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Plato’s Theory of Forms

Ladder of Love, Allegory of the Chariot

& other ideas

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Beauty, Morality & Truth in the 3 Worlds

Youtube 3. Plato theory of forms - Jest Education

Chariot Allegory Plato - Youtube

Jeff Searle - Blogger 2017

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Pros and Cons



Encourage people to do good as it is the ultimate.

People mistaken bad as good; they want to do good but do harm instead.

Encourage search for the ideal via competition.

People think they are better and should dominate those who are less perfect.

Encourage creativity in the search for ideals.

Encourage overconsumption, wastage, excessive options.

Hierarchy system of forms encourage excellence.

Encourage delusion of superiority, discrimination and inequality. Discourage cooperation, tolerance and fairness.

It is a beautiful idea to have a platonic relationship, to explore abstract ideas, to search for universal, timeless truths, in the different worlds.

In modern times, we generally don’t believe there are real ideals. There are good suitable solutions where diversity can creates better solutions. Husband & wife do not need to compete to see who is the better parent. There are still universal timeless truths, including mathematical and logical truths.

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Political vs Philosophical Discussion

Philosophical discussions - mainly in Plato’s World of Forms

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Beauty, Morality & Truth in the 3 Worlds

  • Platonic world is sometimes considered to include not just mathematics, but also truth, beauty and morality.
  • Truth, in its most refined sense, includes not just mathematical truths but other truths too.
  • Morality (i.e. the good) encompasses consciousness.
  • According to Prof. Penrose, the role of beauty is important to the understanding of how physics works; beauty encompasses both the Platonic and the physical worlds.

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Roger Penrose’s 3 Worlds &

3 Mysteries

  • The 3 Worlds - the physical, the mental, and the Platonic mathematical world - are by themselves mysteries.
  • The relationships between them, and how they are combined into one single reality are also mysterious.
  • They are mysteries and it is natural that one cannot understand them fully.

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My mental world

Friend’s mental world

Physical world

Abstract worlds: mathematics, logic, ideas

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The End