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Blueprint Activity

IRIS-HEP Kickoff Meeting

University of Chicago�October 31, 2018

Mark Neubauer

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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A little history...

  • HEP Software Institute Conceptualization (S2I2-HEP)
    • It was recognized early on in the community process of developing the HEP Software Institute concept that its success depends on an informed evolution of its activities, planning (direction), and (possibly) structure
    • It was suggested to formalize this into a Blueprint Activity that was written into the S2I2-HEP Strategic Plan submitted to the NSF


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A little more history...

  • HEP Software Institute Conceptualization (S2I2-HEP)


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The first “blueprint” meeting

  • HEP Software Institute Conceptualization (S2I2-HEP)
    • S2I2-HEP/DOE Mini-workshop on HL-LHC Software & Computing R&D
    • Held at the Catholic University of America on November 28-29, 2017


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The first “blueprint” meeting

  • HEP Software Institute Conceptualization (S2I2-HEP)
    • S2I2-HEP/DOE Mini-workshop on HL-LHC Software & Computing R&D
    • Held at the Catholic University of America on November 28-29, 2017
    • Involved US ATLAS/CMS S&C Ops mgmt, representatives from the Lab (FNAL, ANL, LBNL, BNL, SLAC), DOE Program Officers, and S2I2-HEP
    • Theme: Coherence & Alignment
    • Discussion around vision for US R&D efforts for HL-LHC (using impact criteria), how R&D and Ops efforts would interact and help each other


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The “blueprint” process at work...

  • HEP Software Institute Conceptualization (S2I2-HEP)
    • The set of proposed R&D areas was developed through a community process (CWP) w/ 3 impact criteria: Physics, Resources/Cost, Sustainability
    • But this set was narrowed down further to the R&D areas we wrote into the NSF proposal for IRIS-HEP based on 4 additional S2I2-specific criteria:
      • Interest/Expertise, Leadership, Value, Research/Innovation

which were highly informed by the S2I2/DOE “blueprint” meeting

We have already gone through as a community a blueprint process of sorts and has played a key role in getting us to the point of having this kick-off meeting!

  • Also, the OSG has a technology evaluation component which shares several aspects of what our blueprint activity should look like


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The IRIS-HEP Blueprint Activity

  • Key points (~from the IRIS-HEP proposal):
    • The Blueprint activity will develop and maintain the software vision for the Institute. These activities will be essential elements to building a common vision with other HEP and HL-LHC software and computing R&D efforts
    • One aspect of the Blueprint activity will be to bring together experts to answer key questions within the scope of the Institute’s activities or within the wider scope of HEP software and computing
    • We anticipate ~3-4 workshops for each year of the project
    • The blueprints will inform the evolution of both the Institute activities and the overall community on HL-LHC R&D objectives in the medium and long term


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The IRIS-HEP Blueprint Activity

  • How would this work in practice? Straw proposal:
    • There are 3-4 blueprint meetings/workshops per year (maybe 3 in Y1)
      • One standing annual meeting might be NSF+DOE+Labs+Ops Mgrs
      • Others would be topical; maybe in Y1 starting with those closely aligned with our current R&D areas, but we should not forget about the sustainability core and that we need to seize opportunities, address challenges and look for new partnerships
      • The workshops should be organized in collaboration with the Executive Board and external entities such as HSF, NSF/DOE funded projects, ...
    • An annual blueprint report is drafted and shared with the relevant parties such as the Executive Board, Steering Board, etc. for comment and iteration. This report is used by IRIS-HEP to develop a vision going forward


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The IRIS-HEP Blueprint Activity

  • Going forward during the workshop
    • Google doc for us to develop ideas
      • http://bit.ly/IRIS-HEP-BluePrint
      • Enter your ideas for Blueprint topics, other meetings with which to co-locate, questions you feel are important, proposed answer to questions posed there
      • Please remember that the Blueprint process is an Institute activity to inform our vision, which requires input and participation by all of us
    • We can discuss more to develop the planning during the breakouts on Thursday


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A cautionary tale...

  • A reminder about blueprints...