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Format String vulnerability

Rohit Sehgal

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Variadic functions

  • C provides a mechanism to pass variable number of arguments to a function
  • The prototype is:
    • func(. . .)
  • Such functions capable of handling variable number of arguments are called variadic functions
  • Libc library have such function which are very common.
    • For eg : scanf(), printf()

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What are format strings?

A format string specifies and controls the representation of different variables.

For eg: %s , %d , %x etc

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Postmortem of a printf function call

printf (“%d, %s”, a, b);

The number of arguments to be read off the stack are controlled by the number of format strings

The above call works as following:

It tells the printf function to treat a as an integer and print the value on the stdout, similarly read till you encounter a ‘\0’ form the address pointed to by b.

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How dangerous is format string vulnerability

  • You can examine the stack
    • Information leakage
  • Make the program crash.