1 of 276

2 of 276

Jamal Awan

22 Years Old




Schultz, Castro,

Richmond, Frankel,


Adam Schiff

Nunes - Ranking Member

Andre Carson,



Has the FBI Been Notified of the 20 Congressional Office Break-Ins/Burglaries?

SEIU Election Rigging, Fake Bernie Sites, DCCC Hack, NGP/VAN Robbery, Whisenant Visas

Blackberry Enterprise Server Logs, Phone Records?

Terabytes to Pakistan Bercerra Server


3 of 276

Day 63 Awan Uranium One

Awans Laptops/Server To Huma NYC Laptop,

7,000 Illegal Logins, Terabytes, Cash To Pakistan

Imran Awan Omar Awan

Tahir Javed

4 of 276

“Abid” Delivers 150 iPhones/iPads to Imran’s House In Feb, Awan Questioned in Sept 2016, Abid “Fired”

5 of 276

Awans Still Wiring Money to Pakistan

6 of 276

Awan Brothers Pharma For Animals Only Can Clear Customers Through USDA, Big Importer of Drug Pill Caps

Pakistan Army 111th?

Coups “R” Us

7 of 276

8 of 276

9 of 276

10 of 276

Nineteen Missing State Department Emails

  • Hillary 2) Huma - Silsby Emails

3) Phillipe - Epstein Emails, Hastings, Walker

4) Tom Nides - LA Donors, Giustra, Slim, Skoll

5) Andrew Shapiro - DDTC, Stingers/Sarin

6) Jeremy Bash - Emails to Virginia Mosley?

7) Jake Sullivan - Osprey Global Emails

8) Bryan Pagliano - Server Backup Emails

9) Cheryl Mills - SAE Haiti Caracol Emails

10) John Kerry - Iran Hostage/Nuclear Talks

11) Patrick Kennedy - Quid Pro Quo Emails

12) Susan Rice - Benghazi Movie Emails

13) Samantha Power - UN Speech Talking Pts

Notables - Bob Kovac, Pipelines, Exploration

Alternates - Monica Hanley, Nora Toiv

Joe Wilson Still a Non-Official Covert Officer?

Immunity For All 19?

14) Jack Lew - 3 Missing 302s

15) Denis McDonough

16) Christopher Stephens

17) Victoria Nuland

18) Rajiv Shah?

19) Doug Band? Justy? Lanny? OPIC? Latitude Capital?

Morell 302 on 3-25-16

Mills 4-9-16

Jake Sullivan 302 3-11-16

11 of 276

Andre Taggart.

Credit Union Investigation

Inspector General Report - 5,100 Illegal Logins

Gov’t Laptops, Blackberries and Pried Hard Drives Left Hundreds of Pages of Suspicious Activity Reports

150 iPhones - Blackberry Replacements Feb 2016 Delivery

April 6th

Rayburn Phone Booth Arrest

Illegal Network Breakin

12 of 276

Pak ISI 111 - Logistics

Russians - Weapons

13 of 276

$164K, 2.4X Median, Since 2009, Levin M19, Hill IN9, Costa CA10, Frankel FL22, Roan IL8, Ryan OH13, Franka AZ8, Clarke NY9

$165K, 2.4X Median, Since 2009, Speier CA14, Clarke NY9,

Becerra CA34

$157K, 3.1X Median, Since 2014, Loebsack IA2, Waxman CA33, Sinema AZ9, Brownley CA26


Took Over Car “Dealership” in 2010

Who Are Awans? - Very Highly Paid Staffers

Nanoset Technology - Gov’t IT Jobs

14 of 276

15 of 276

Pakistan Interior Ministry Shuts Down BES Because Untrackable and Unhackable in 2011, Dec 2015

July 25th, 2015

Hillary Sent Classified Data

16 of 276


Look For Foreign Nationals With Top Secret Clearance

Admin Level Logins to Top

Imran Awan Threatens IT Staff For Top Secret Access

Imran Has

DWS iPad

17 of 276

Should Foreign Students Configure the Blackberries, Laptops, and iPads of Congress? Reset Passwords?

18 of 276

Neil Brown Pipelines

Morell - ISIS Has Used Gas 52 Times in Syria, NYT, E. Schmitt

Seymour Hersh Reported Rat Line from Libya to Syria in 2014 UN/Carla LaPonte - Libya’s Sarin Gas, 4.5 Porton Down

NYT reported Hillary - McCain Timber Sycamore in May 2016

4.5 Eva Bartlett - Journalist

Exposes White Helmets,SOHR

3 Aleppo Sarin Attack Opens Rat Line 4 Ghouta Gas Attacks,Topple Assad

Soros Exile SOHR

3.5 May 16 - Turk MIT Fidan Waves Finger at Obama in White House

4 Ghouta August 2013

3 -ISIS Oil Rat Line

Morell Gas Attacks

Aleppo March 2013

19 of 276

Amy Rao, CEO, Integrated Archive Solutions - OPM Hack, Yahoo Hack, Aetna Hack, VA Hacks

20 of 276

UAE and Qatar Royal Family Found On Qasim Manifest With Diplomatic Priviledges, No Scanning - Jack Lew Secret Deal With Iran and Iraq Nuke Scientists, One Day, No Bid, 35 Year Contract

Jafar - Top Iraq Nuke

Four Diplomatic Containers Found on Memphis Maersk

Need Bills of Lading, Reads

Awans Shadow UAE Royals and Entourage?

21 of 276

22 of 276

23 of 276

Blackberry Radar - Nanoset Technologies?

24 of 276

25 of 276

26 of 276

Driver Sanctuary in McLean, VA

Driver Rewards at Wolf Trap?

Dyncorp HQ Runs Iran Contra 2 Op - Start to Finish

Cars International A

Rendezvous Point for Cars, Drivers, Money

Laundered at Hijrah

27 of 276

28 of 276

29 of 276

Felony Murder Rule - Wheelman Just As Guilty, Stolen Cars Sold in VA, Shipped to Pakistan, Two Jalloh Arrests in NJ, NJ

Bill Warner - Investigator VINS

Mohammed Barrie?

