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Introduction to programming in Python

Lecture 11:

Analysis of algorithms, complexity, recursion, computability

Chalmers (DAT425/DAT445/DAT455/DAT505)

Krasimir Angelov and Aarne Ranta

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Search algorithms: linear and binary search



Recursive functions

Recursive data types

Computability and the halting problem

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Search algorithms: linear and binary search

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The search problem

Find an element and return a value, for example:

  • find a word in a dictionary and return its translation
  • find a name in an address list and return the phone number
  • (the simplest:) find an element in a list and return its position

Python dictionaries and the index()-method for lists can be used for that.

But how do they work internally? What would we do if we didn’t have them?

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Linear search

def linsearch(x,ns):

counter = 0

for n in ns:

if n == x:

return counter

� counter = counter + 1

return False

A counter for the number elements which we have already checked

  • the book uses ns[i] which works as well

When we find a match we return the counter

Otherwise we increment the counter

�If we have gone through the list and we have not found a match then we return False as an indication.

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Binary search

def binsearch(x,ns):

low = 0

high = len(ns)-1

� while low <= high:

mid = (low + high)//2

y = ns[mid]

if x == y:

return mid

elif x < y:

high = mid - 1


low = mid + 1

return False

�Define the lowest and the highest limit for the part of the list where we search. The limits will approach each other

  • as long as they don’t pass each other
    • check the middle element
      • if it is the same as x, done
      • if smaller, search in the list below the middle element
      • if bigger, search in the list over the bigger element

If the element is not in the list, return False as an indication.

Binary search is more complicated but a lot faster. Requires a sorted list.

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Binary Search step-by-step



def binsearch(x,ns):

low = 0

high = len(ns)-1

� while low <= high:

mid = (low + high)//2


return False

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Binary Search step-by-step



def binsearch(x,ns):

low = 0

high = len(ns)-1

� while low <= high:

mid = (low + high)//2


return False


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Binary Search step-by-step





y = ns[mid]

if x == y:

return mid

elif x < y:

high = mid - 1


low = mid + 1� ....


In one step we skip everything that is:

  • on the left, if x > y
  • on the right, if x < y
  • in case of equality, we are done

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Binary Search step-by-step





y = ns[mid]

if x == y:

return mid

elif x < y:

high = mid - 1


low = mid + 1� ....

In one step we skip everything that is:

  • on the left, if x > y
  • on the right, if x < y
  • in case of equality, we are done

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Binary Search step-by-step





y = ns[mid]

if x == y:

return mid

elif x < y:

high = mid - 1


low = mid + 1� ....

In one step we skip everything that is:

  • on the left, if x > y
  • on the right, if x < y
  • in case of equality, we are done

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Binary Search step-by-step




y = ns[mid]

if x == y:

return mid

elif x < y:

high = mid - 1


low = mid + 1� ....

In one step we skip everything that is:

  • on the left, if x > y
  • on the right, if x < y
  • in case of equality, we are done

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Binary Search step-by-step




y = ns[mid]

if x == y:

return mid

elif x < y:

high = mid - 1


low = mid + 1� ....

In one step we skip everything that is:

  • on the left, if x > y
  • on the right, if x < y
  • in case of equality, we are done

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Binary Search step-by-step



def binsearch(x,ns):

low = 0

high = len(ns)-1

� while low <= high:

mid = (low + high)//2


If we don’t find a match then eventually it will happen that high < low, and this will terminate the loop.

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Let’s test the algorithms

>>> ws = fileWords('bible.txt')

>>> len(ws)


>>> linsearch('mary',ws)


>>> binsearch('mary',ws)


>>> sws = sorted(ws)

>>> binsearch('mary',sws)


Read the words from King James bible.

There are that many unique words (tokens).

Mary appears in that position.

�Binary search fails if the list is not sorted.

�Now we sort.

Now we get a position in the alphabetical order.

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Simple measuring of processor time

import time

start = time.process_time()


end = time.process_time()


Use the time library

�Take the processor time before running the code

Run the code

Take the processor time after

Compute the difference

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def benchmark(f,x,ns):

start = time.process_time()

n = 1000

for i in range(n):


end = time.process_time()


We run the function f with arguments x and ns.

We run it 1000 to have better precision. Running it only once might be too fast for correct time measurement.

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Let’s compare the times now.

>>> ws = fileWords('bible.txt')

>>> sws=sorted(ws)

>>> benchmark(binsearch,'mary',sws)


>>> benchmark(linsearch,'mary',sws)


Read the words from King James bible.�Sort them

Benchmark the binary search.

