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Course Description

Leadership is a semester long course in which students will become educated leaders of Hillcrest High School. They will organize events, create posters, invest in the community, and better our school. This course is also designed to give students the necessary information and skills to be successful in leadership positions after they graduate.

Teaching Philosophy

My classroom has high expectations for ALL students. Students will be guided, nudged, and encouraged to strive each day to share their knowledge and insights. I want to empower our classroom by ensuring that each student has a voice that is heard, is given high expectations, and is provided full support.

Honor Code

Students are expected to follow the

HHS Honor Code:

"Hillcrest High School expects all students to be honest in academic matters. Hillcrest High School students are required to refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty: cheating, plagiarizing, lying, and other forms of trickery”

Mrs. Gar




Students are expected to bring the following materials to class every day.

  • Charged Chromebook
  • Positive Attitude
  • Willingness to lead and work hard


Hillcrest High School

2023-2024 SYLLABUS

�Major Assessments:              60%

Fundraiser Project

Charity Prep

Homecoming Week

Holiday Week

Spirit Week

�Minor Assessments:              40%�Daily Assignments


Final Grade Calculation:�Quarter 1   40%                     

Quarter 2 40%                                 

Final Exam  10%



Letter Grade

Numerical Grade Average in Course


90 – 100


80 – 89


70 – 79


60 – 79


59 or below / Failure

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Standardized Testing Expectations

Attendance and Tardiness

When we are in school, you are expected to attend class regularly and to be on time.

There are only 5 unexcused absences allowed for each semester class. You have 5 days to make-up work after an absence.


Google Classroom will be used in this course this year.


If you need extra help at any time please reach out to me via email or in person to set up a time. �


The purpose of U.S. History is to foster the historical thinking skills students need to succeed in school and life beyond. In general, any behavior that prevents another student from improving these skills will be addressed. The HHS rules and regulations will be enforced as well as, students are expected to adhere to the following rule:

Students are expected to be respectful to fellow students, instructors, and classroom materials.


When we are in school, you need to have your current school issued ID on at all times.


Cell Phones and Headphones are to be put away in student book bags according to the Greenville County District Policy. Not following this will result in detention and then referrals.

All grades will be updated in PowerSchool weekly.


Option 1: 10 points will be deducted from the student's grade each day for up to five school days from the assignment’s due date. After the fifth school day, late work will not be accepted.

Option 2: The student will need to complete an academic remediation session and turn the assignment in within five school days from the assignment’s due date in order to receive full credit. After the fifth school day, late work will not be accepted.

CLass Expectations