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“Learning how to navigate my device and Google apps helps me to do things faster”

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Chromebook Keyboard

Raise & lower the volume

Mute sound

Type a capital letter

Refresh your page

Screen Brightness

Search Apps

Full Screen

Position the labels to show the location of these keys on your keyboard. Take some time to practise using each of these keys.

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Find the instructions for taking a screenshot of your entire screen and part of your screen.

Take a screenshot of the instructions and insert the image below.

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Chromebook Desktop

Background image



Apps launcher


Take a screenshot of your entire desktop and insert in the slide above. Position the labels to locate each item on your desktop

WiFi, Battery and Clock

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Find Bar

Use the find bar to find words on a webpage or in a document

What is the keyboard shortcut to open the find bar?

Record this in the text box.

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Chrome Tabs

Find the keyboard shortcuts for the following and record in the text box.

Open a new tab

Close the current tab

Reopen a recently closed tab

Use Ctrl F to search the web page quickly for keyboard shortcuts

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Magnify 🔎 your screen with keyboard shortcuts

Watch the video and practise the keyboard shortcuts on your Chromebook

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Keyboard Shortcuts




Select All


Delete the previous word

Zoom in and out

Reset Zoom

Lock your screen

Find Bar

Select the content in the address bar (Omni Box)

History - view the web pages you have visited.

See all keyboard shortcuts

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Profile Picture

Use the webcam to take your profile picture.

Insert your profile picture

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Use the illustrating App on your device (e.g. Sumo Paint, Pixlr, Google Draw) to create an original picture that illustrates something you are looking forward to learning more about this year.

Save your image or take a screenshot

Delete these instructions and insert in this slide

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Right Click

Right click on a link, image or part of an app to see a pop-up menu with more options.

Right click is handy if you are not sure what to do.

Find out how to right click using the touchpad on your chromebook

What happens when you:

right click the bottom of this Google slide?

right click text on a webpage?

right click an image on a webpage?

Record what you discovered on the next Google slide using text boxes and/or screenshots.

No Mouse?

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Right Click

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Address Bar - Omnibox

Use your Chrome Browser to search in the address bar (also called the "omnibox").

As you type, you'll see suggested words or URLs.

Open a new tab and copy and paste the following words in your omnibox define: omni

Take a screenshot of the definition. Insert in this Google slide below

What is the keyboard shortcut to highlight the information in your address bar?

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Google Drive - Images

Images will be shared on your learning site in Google Drive

Images can be copied and used in your own blog, presentations and digital creations.

Find the Smart Learners Images Google Drive folder.

Click on an image to open it.

Download two images and insert below. Resize and crop your images to fit

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Kawa of Care

Open The Manaiakalani Kawa of Care

Use the Find Bar to search the Kawa of Care for the word - chromebook

How many times does the word chromebook appear on the page?

Insert your answer

Locate the sentence where the word chromebook appears for the fifth time.

Copy this sentence and paste it in the text box (right).

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Top Tips

Choose three new top tips you have discovered during your Digital Dig.

Record these on your Google Slide as a numbered list.

Click in the text box above and use the toolbar to create a numbered list

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Create a poster using Google Draw to share your top tip

Move to your Cybersmart Folder

Include only illustrations and images you have created: e.g. Pixlr, Google Drawing tools

Posters created by students from Ruapotaka School