Living With Imran?

30 of 276

Wife of Imran, $166K, Loebsack IA 2, Meeks NY 5, Speier CA 14, Ryan OH13

Three White House Visits for Omar, Also Involved in Car “Dealership”

Business Records for EZ Car Buying? Phone GPS?

Awans Sold Stolen Cars, Laundered Money at Mosques?

Sova Ukraine NADRA Bank Connection

Avalon Mortgage? 22 Companies

Affordable, Alain, AgroMarketing

SUPARCO - Satellites

31 of 276

June 7th I speculate that Assange is trying to say

Awan is working on NADRA Satellite Application

I Speculate NADRA Bank in Ukraine Is Being Used To Broker Uranium Mining/ Shipments Through China

Natalia Sova Is NADRA Bank Connection

32 of 276

Hillary Announces Donate By Phone for Pakistan Flood Victims on August 4th, 2010. Kerry Drops By For Visit Same Day

33 of 276

Small Chemring Missiles Put in Trunks of Stolen Cars Diplomatic Car Theft Ring

34 of 276

James Balsillie. RIM

35 of 276

Amjad Awan - BCCI

First American - DC

CIA’s Man in Pakistan

Gulen’s Midnight Express to Turkey

Amjad Awan - Laundered Mena Airport Cash, Iran Contra “Rice”

Ratline TN, AL, GA, FL and “Haiti” Bert Lance, Marc Rich to Launder Medellin Cartel Money of Pablo Escobar Laundered by Noriega through Mossak Fonseca

Sentenced to 12 Years for Drug Laundering

36 of 276

Federal Gov’t Shift To Sex Entrapment, Asset Forfeiture

Shift From Sworn Officers to Paid/Volunteer Informants

Secretary of State, Madeline Albright

Clinton Administration - 1993-2001

Amb Chris Hill


Claude d’Estree Taught

Monica Petersen

Human Trafficking Clinic

Worked for DynCorp,

Asset Forfeiture

Seminars on Torture

Federal Prosecutor

Army Intel to JTTF 2003,2004

Jebsen Tufts 2005


Lauren Johnson “Carbon Monoxide” Case

23 Year Old Vancouver , WA Death

Korbel School, Denver, University

Operation Underground Railroad

Pug Winokur

37 of 276

FBI and State Department Want Five Years To Process Records

103 Year Pace Now

Rule 41 - Get WarFAnywhere

no grand jury, no subpoenas, no court orders, you know, immunity to the co-conspirators, letting the co-conspirators in on the interview. I mean, these are all crazy things that the FBI never does.”-

Look For Connections To Other Private Servers - Hillary’s, Huma’s 650K Emails

FBI Should Publish All 19 Gmail Account MetaData, No State Secret Protection

Felony violations of Federal Records Act - CTD


Miami Office

Quid Pro Quo


Of Evidence

Andrew McCabe

38 of 276

Abid/Imran Ordered 150 iPhones and iPads For Delivery at His House For Six Person Dept.

39 of 276

40 of 276


41 of 276

Operation Dumbo Drop

Teen Drug Rape Just A Sign

42 of 276

Did Jaquaya Get Dumbo Dropped From

Nov 2014 - April 2016? Getaway June 20th?

No Facebook Posts Until Mid September

43 of 276

44 of 276

Need Police Report - Notebook, Hard Drives

45 of 276

Mensah 2401

House Intel 2118

Phone Booth 2235

Carson 2135

46 of 276

47 of 276

Kidnapping Threats,

Cell Phone Hacking

Incident Report-Fairfax County PD dated 01-05-17


48 of 276

49 of 276

Search Is On For Tegiwa Fadlalla

Car Dealer Import/Export

50 of 276

51 of 276

Are Anthony Weiner’s “Trusted Staff” in DC the Awan Brothers?


Haseeb Rana? Rao? Blackberries Compromised? 20K-30K Emails

52 of 276

53 of 276

Need Credit Union Report - CAO Kilean

Need Suspicious Activity Reports

Hundreds of Transfers to Pakistan

54 of 276

Faisalabad - Punjab Medical College

Shahid Imran Awan

Travel Schedule?

55 of 276

Awan Brothers Five Shipments Since Feb

Last Shipment July 31st, 24,000 Cartons

Who is Mohammed Farooq Awan?

56 of 276

AB Auto Bringing In Sixteen Year Old

Toyotas From Japan Into Port of Jacksonville - Many of These Deals

57 of 276

March 2017 - “Deep Uranium” Informs Me of Uranium Ratline

Astana To Karachi, Pakistan

CIA Airbases Opium,

Kazak, Uzbek, Turk, Afghan

Craig Murray


April 10th - Hard Drives,

June - Assange “NADRA” App Email - I Speculated Awan/Begum NADRA Satellite App Development in Pakistan

NADRA Bank in China

58 of 276

Adeel Rice Mills - Border of Punjab/ India Kashmir, LET

TEVTA State Support

Only Private Airport in PK

59 of 276

Saipov Owns Bright Auto LLC

1400 Trips Betwen NYC and OH

Stevie Steve Car Dealer Murders

Ft. Wayne Triple Murder Somali Kids

Opiate Soft Targeting and Cancer Targeting Muzzafar Awan

Rhoden Murder - Families of Eight Murdered Industrial Drug Operation - R+L Truckers?

Saipov Owns Sayf Auto in Cincinnati, OH

US Enrichment Corp - Piketon

60 of 276

61 of 276

62 of 276

Imran Wires Money to Pakistan Immediately After Getting Loan For $165,000, Wires $283,000 Later

63 of 276

64 of 276

65 of 276

66 of 276

67 of 276

68 of 276

DWS Address in Jackson Heights, NY?

69 of 276

Iwan Brothers - 80 Dems 20 Burglaries, 150

Did Wasserman Vouch For Imran Awan Loans? All Seven on Hawkshead?

