous civilization that it was?

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Video: Agriculture Along the Nile

Step 1: Take Notes:

  • What does the importance of beer say about Ancient Egypt’s culture and economy?
  • What does it say about gender roles in Ancient Egypt?
  • How does the Nile and the seasons interact with agriculture?

Step 2: Discuss your findings with your partner

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Reading: Benefits of the Nile

Complete the reading found in the class document on the Nile, then complete the worksheet.