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See slide #4 for today’s ELA lesson


See slide #5 for today’s ELA lesson


See slide #6 for today’s ELA lesson


See slide #7 for today’s ELA lesson


Spend 20+ minutes on Lexia (or Power Up). You need to finish grade 5 lesson 18 to move on to Power Up.


Choose any math lesson or work on volume:

Spend 20+ minutes in Khan Academy


Choose any math lesson or work on volume:

Spend 20+ minutes in Khan Academy


Choose any math lesson or work on volume:

Spend 20+ minutes in Khan Academy


Choose any math lesson or work on volume:

Spend 20+ minutes in Khan Academy


Hour of Code:

Spend 20+ minutes in Khan Academy

Social Studies

Travel anywhere you would like via Google Earth. Look at the latitude and longitude at the places you visit!

Google Earth


Read this interesting scholastic article about the Coronavirus. Answer the questions at the end of the article and think about things you can be doing/continue to do to stay healthy.

Coronavirus Article

Social Studies

Read this article about the early settlers. Then, create an invitation or brochure, pretending you’re an early settler in your community. Invite people to visit the land, explaining what it is what describing it!

Settling the Land


Learn about different sound waves by conducting this easy experiment. All you need is a large piece of paper and tape.

Sound Wave Experiment


Compete against your family to build the strongest and most durable structure to protect an egg that will be dropped from a height of 10 ft.

Egg Drop Challenge

Just for fun!

Make a time capsule! Explain what living through all of this craziness is like. Keep it somewhere safe so you can look back at it in a few years.


Take this fun geography PE lesson, following this video!

Geography PE


Think about your favorite season. Think of what reminds you of your favorite season and draw it, using any materials of your choice.


Listen to 3 different songs and try and determine all of the different instruments you hear.

Just for fun!

Bake or cook! Find a recipe that interests you and make it for your family.

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Monday- Take a ride on a record breaking roller coaster in “Built for Thrills”

1. Read the article and watch the video. Built for Thrills!

2. Imagine that you took a ride on the Maxx Force roller coaster. Write a first-person narrative story about your experience. How did you feel during the ride? What was the most exciting part? Make sure you use the words gravity and force at least once in your story.

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Tuesday- Read a funny fiction story about two science fair partners and their wacky project.

  • Read the article. As you read, look for how some unexpected events in the story solve a problem in a surprising way. Squeak Twice for Yes
  • Write a message to Sherlock in Morse code! Start by learning more about this form of communication. Then use the chart below (also on the link below) to create your own message in Morse code. You can also try clapping it out, with short claps for dots and long claps for dashes. Morse Code Link

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Wednesday- Visit the Grand Canyon, one of the world’s most amazing natural wonders!

  • Read the article and watch the video, “The Grand Canyon in Depth” This Place Rocks!
  • Choose one or both of the activities below to complete:
  • Draw and label a sketch of the Grand Canyon. Be sure to include how plant and animal life differs from the top of the canyon to the canyon floor.
  • Take a virtual field trip to the Grand Canyon! Explore the Colorado River on a raft tour (click on blue link). Then experience the wonders of the North Rim and South Rim of the Grand Canyon (click on blue link). Now imagine you are on one of these tours. Write a descriptive journal entry describing your favorite parts of the trip. Be sure to include amazing sights and a drawing!

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Thursday- Meet a 12 year old comic book author

  • Read the article, watch the video, and answer the questions.Comic Book Kid
  • Create your own comic! What characters will you write about? What will happen in your story? Break your page down into the number of panels you want to use. What fractions are involved in your comic design?
  • There are also some fun math games at the bottom of the article if you would like to try them.