70 of 276

November 2nd, 2016

True Pundit Publishes NYPD Chief

500,000 State Dept Emails, 650K total

Cell Records Subpoena - Bahamas, BVI

Hill Six Trips to Epstein’s Island, Bill 26

NYPD Chief Says Emails Contain Child Exploitation, Sex Crimes, Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Money Laundering, Pay to Play

Ehud Barak - Israel Foreign Minister

71 of 276

72 of 276

73 of 276

74 of 276

75 of 276

76 of 276

Tim Ballard, ex-DHS CEO Operation Underground Railroad

Public Private Partnership? or

Vigilante Kidnap and Extortion Unit Created For Asset Seizure

Beck Now Working Operation Underground Railroad

Booz Allen - NSA

77 of 276

78 of 276

79 of 276

80 of 276

CDWG-GSA Contract - Brillient, Mohammed Z Awan

81 of 276

Lots of Shipping Around the World For Sixteen Year Old Vehicles From UAE

Lots of Shipping From Japan For Sixteen Year Old Vehicles

82 of 276

83 of 276

84 of 276

85 of 276

86 of 276

87 of 276

88 of 276

Email Headers Are Key to the Case!! Publish!!

89 of 276

Is Charles Freitag JTTF?

90 of 276

Nanoset Technology?

New Dawn 2001 Corporation? July 29, 2011

8 Days Before 22 OBLSeals Killed

91 of 276

New Era on 25th, New Dawn on July 29th

92 of 276

Weapons Store - Fort Belvoir-

Weapons Load Point - National Harbor

93 of 276

94 of 276

95 of 276

96 of 276

97 of 276

98 of 276

Who Vetted Haseeb and Rao?

99 of 276

Twenty Blackberries

Stolen From Congress?

Let’s See The Report


Where Is MSM Press With Interviews Of Congressional Credit Union Scandal???

100 of 276

Dr. Ali al-Attar - Internal Medicine, AUBeruit

FBI Investigation $2.3 Fake Bills 2007-2009

License Suspended 2009, Revoked 2011

Reports of Sexual Explotation of Patients

IRS 2012 Indictment For Income Tax Evasion

Owned CIA Front Car Dealership To Funnel Money to Muslim Brothers for House Spying


Awan Brothers Spying on House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security Funded By Old CIA Fixture

Publicize ATM Photos, Other Cams?

Gulen Terrorist Ties

Hezbollah Car Dealership

Gets No Coverage

101 of 276

Zia Hassan - First American Real Estate

102 of 276

103 of 276

Looking at Traffic to Doorstep of Navy Yard - Teleport DC

104 of 276

Who Took Eight Months of FBI Calls?

Does Jason Bragg Know About DNC Hacking? - Did Yared Tamene Log Calls?

105 of 276

Court Says It Finds Fraud, But Can’t Test It

106 of 276

McCabe Shutdown Hillary and Huma Servers Investigations and Ignored Awan Brothers Spy Ring in Congress - Now a Bill to Memorialize His Job After Cashing In on FBI Startups - TDS, Crowdstrike

107 of 276

108 of 276

109 of 276

SEIU DNC Machine Uses Outstanding, Committed Tech Experts as Human Shields, All /DNC DCCC Shennanigans Happen

Late - Enter the Awans

Michael Sussman - Security Team For DNC at Perkins Coie

110 of 276

DNC/DCCC Hack Cover Up Delayed Until After Election

111 of 276

Just Two Home Loans So Far

112 of 276

113 of 276

Did Imran Awan’s Dad Own a Florida Car Import/Export?

114 of 276

115 of 276

Richmond Car Dealer Murdered - Florida Lawyers Too? Another Masood Murder?

“Manassas Mahmood”, Goal Transport

Registered Agent

Awan Brothers, LLC

Arshad Mahmood

116 of 276

Representative Desantis Calls For Congressional

Inquiries into Awan Brothers Scandal

117 of 276

Famous 7E Catch All Exemption

118 of 276

119 of 276

1st Journalist

3rd Standing Army



4th Illegal Search

5th Self Incriminate

10th State Right

120 of 276

DC Media Intimidated Into Silence In Classic Motor Murders

121 of 276

Key Question - What Time Period Needs To Be Allowed For FOIA?

I Have Standing Now With Ohio Case No State Secrets Catch-22 Now

122 of 276

Team Rubicon

Jake Wood

Petraeus Provides Flash Bang Moment Team to Haiti For One Reason

Eliminate Political Opposition - Phoenix

Kissinger’s Red Teams - Onsite OHS

Peter Thiel - Palanatir

Team Rubicon - Dana Braverman, Medical Coordinator - William McNulty

123 of 276

Iran Contra 2 - Drugs In, Weapons Out

124 of 276

FBI Has Pried Hard Drives Now - McCabe Shutting Down Investigation

125 of 276

Former Deputy Secretary of State and US Intel Expert Says Awan Brothers Connected to Pakistani Intelligence - ISI

126 of 276

127 of 276

DC Media Ignores Cover Shootings - Killings

128 of 276

Stepmom Imprisoned - Stole Inheritance

Threatened Kidnapping -Cell Phone Hacked

6 Companies - Winfield Mortgage

Sam Toqeer Winfield - 17 Tickets

No License - No Registration

129 of 276

130 of 276

DC and NYC Media Refuses to Research Roots of 2011 Luxury Car Theft Ring

131 of 276

132 of 276

133 of 276

134 of 276

135 of 276

136 of 276

I Defended Mohamed Mohamud, a Somali Student in Portland Christmas Tree Bomber Case vs Andrew McCabe Who Promoted Fake Terrorism For JTTF

137 of 276

138 of 276

139 of 276

140 of 276

Is “Cap Blackberry” John Podesta’s Blackberry or a Type of Blackberry the Awan Brothers Dope to Give to Congress, WH Staff, or Wall Street USAID “Black Swan” Investors Like Steve Feinberg/Cerebus/Dyncorp

Podesta Aside

“And Our Link To Obama’s Private Email”

141 of 276

142 of 276

143 of 276

Published September 4th, 2009

144 of 276

Omar Awan $147,611

Omar is Abid Awan, used for transactions to shelter Imran

“Jamals” are runners,

145 of 276

Feta Gulen - CIA Man in Pakistan to Turkey

Gulen Schools - CIA Fronts - “Teachers”

$40B in Malaysia

Muzaffar Awan

Beaumont Dr.