Benchmark the linear search.

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A graphical comparison of the algorithms

Linear search: red

Binary search: blue

x-axis: millions of elements

y-axis: processing time in seconds

We see that the time for linear search grows linearly:

  • with 3M elements, ~ 0.3s
  • with 6M elements, ~ 0.5s
  • with 8M elements, ~ 0.9s

But why is the binary search better?

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Logarithmic complexity

Suppose that we search x among 1000 elements in ns.

Step 1: if x == ns[500], we are done. Otherwise we go to one of the halfs, let say the right-hand half.

Step 2: if x == ns[750], done. Otherwise

Step 3: if x == ns[875], done. Otherwise

Step 4: if x == ns[938], done. Otherwise


Step 10: if x == ns[999], done.

In the worst case we need 10 ~ log21000 steps. We say that binary search has logarithmic complexity.

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Take away message

  • It matters how we write our programs!
  • The simplest solution is not always the best.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”� Albert Einstein

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The Big O notation for complexity

constant: O(1)

logarithmic: O(log n)

linear: O(n)

log-linear: O(n log n)

quadratic: O(n2)

cubic: O(n3)

exponential: O(2n)

factorial: O(n!)

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Examples of algorithms of different complexities

constant: O(1) compute an arithmetic formula�logarithmic: O(log n) binary search

linear: O(n) linear search

log-linear: O(n log n) sorting (with the best algorithms)

quadratic: O(n2) sorting (with some simpler functions)

cubic: O(n3) matrix multiplication (the naive method)

exponential: O(2n) iterate over the subsets of a set

factorial: O(n!) permutations; determinants

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Some more concepts

Time complexity: the number of steps or the time as a function of data size

Memory complexity: the memory size as a function of data size

Asymptotic complexity: the size order, i.e. the O-class

Worst case complexity: the maximum complexity

Average complexity: the average for all possible input-data

In theoretical data science we usually consider the worst case complexity, while in practice the average complexity might be more important.

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How should we think?

This is something that we often do - for example sort books in a bookshelf.

A naive method: selection sort.

  • go through all books and compare with the first
  • swap the current book with the smallest among the rest
  • go through the remaining books and compare with the next one
  • until there are no books left

Complexity: (n-1) + (n-2) + … + 1 = (n*(n-1))/2 = (n2 - n)/2, therefore quadratic.

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Selection Sort

Zelle, p. 478

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Selection Sort step-by-step


Everything here is sorted.

Bottom marks the first element from where the unsorted elements start.

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Selection Sort step-by-step




Everything here is sorted.

....�mp = bottom�for i in range(bottom+1,n):� if nums[i] < nums[mp]:� mp = i�....

With this loop we search for the position of the smallest element in the range bottom..n.


At the end of the loop mp will point to the smallest element.

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Selection Sort step-by-step




Everything here is sorted.

nums[bottom],nums[mp] = nums[mp],nums[bottom]


At the end we swap the elements at positions bottom and mp. ��On the next iteration of the outer loop bottom is incremented. Everything before bottom is again guaranteed to be sorted.

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Complexity of Selection Sort

Two nested loops. Both do at most n iterations.

The complexity is n*n, i.e. O(n2).

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A better sorting algorithm

  • With binary search we did a lot better by dividing the array into halves.
  • Can we do the trick again?
  • A general pattern divide and conquer

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Merge Sort (1)

def mergeSort(nums):� n = len(nums)

if n > 1:

�� m = n // 2� nums1, nums2 = nums[:m], nums[m:]�� mergeSort(nums1)


merge(num1, nums2, nums)

Do nothing if the list has less than 1 element.

Divide the list into two sublists of equal size.

Sort each sublist separately.

Merge the results.

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Merge Sort (2)

def merge(lst1, lst2, lst3):� i1,i2,i3 = 0,0,0� n1,n2 = len(lst1),len(lst2)�� while i1 < n1 and i2 < n2:� if lst1[i1] < lst2[i2]:� lst3[i3] = lst1[i1]� i1 = i1 + 1� else:� lst3[i3] = lst2[i2]� i2 = i2 + 1� i3 = i3 + 1�� while i1 < n1:� lst3[i3] = lst1[i1]� i1 = i1 + 1� i3 = i3 + 1�� while i2 < n2:� lst3[i3] = lst2[i2]� i2 = i2 + 1� i3 = i3 + 1

First loop: Alway pick the smallest of the current two elements and put it into lst3.

Second loop: If the first list was longer than the second, copy what is left back back to lst3.

�Third loop: If the second list was longer than the first, copy what is left back back to lst3.

