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Fossils- Clues to the Past

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What is a fossil?

  • The remains or traces of past living things.

*Fossils are normally thousands of

years old.

* Fossils are normally found in

sedimentary rocks.

* Only a small percentage of organisms

actually get fossilized.

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  • Fossils can tell what the environment of an area was like or even what the climate may have been.

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  • Fossils are assumed to be around the same age as the rock layers (strata) they are found in.
  • They are found in sedimentary rock layers.

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What are the fossil types?

  • Original Remains/Body Fossil– actual parts of an organism: bones, shells, teeth, hair

* Trace fossils – evidence of an organism but not part of it’s body: tracks, burrows, casts, coprolites (fossilized poop)

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Body Fossil or Trace Fossil?

Example 1- Mosquito in Amber

Example 2- Footprint in Rock

Example 3- Skull

Example 4- Tooth

Example 5- Trail

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Fossils are More Likely To Be Preserved If:

  • They have hard body


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What conditions promote fossilization?

2. They get buried