Reza Zarrab - Bag Man for Pakistan to Turkey Drugs

Graham Fuller “Russian Plan”

146 of 276

Are Awan Brothers the Same As Amjad Awan’s Brothers of 1984?

147 of 276

Virginia State Senator - @SenDickBlack,

269 Combat Missions Vietnam - Purple Heart

Ran Against Jill McCabe, After NYT Hillary Email MacAuliffe Funded Her with $675,000, Hillary Visit

148 of 276

Tahir Javed’s Sugarland Express - 1 if by Air

2 if By Sea - Port Arthur, TX

600 Acre Farm in Anahuac, TX

Animal Pharma

149 of 276

150 of 276

Jason Weiner

151 of 276

Four Rice Orders - 16 Months Apart - Just Like Awan Companies

Imran Rice Mills, Springfield, MA, Nanoset LLC Sold in 2005

To BioPhan CEO is Michael L Weiner, 4 Times Square

152 of 276

153 of 276

Band and Cooper Organize Concalls at Clinton Found.

154 of 276

155 of 276

156 of 276

Federal Gov’t Shift To Sex Entrapment, Asset Forfeiture

Shift From Sworn Officers to Paid/Volunteer Informants

Secretary of State, Madeline Albright

Clinton Administration - 1993-2001

Amb Chris Hill


Claude d’Estree Taught

Monica Petersen

Human Trafficking Clinic

Worked for DynCorp,

Asset Forfeiture

Seminars on Torture

Federal Prosecutor

Army Intel to JTTF 2003,2004

Jebsen Tufts 2005


Lauren Johnson “Carbon Monoxide” Case

23 Year Old Vancouver , WA Death

Korbel School, Denver, University

Operation Underground Railroad

Pug Winokur

157 of 276

Sammy’s 13 Tickets

Is Sammy Rammy?

Tricare - US Army Doctor Referrals

At 5111 Leesburg Pike

158 of 276

159 of 276

Harassment Deaths Are Caused by CIA “Revenge” Groups

Michael Ruppert and Gary Webb, Exposed CIA Drug Running

Both Died From CIA/FBI CTD “D&D”, USSS Prowler Teams

Diffuse and Disrupt = Death

160 of 276

Special Agent(s) Gilbert Graham, Sibel Edmonds, Mike German, Fred Whitehurst, Colleen Rowley, John Roberts, Jane Turner, Robert Wright - Whistleblowers at FBI

FISA needed for Warrants, Snowden Proved Contractors Could Look at President’s email.


US Gladio



CIA Infiltration

Of FBI Through


161 of 276

Sheik Zayed

162 of 276

163 of 276

164 of 276

NATO Satellites, C-130s

Gen Bouchard - NATO

Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).

Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).- Mons, Belgium

All NATO Nations Commit Budget

$240 Billion Missing

Gladio B, C, D

$6.5T Missing in US

Lockheed F35 - Comey Update?

Funnel R&D$ to Subcontractors

Brownstone Op

Sibel Edmonds


165 of 276

166 of 276

Muhammed Shah - Blue Sky

Iridium Phones, Mena Encore

167 of 276

NSF Medical Physics Grants

Innovative Medical Physics?

168 of 276

Satellite Tracking - Terrorists, Families, Friends, Journalists,

Drug, Sex, Arms Networks

169 of 276

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2

Gen. Bouchard Ran Libya Air Campaign

Now Running F35 “Slows”, F-16 India

NATO Generals Invest In Tech Startups Like Textron Part Of F35 Cockpit, Sensors, Helmet

Petraeus, Grange, Blumenthal Need NATO

101st Airborne Delta Force Contractors

Rasmussen - SG UN

“We Must Bomb”

Carl Bildt - Soros NATO Toppler

Famous Albania Email

Step 1



170 of 276

ISIS Has Gas Masks, Atropin Antidote

Al-Qaim - Oil fields

Raqqa - Refineries

Aleppo - Refineries

Tabqa - Refineries

Mosul - Mobile Refineries

Serena Shim ISIS

Oil Arms Rat Line

Step 4.5



171 of 276

Asfari - Billionaire CEO of Petrofac

Bids Oil Projects with Consolidated

Architect and Construction Analogy

Not Just Haiti, Libya, Syria

Middle East Project

7 Countries in Five Years

Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen, Iran

Disruption, Call for NATO Order


Syrian “Human Rights” Org Giving Oil Pipeline Seminar in Khazakstan

Eva Bartlett

Kamel Rahman

Shifa Gardi - Murdered

172 of 276

Step 1 - Gaddafi’s Stingers, Sarin Gas To Get NATO Bombing

Step 3+4 - Petraeus Ships Sarin to King Abdullah

3 - Oil/Arms Rat Line

4 - Gas Attack to Topple

Step 3 - Jordanian Officers Driving Off Truckloads Stingers

2 - Send Cute Kids to Malta? Greece?

Libya Just One Of Seven Countries in

Middle East Project - 2003, PNAC

Step 2 - Topple Gaddafi 2.5 Kill Amb

173 of 276

Medicare Fraud Doc ODs Five on Methodone In 20 months

Lapeer, MI - Town of 8,800

Javed Brothers Run Largest Medicare Ever Fraud - Rolexs


Dr. Death

Tariq Awan - TOR, DET, LAS, CA

174 of 276

Cheney 12333, Montgomery 600 Million Emails, 47 Hard Drives

NGA East - 7500 Geoint Dr.Springfield, VA

175 of 276

176 of 276

Two Pakistani Women Say Three Pakistani Stepsons Threatened to Kidnap Relatives

In Pakistan to Change Inheritance to Them

177 of 276

If McAuliffe Bribe of 675,000 Makes McCabe Recuse,

What About Hillary, Huma, and Awan Server Cases?