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Merging step-by-step



Everything here has been copied.


i1 marks the beginning of the area to be copied.



Everything here has been copied.


i2 marks the beginning of the area to be copied.


Everything up to here is filled in.


i3 marks the beginning of the area to be filled in.

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Merging step-by-step (x < y)




Everything here has been copied.


i1 marks the beginning of the area to be copied.



Everything here has been copied.


i2 marks the beginning of the area to be copied.



Everything up to here is filled in.


i3 marks the beginning of the area to be filled in.

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Merging step-by-step (z > y)




Everything here has been copied.


i1 marks the beginning of the area to be copied.



Everything here has been copied.


i2 marks the beginning of the area to be copied.




Everything up to here is filled in.


i3 marks the beginning of the area to be filled in.

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Complexity of Merge Sort

  • Merge Sort is way more complicated than Selection Sort but its complexity is:

O(n log n) < O(n2)

  • sort() and sorted() in Python use Timsort:�� https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timsort (by Tim Peters)��Related to merge sort and with the same complexity.

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Recursive functions

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Two ways to compute factorial: n! = 1*2*3..n

def factorial(n):

r = 1

for k in range(1,n+1):

r = r * k

return r

def factorial(n):

if n <= 1:

return 1


return factorial(n-1) * n


  • go through the numbers
  • accumulate the product

�Recursive function:

  • calls itself with a smaller argument
  • terminates only if it reaches a base case

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n! = 1*2*3...n

(n+1)! = 1*2*3...n*(n+1) = n!*(n+1)


(n+1)! = n!*(n+1) or equivalently n! = (n-1)! * n

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What is a base case?

  • A problem which is so simple that it has a trivial solution.
  • Examples:
    • in mergeSort: a list with 0 or 1 elements
    • in factorial: by definition: factorial(0) == factorial(1) == 1

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Hanoi Towers

Move all discs from the tower on the left to the tower in the middle, while:

  • you move only one disc at a time
  • you only put a smaller disc on top of a bigger disc.

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Recursive Strategy

To move n discs from the left-most to the right-most tower:

  • move the top n-1 discs to the middle
  • move the biggest disc to the target
  • move the n-1 discs to the target

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Hanoi Towers

Move all discs from the tower on the left to the tower in the middle, while:

  • you move only one disc at a time
  • you only put a smaller disc on top of a bigger disc.

def hanoi(fro, to, other, n):

if n == 0:


hanoi(fro, other, to, n-1)


hanoi(other, to, fro, n-1)

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Recursive data structures

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A Tree






A tree has a node which is its root, and branches ("subtrees"), which themselves are trees.

The object continues downwards until we reach a node without branches.


  • The file system
  • Hereditary trees

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Example: the Swedish royal family year 2016

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A class for trees

class Tree:

def __init__(self,node,subtrees):

self.root = node

self.subtrees = subtrees

def getParts(self):

return self.root, self.subtrees

def depth(tree):

(n,ts) = tree.getParts()

if ts:

return 1 + maximum([depth(t) for t in ts])


return 1


  • The root-node
  • branches (which themselves can be trees)

A getter method to get the back the root and the subtrees.

Example: compute the depth of the tree with a recursive function.

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Computability and the halting problem

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Are there algorithms for all (precisely formulated) problems?

Mathematical version: is there a program/machine which can solve all problems?

Answer - from Turing! - is no: there are problems which are undecidable.

One of these is the halting problem:

  • Decide if a program P terminates with an input X

Would have been very useful to have a program which can solve that problem!

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The halting problem: simple proof

Zelle's book, pages. 491-492:

Would turing.py terminate with input turing.py?

  • if yes, then terminates() will return True
  • but then the program will enter in an infinite while-loop.

  • if no, then terminates() will return False
  • then the program will not do the while-loop, and then it will terminate

This is a contradiction which shows that terminates() is impossible to construct.

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Other non-computable problems

To find a proof or counter proof in predicate calculus (a simple system for logic, which can be used to implement mathematical proofs on a computer).

  • But there are many special cases which are decidable and important in practice
  • The same applies to the termination of a program, which also can be approximated

AI-complete problems: an AI-problem which would require "unlimited intelligence" to be solved.

Example: translation of natural language.

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The good news

There is a lot to do

  • for programers
  • for computer scientists
  • for mathematicians
  • for AI-researchers
  • for IT-experts in special domains
  • for other groups which must solve AI-complete problems

And it will never be finished!

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From the book

  • Chapter 13
  • Tree structures are not part of the book, more about trees you will learn in a data structure course.