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Knowledge Graphs to facilitate Domain Adaptation?

A biomedicine study case

February 23, 2024

Edouard Albert-Roulhac &

Abdelhakim Sehad

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What is a Knowledge Graph (KG)?

  • Represents a network of real-world entities—i.e. objects, events, situations, or concepts—and illustrates the relationship between them. (Source : IBM)

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How do Knowledge Graphs work?

  • A knowledge graph works by representing knowledge in a structured format using nodes, edges, and properties.

  • Knowledge graphs often integrate data from multiple sources.

  • Once the knowledge graph is constructed, it can be queried and analyzed using graph-based query languages or APIs.

  • By organizing knowledge in a structured and interconnected way, knowledge graphs enable more efficient data access, retrieval, and analysis across various domains.

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Applications of KG

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Why are KG’s valuable in biomedicine and healthcare?

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Why Knowledge Graphs in healthcare?

  • Biomedical data is vast and intricate, encompassing genes, proteins, diseases, drugs, and countless other entities.

  • They can integrate patient-specific data, such as genetic information and medical history.

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Research question

Can Multimodal Knowledge Graphs enable domain adaptation?

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Relevant work

  • Knowledge Graph Embeddings in the Biomedical Domain: Are They Useful? A Look at Link Prediction, Rule Learning, and Downstream Polypharmacy Tasks — August, 2023.


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What is BioKG?

  • Biomedical Knowledge Graph that aims to aggregate a wide range of entity and link types within the biomedical domain.

  • 2,067,998 entries across 17 relations.

  • Does not explicitly track the directionality of relationships.

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Their approach

  • The performance of the knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models was evaluated in the biomedical domain by applying state-of-the-art KGE models to BioKG.

  • The evaluation included assessing their performance and potential downstream uses.
  • Best-performing model was evaluated on tasks representing real-life polypharmacy situations

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Some of the models

  • TransE

  • TransR

  • ComplEx

  • RotatE

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Lack of Multimodal Knowledge Graphs

  • Multimodal Learning on Graphs for Disease Relation Extraction


Introduces REMAP to build a high quality Knowledge Graph of relations between diseases

  • When Radiology Report Generation Meets Knowledge Graph


Builds a Knowledge Graph specialized in radiology

These methods build KGs from image & text datasets but the resulting graph is not multimodal

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Chest X-Ray reports

Generate reports from X-Ray images

Variants include other tasks for chest X-Ray:

  • Image multi-label classification
  • KG construction

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Experiments & Results

RaDialog results on the Chest X-Ray Report benchmark (SOTA)

CE: clinical efficacy

BS: BertScore

B-i: Bleu


R-L: Rouge

Source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.18681.pdf

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Radiology Report Generation

  • RaDialog: A Large Vision-Language Model for Radiology Report Generation and Conversational Assistance

Feed results from a multi-label feature extractor to the LLM

This results in little text information

Source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.18681.pdf

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Our approach is to incorporate knowledge from a graph to the LVM

  • Use a general purpose Vision-Language model, BLIP2
    • map image from a radiology vision encoder
    • feed KG enhanced information
      • or use the KGE to feed more related words to the model
      • either map learnt specialized KG embeddings
  • Fine-tune the model using LoRA

KG embedding model will be used on top of the feature extractor

The intuition

  • leverage specialized knowledge (using KG)
  • give the LVM more information to work with in the report
  • general purpose large LVMs should not encode specialized information

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  • By March 10th
    • Reproduce the RaDialog method
    • Reproduce the Knowledge Graph Embedding method
  • By March 30th
    • Train the adapter to feed KG embeddings to the BLIP2 model
    • LoRA fine-tuning
  • By April 10th
    • Debugging
    • Evaluate on Radiology Report benchmarks

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Thank You !

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