178 of 276

179 of 276

180 of 276

Secret Service Prowlers Teams?

181 of 276

Pak Taj Border

182 of 276

183 of 276

Neil Bluhm - Owner Rosemont Casino, Rush Street Gaming

Casinos in Philadelphia, Pittsburg

NAFTA War Over Mangos

Cartels Mad About NAFTA Mango Restrictions

184 of 276

Chicago Air Route Transit Control Center - Aurora, IL

185 of 276

Three Judge FISA Court of Review

July 12th - Overturned June Warrant?

186 of 276

Vault7 - CIA Hacking Tools

$100B - Now “Out There”

Great For MB Spy Groups

“Umbrage” RU Footprints

Alfa Bank 1 - Red

Alfa Bank 2 - Blue

Spectrum Health - Yellow

Alfa Bank - Carl Bildt

187 of 276

157 Saudi Beheadings in 2016 - Record

188 of 276

Podesta Office Art Depicts Heart Dissection

“Spirit Cooking” Emails Show Art Heart Removal

Podesta “Pam” Email Talks About Collecting

For Heart and Kidney Transplant From Pam

Fleischaker - “Rape, Pillage, Plunder”

Happy Hearts From Thai Tsunami 2004 - Penn, Martelly, Nemcova

189 of 276

Samy Zuraik - Import/Export

Samy Zuraik FB Friends with Cliff Brandt

Samy’s List of Hotels, Refrigerated Shipping

Samy’s Import Export Biz

Acra Family Drug Trafficking Tie Cliff Brandt

Vince Depatie, Noami Nurse in Mirebalais

190 of 276

Children of Mirebalais Disappear

Forced Vaccine Tests on Kids

Parents Not Allowed to See Kids

250K DynCorp Bodybags

Fred Eshelman, PPD

Bill Swing - IOM

Ambassador Haiti

6M Dead Congo

Digicel Phones Used As

Debit Cards, Tracking “Assets”

World Vision Vaccine?

Medecins San Frontiers

For Organ Harvesting?

Cathy O’Brien testified of being used as a sex slave in Haiti, witnessing drug running, virus testing

Tim Alefantis - BioWeapons

191 of 276

DynCorp White Helmets Operation

Remove Heart, DynCorp Body Bag

Rampant Organ Harvesting Reported in Bosnia, Kosovo for DynCorp, RTI Surgical Ukraine

“Railroad” Operation Sets Up Heart “Donors”

OTPUR - Kosovo Popovic

192 of 276

Project Medishare

Donna Shalala

University of Miami

Life Alliance

Organ Recovery



Barth Green/Martilly

700 Kids Bodies Found Ghouta, Syria

193 of 276

194 of 276

Donna Shalala - HHS Secretary 1993-2001

University of Miami President 2001-2015

Clinton Foundation President 2015 to Present

Biological Resource Center

Of Chicago

195 of 276

Organs From “Brain Dead” Patients - Heart, 4 Hours, Lungs 6 Hours, Liver 10, Kidneys 24-36

Tom Price

HHS $600 Billion Budget

196 of 276

Haiti - World Bank, Bob Zoellick 2007-2012

Digicel 5 Star Hotel

Marriott Hotel, Port au Prince

“Digicel” Hotel, Denis O’Brien


US Secretary of the Treasury

2009-13 Tim Geithner

Port Lafito, Prison

Bigio Family

Prison, AK-47s

World Bank Roads, Grid

1,000 Beds

Industrial Park

Gold Mine, La Difference School


700 UN Peacekeepers Nearby

“Cholera” Victims Are Donors

For Organ Cruises, Body Bags

Doc to Dock No Inspection

For Organs Leaving- Flex Jets

Rajiv Shah, Takes Over USAID 5 Days Before Quake at 37 Years Old

Nancy Scheper-Hughes

2009 FBI Case

197 of 276

Map of Malta’s 110 Diplomatic Missions

Knights of Malta Can Issue Diplomatic

Passports - Giustra Enterprise Partners?

198 of 276

Christmas “Havana Conference” 1946 - Operation X

CIA Implements Helliwell Plan with Luciano/Genovese

Vatican Bank Used To Launder Heroin Trade to Harlem

Scapporeli “Oranges” Packed In Havana To Ship

New Orleans, Miami, and NY Ports, Moved By Teamsters

Gladio Funded By Heroin Trade, Knights of Malta Bag Men

CIA Establishes “Vatican Desk” To Collect Eastern Europe Intel

William Colby, James Angleton, William Casey, John McCone,

William F Buckley, Alexander Haig, Rhinehard Gehlen



199 of 276

200 of 276

Pot Cops Episode

Sheriff Lopey - CA

Lopey Foundation

DynCorps - UN Bosnia, UN Haiti, Afghanistan

ex-Marine, CHP

201 of 276

Alan Bersin - First “Border Czar

High Tech Operation Gatekeeper

Rhodes Scholar with Bill Clinton

Yale Law School with Bill/Hillary

Commissioner for CBP 2010-11

Vice President Interpol 2012-2015

Currently at DHS

Controversies Included:

Redacting Electronic Components

For US Military Gear

One Year Ban on “No Search” for

Trucks at San Ysidro Border Crossing

202 of 276

203 of 276

204 of 276

McCabe Tries To Shut Down CF Investigation

WSJ - NYC FBI Kallstrom Recommends Recusal


Feb 10th

McCabe Promoted Second Time In Seven Months To No 2 Man At FBI After Odd Hack Of Deputy Director’s Email By

