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Tuesday 10/23/2018

  • Circle--student led--20 minutes
  • Silent reading--finish through ch 7 including quotes-20 minutes
  • WWW 10 minutes study time then Quiz 6
  • Mentor Text Lesson--”Our Town”
  • HW: Ch 8 and quotes

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Mentor Text: “Our Town” by Boots Riley

  • As we read and discuss, annotate each paragraph. Circle words that stand out to you. Write questions or comments in the margins. Think about what the author is doing in each paragraph. What point is he trying to make? How does he go about doing that?
  • Underline lists--this is a technique the author uses to explain and give examples of, illustrate his points, and bring the scene alive for the reader.
  • Notice punctuation. Dashes, quotes, how are they used and why?
  • Notice sentence fragments. Are they used effectively?
  • After we read the piece together, think about the writing techniques the author uses. We will brainstorm a list on the board you can copy on the top of the first page of the text.

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Write your own

  • When have your felt pushed out, or excluded, or irrelevant?
  • Think of a time you could describe and explore and try to use two of the author’s techniques to do so.
  • Write for 20 minutes.
  • Share with a partner.

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C/C with The Outsiders

  • Comparing and contrasting the mentor text with our text and with The Outsiders. Reading from the end of ch. 7
  • 3 circles. Illustrate on the whiteboard.
  • Create one of your own on the back of the text.