“Crackas With Attitude” - Front For A Secret Service Hack By Joe Clancy

McCabe Re-Orgs FBI Investigation - Walls Off Four FBI Office, Adds Miami To Hide Haiti

205 of 276

Eve Branson, 91

International Center For Exploited and Missing Children Established in 1998 By Hillary, Wife of Tony Blair, Cheryl

Patty Wetteling

206 of 276

Soros Visits Pignon Haiti Bienfaisance Hospital/Ophanage With Hillary in November of 1998

Dr. Guy Theodore, Hospital Bienfaisance

Pignon, Haiti

Kelly Duda, Factor 8

207 of 276

Flint Chambers Orders 15 Year Old Lap Dances at DynCorp

Kathryn Bolkovac

DynCorp in Kosovo

3 - Police, DynCorp

Dyncorp losses $1 billion US tax dollars��

208 of 276

209 of 276

Coloboma or Renal Coloboma

Also Papillorenal Syndrome

Mutation of Pax2, Joest-Degen Bodies

Joest-Degen Inclusion Bodies

Wilhelm Zwick Transfers BVD

From Horses to Rabbits

Ernst Joest,

U of Dresden

U of Leipzig

Josef Mengele in CIA in Argentina, 1956

210 of 276

211 of 276

Cheap Labor for GAP, Target, Walmart

Caracol $300M US AID, Total $6B

Tetrapak, Cemex, Shorebank, Seaboard

2012 Gold Funnel, $20B Gold Mine?

2010 - Kidnapping Capital of World

1,000 Workers Ekam Housing

Digicel GPS, MicroSharks 195%, Carlos Slim

Monica Petersen 1

Masters Thesis - “Bonus Pay”, Forced Labor?

Tembo, Skoll, CCC, Giustra, Slim, CGEP, Bellrive, Rodham, IHRC, HSBC

Political/Military Officers USAID

Yunus, Slim, O’Brien

Laura Silsby


212 of 276

New York to Paris to Africa to Little St. James Clinton Epstein Connection - 40 Kids, 102 Jane Does



Gone 4+5

Tyler Drumheller

Osprey Global

Brownstone Ops - Extortion for NATO Generals and EU Politicians - 1,100 Hidden CF Donors

Ehud Barrack, Ghislaine, Bob Maxwell

213 of 276

214 of 276

Do You Believe That CIA and Pentagon Would Not Be Connected to President’s Escape Route to Camp David?

Obama Declassified Tunnel System in 2012

215 of 276

Chicago Fusion Center

DHS Has 50 State Fusion Centers

25 “Regional” City Fusion Centers

Same Setup As Project Phoenix in Vietnam

216 of 276

Jeff Salaiz

Political Military Officers Set Up Underground Railroads

217 of 276

Rex Tillerson, SoS Candidate

Steve Feinberg, Owner Dyncorp

Trump’s Top Advisor with Ivan Boesky, Madoff Partners

Top Trader with Michael Milken

DynCorp Gets $11B Contract

218 of 276

Future of Journalism is Data Analysis

Black Budgets Leave Footprints

USAID Used To Expand Base In Cite Soleil

2011 Stats

25K Employees

32 Countries

150 Sites

219 of 276

Donna Karan

220 of 276

Vault 7 - Monsanto, Lionsgate, Lockheed

221 of 276

Max Maccoby

James Alefantis

Silsby Connection

Nous Petit Frere

et Souer

CIA Lawyer

“Set Up Man”

Future of Journalism is Data Analysis

222 of 276

223 of 276

224 of 276

Kidney $262K

Lungs $200K

Liver $157K

Heart $119K

Cornea $15K

Marrow $23K/g, 453g

UAE Doctors

225 of 276

226 of 276

Tim Russert Died From “Old Heart”, Christopher and Dana Reeve Died

From “Old Lung” - Dr. Eric Braverman

227 of 276

228 of 276

DynPort -DynCorp and Porton Int’l Joint Venture

Center for a New American Century

Cord Blood Can Substitute For Bone Marrow - 6 Month Heart Transplants

Emergent Biosciences

Viruses - Bioweapons

DynPort Vaccine

Mr. Virus/Vaccine

229 of 276

National Prayer Breakfast Leader Since Eisenhower - Kagame “Butcher of Congo” Invited Thursday

Doug Coe’s Calls Out Two Leaders Who Demanded Absolute Loyalty - Mao and Hitler - Enforces All Informant Groups

230 of 276

Kagame of Rwanda

6M Dead in Congo

Kagame Ugandan Soldier

231 of 276

232 of 276


Lukas Lundin

Pledges $100M


Joe Wilson, Plame

65% Pitchblende vs .3%

233 of 276

Last News Release of Metadata of number of US Intelligence Companies and Contractors was 2010 - 1,300 Fed Facilities, 2,000 Contractors

FBI JTTF - CIA + 12 Military Intelligence Agencies

132 CT Organizations

36 Intel Organizations

234 of 276

Friends of Haiti - 4 Hours to 12

Noyau - Core, Heart

Morne Boulage - Sad Face

Marron Inconnu

235 of 276

Hashim Thaci - President Kosovo

Carla Del Ponte - UN

Special Prosecutor

Kosovo, Rwanda, Croatia, Albania

236 of 276

All Files on Clinton Hires (including)

SSNs and DOBs Destroyed

Three Classified Budget Programs

Authored By Lael Brainard 2013

$6.5T Missing from US Treasury

US Gladio Program - PDD-62, D&D, Gladio B

Manpower From Arkansas, West Virginia

Disruption - Targeting Political Opponents

237 of 276

Catherine Austin Fitts Figures Out Entire DynCorp Black Budger By

Pulling on the BCCI “Golden Thread”

At HUD. Pug Winokur’s 30 Agencies

Under PROMIS Software Account For Missing $3T In 2002, now $6.5T

Bill Weld

238 of 276

239 of 276

2003 - Rep Cynthia McKinney Questions SoD Donald Rumsfeld

Why DynCorp Gets Gov’t Contracts When Caught Sex Trafficking?

Also, $2.3T Missing in DoD Budget? Now $6.7T Missing from DoD

240 of 276

“Grange can train their FORCES and he has drawn up a PLAN for taking Tripoli.” - Sid Blumenthal, July 14, 2011 Creates CFA

Step 2 - Blumenthal/Grange Osprey - CFA

October 12th, 2011

Blumenthal - “Can you send me Libya Plan?

CIA Chief Drumheller - “Here it is” Sudan?


101st, 75th COIN


Blumenthal, Kikhia, Drumheller, Grange, Shearer all there Aug 2011

July 14, 2011

241 of 276


George Soros, Zbig Brezinski

Where Did Gaddafi’s $256B Go?

Marc Rich, Chagoury, Giustra, Epstein - $81M to CF - UNITAID

CF’s Hidden 1,100 Donors

Soros’ Dominoes - Gaddafi, Mubarak, Assad, Ben Ali

Libya, Egypt, Syria, Algeria - Same HSBC Swiss Bank

CF 1,000 Hidden Donors - NATO, US Generals Arms Players

State Department Oil/Gas/Mineral Players

242 of 276

Step 1 Fulfilled - Gaddfi’s Gold $9.2B, $3.5B Cash, Wife $30B

Step 2 Fulfilled Launder Gaddafi’s Swiss HSBC Assets - $65B-$265B?

Launder Hidden Gaddafi Money Rich - BGU, Chaguri - Ekko One, Giustra Greek Hedge, Epstein, NATO Generals, EU Politicians, Khan, Slim

Go 1,100 Hidden Donor Network,

Sell Partnerships for Oil/Gas Plays




Bring Back Exile to Sell Off Oil Rights with Sid

Rubber Stamps for Kikhia


243 of 276

Quid Pro Quo


Marc Rich Admits He Took Cartel Money, Bought Gaddafi Oil, Put It In HSBC, And Donated $10Ms to Clinton Foundation from Arms, Oil Deals, Sex Traffic, Organs?

Podesta Emails -

“He Kept Me Out of Jail”

Podesta Emails Show Constant Collusion with DOJ Investigations

7 Comey Quid Pro Quos Clinton/Rich - 10 years, End ‘93, $140M Fine, Whitewater ‘96

2003 Rich Pardon, 2013 HSBC - $1.9B Fine, 2016 Hillary, Clinton Foundation, Huma

Kennedy Quid Pro Quo

244 of 276

245 of 276

Petraeus,Reines, Bash, Shapiro, Morell

400 Stingers Going on C-130s to ISIS in Jordan and Turkey, Sarin Gas?

8 Binders - Operation Plans Tells You Where the Arms Caches Are Zero Footprint, Fast and Furious, Timber Sycamore,

Morell - CIA

Brownstones Ops

Blackmail Sex

Petraeus, Panetta

“Sex Case”, KKR

Sets Up Parties, Epstein


Michael Hastings

246 of 276

“I was a Non-Official Cover for the CIA. They bribed me for planting a story that Gaddafi was making Sarin gas and Saddam in 1988.

247 of 276

Mapping the Entities of CF

Old CF versus New CGI

Bill versus Hillary/Chelsea

Lindsey, Band, Cooper vs Braverman/Brown

Good Way to Map

Hillary - Haiti - USAID - Project - DynCorp - $50M

248 of 276

249 of 276

Middle East Contractors to CFR, then World Bank in DC

250 of 276

Carlos Slim Acquires 8 Companies in 7 Years by age 32,

Federal Police Chief Brother Accused of Murder, Extortion, Torture, Bribery, False Arrest as Head of DFS (like US DHS)

Mining, Construction, and Real Estate Then Buys Telmex

$1.7B for $14.5B Value For No Money Down in 1990

Guaranteed 7 Years Monopoly, Unlimited Mobile Rights

After 1990, Carlos buys up cell rights to rest of Central/South America, then Caribbean in 2006

Begins Micro-finance partnership in 2008 with Mohammed Yunus

Hugh Sinclair 2 - Microfinace Whistleblower

195% Interest Rates, Contracts Fingerprints

DynCorp in Mexico

251 of 276

Meet with Ambassadors to US - Present KKR to sell oil leases

Don’t nationalize oil, minerals,

US will protect your gov’t, provide intelligence, drones, etc

252 of 276

Pemex Breakup To Sell Gulf Oil Leases

Mexico Miracle, Sinaloa Takeover, Oil Swaps

253 of 276





Syria Gas

254 of 276

Dec 20th - Hillary - 2,115 Classified Emails,

4,000 Huma to Hillary Emails

FBI Agent and Huma Redacted

Will Comey Brief Trump Today on this Hack?

255 of 276

256 of 276

257 of 276

258 of 276

Drone Captured


259 of 276

How Bribe Funnels Work

260 of 276

March 8, 2015, Ron Fournier

McAuliffe, 30 Year Friends

McAuliffe Sets Up Bribe Funnel -

Spouse Ruse - $675,000

McCabe’s Team Finds Braverman “Follow the Money” Email

Orders Full Time Surveillance on Braverman.

McCabe Promoted Three Months Later to No 3

Deep Dive Surveillance on All CF Employees

Similar to 50 Man USSS Hack of Chaffetz

Podesta Already Knows Braverman Is Source of NJ piece

261 of 276

Eric Schmit, NYT, ISIS Used Sarin Gas 52 Times

14 NATO Officers Arrested in Aleppo - Friday, December 16th

Russian Chemical Teams Send Detailed Sarin Evidence to Hague

Turkish Ambassador Murdered, About to Take Questions from the Press

Putin Orders Alexander Ensemble to Aleppo, Morell Plane Hack/Gas?

David Scott Winer - US and 13 others Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey,

David Aram – Israel, Qatar, 8 Saudis, Jordan, Moroccan

Every Time Morell Makes Up More Russian Hack Stories, Putin Sends More

Chemical Weapons and Human Trafficking Investigators to Turkey

262 of 276

French Team Studying Illicit Trafficking in Libya

Libya and Syria Planes Hacked?

Russian Singers Trafficking and Chem Investigators?

CO2 Poisoning - Same Device Used to Fumigate Planes?

Malta Offshore Accounts

Diane Barton

3:09 PM Today

263 of 276

Hogan Hartson’s Saudi Lobby - Visas

264 of 276

Who is Neil Brown? Protege of ex-Senator Richard Lugar, David Petraeus Ghost Writer

Architects of El Compacto - Removing State Owned Pemex - Sell Mexico Gulf Oil Leases

265 of 276

State Department and National Archives Must Find Missing 30,000 Emails

Judge Stephen Williams

266 of 276

Hillary Provided Muslim Brotherhood/ISIS Sarin Gas

Strategy - Disrupt, Then Bomb/Invade with NATO “Order”

267 of 276

Ray Dalio - Bridgewater 2013

NATO/Libya Hedge Fund

Pure Alpha - Lockheed/F35

Comey Five Years At Lockheed

Disrupt Lockheed, Then Order? 2005 - 2010

Libya “Take” Was $265B

Comey Settlement $1.9B

268 of 276

Guistra Launders With Metals, Oil

“Pivot to Asia” was Uranium Play

“You Owe Me”

Joe Wilson, Jarch Capital,

Coup in South Sudan, 2009

180 Private Emails to Hillary

25 Emails Just On Benghazi

Wilson Laundering Arms, Oil

Joe Wilson Has Private Email

Sid Hiring Army

Gaddafi’s $300B

Ekko, Oil Pipelines - Lagos, Nigeria

$1B Donor to CF

1993 Nigerian Coup,

Laundered $4B to Swiss Accounts


Subponea, FOIA

Subpoena FOIA

269 of 276

What’s in Huma’s 650,000 Emails? Petraeus, State Dept gmails

Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership Oil/Mineral Plays

Chagoury Nigeria-Sahara Pipeline, Greece Pipeline

Arms Deals to ME and NA Countries, KOM

“Follow The Money”, Email, Arms, and Oil

Giustra Clinton Enterprise Partner 1,100 Donors

Regime Change Investment Club - KKR

270 of 276

KOM $28M

Bribe for

Western Sahara -



Chagoury Secret Pipeline

Chagoury Traded Oil for Weapons with Marc Rich

Stolen Nigeria Oil, Weapons to Hamas, Hezz, BH

$1B CF Donor, Looted $4B

Convicted 2000 for Bribery

Epstein’s Plane Rides

27 Boko Haram Bombings

Near Oil Fields

US AID - Guns

271 of 276

Annex Western Sahara For Pipelines

KOM - The Next Gaddafi?

Enforce No Fly Zone Against Algeria

KKR Global Institute - Neil Brown

KOM and Buhari

272 of 276

Nides Shares “Sovereignty Change” Information With Clinton Donors, Hedge Funds, Private Equities, Donors Pledge Percentage of Profit,

273 of 276

Step One - Honduran Coup July 15, 2009

274 of 276

Braverman Works at Yale’s Jackson School of Gov’t Here Speaking at Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Gov’t

275 of 276

Petraeus - Reines Emails - Smoking Guns to Bribes

AP April 4th, 2016

US Seeks To Seal Court Records In CIA Sex Scandal Case

Eric Braverman and

Neil Brown KKR GI Marry Following Month for 5th Amendment

276 of 276


James Risen, NYT, Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner,

FOX news - Brett Baier, Gregg Jarrett, Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne,

Wikileaks, Judicial Watch�http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/05/doj-abruptly-drops-case-against-gun-runner-who-threatened-to-reveal-clintons-libya-dealings.html

Did Braverman Figure Out Clinton Foundation Was An Arms Merchant and Oil Broker?

Were the 1,000 Hidden Donation Funneled Through Giustra Enterprise Partnership to avoid the eyes of Eric Braverman?



Tulsi Gabbard - US Directly and Indirectly Funding ISIS

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Says The U.S. Government Is Directly Funding... https://youtu.be/_qdf2WH4g9k via @YouTube

Obama to Directly Supply ISIS?


Did Hillary Go After Libya's $30B?

Drumheller Blumenthal Documents 2012


Drumheller Blumenthal Germany, South Korea, Algeria, Magreb, Libya Documents - 2013



Judicial Watch Asks For Videos of CF FBI Testimony


Libya's Current Civil War


Are CF Donations Stinger Sales?

Sid Was Emailed The Coup Plans For South Sudan


2016 UN Report on Recovered Weapons Libya - Dolarian Bouncing Beatties APMs


Hillary Gave Joe Wilson's Company Symbion Lucrative Contract


Sid Blumenthal Had a Financial Stake in Mercenary Group


Clinton Sent Dozens of Classified Reports to Mercenaries


Hillary Clinton Had SAP and SCI Top Secret Info Reclassified


National Review Article on Clinton Foundation Donors


Did Hillary Delay Boko Haram Terror Designation?


Hillary Forces Out Kenya Ambassador To Open Somalia Off Shore Oil Leases


Some Nigerian Army Officers Selling Arms to Boko Haram


Same Qatar Individuals That Gave To Clinton Foundation Gave To ISIS


UN Security Council Libya Panel On Recovery of Libya Weapons


Charles Ortel - UNITAID (21 minute mark)


How the Hillary Email Case, Huma Email Case, the Clinton Foundation investigations, the Mark Turi Stingers from Libya to Benghazi Case, and the David Petraeus Sex Scandal Case are all pieces of the Same Puzzle.

New York Times - Timber Sycamore


NYT - Libya Arms Supplied Syrian Rebels


1,000 Clinton-Petraeus emails missing from records sent to State, FBI files show


An Attempted Hillary Email Coverup?




Judicial Watch Asks Federal Court to Find Government Misconduct in Clinton Email Scandal, Force Release of Documents


NATO has 10,000 Stingers Missing