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(adj) feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful


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Welcome to the 21 Day Gratitude Challenge! The purpose of this optional activity is not just to complete the challenge, but to adopt a daily attitude of gratitude which can help improve our attitude, & thus our mental/physical health.

Do the challenge alone or with family/friends. Document your journey in a journal, print the slides & write directly on them, or be creative & document elsewhere! Strive to live purposefully grateful everyday; if you miss a day, simply pick up on the next.

*Note: an asterisk next to the day means children will need parent permission depending on the activity you choose.

Let’s get started!!!

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*DAY 1

Today starts The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge! Please pledge to make a personal effort to complete the activity over at least the next 21 days. 

Write a short entry in your journal to reflect on the following questions:

  • Why did you accept this challenge?
  • What do you hope to learn from this experience?


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With a hopeful outlook, I pledge to accept The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge by doing my best to complete the activities on these slides. With this pledge, I am striving to live positively by considering even the “little” blessings & challenges, & giving thanks for the relationships, experiences & opportunities that make my life unique!

My Pledge


Write or type your name & date here...

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Use the alphabet, A-Z, as a fun, quick format of things for which you are grateful, perhaps with a little description.

Sample: A-apples, especially “Granny Smiths”

B-books, so I can go places on paper that I can’t go to now

C-Church family, for finding ways to connect & ected & accountable...

Begin your list here or be creative w/an idea like these.

  • Start the list on a poster & hang it in a

communal area of your home.

  • Select a letter & what you’re thankful for

& create a work of art from it.


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I’m Grateful for…

Draw, write or do a combination of things for which you are grateful.


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Write a short message of thanks for a "challenge" in your life.

Challenges can be physical,

mental, emotional. They can

build character in us & help

make us strong.



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Take 5 minutes to add to your ABC list or wherever you started it from Day 2

Consider adding people, places, memories,

or freedoms for which you are thankful.


You might consider...

  • creating a piece of art with the monogrammed letter and the thing you're thankful for, or
  • making an ABC Book of Gratitude.


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*DAY 6

Take a few minutes to call someone you haven't talked to in a while. Tell them how much you appreciate them. 

You might call:

  • a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc.;
  • an older sibling;
  • a friend at another school;
  • an former teacher.


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*DAY 7

Draw or take a picture of one thing, person, place or specific moment that makes you feel grateful. 

If you don't have access to a camera, you might consider drawing, painting, or making a collage instead. Put energy into your art as a way of expressing your gratitude.


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*DAY 8

Write a note or create a display thanking 3 people who you want to recognize for what they do.

You might consider:

  • someone that rarely gets recognition;
  • specific things that person does that make you want to recognize them.


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Enjoy the people around you. 


Take a few minutes to list and appreciate their unique talents, abilities, and personalities.


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DAY 10

Pick one of your 5 sense to focus on each day. Take note of how many gifts come from that single sense. 

Write about this experience.


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DAY 11

Today, make the effort to live life with a positive outlook. Keep from criticizing the people around you. Dare to see the glass half full!

Take 5 minutes to write a

short reflection at the end

of the day. 


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DAY 12

Pick 3 friends or family members you see regularly. View their actions and words through a positive lens. Try to see life from their perspective. 

Take 5 minutes and list a few thoughts about their perspective. 


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DAY 13

Today, listen more than you speak. Practice kindness at every opportunity. Perform a Random Act of Kindness. 

Take 5 minutes to mentally reflect on your day or write it here.

  • How was it different from other days?
  • How do you feel?


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DAY 14

It's been two weeks since you started The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge. Write about how it has changed your perspective so far. 


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DAY 15

Take time to focus a little on yourself today.

Appreciate and give thanks for your unique personality, skills, and talents. 

Write about your "you"ness. 


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*DAY 16

Look in a mirror and focus on at least 5

things that you appreciate about yourself.

Write them down. 

You might consider:

  • writing on the mirror with dry erase marker or

soap so you can erase and write again (get permission);

  • drawing a self-portrait, incorporating what you appreciate about yourself;
  • seeing a quality you share with a character or hero you admire.


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*DAY 17

For the past two days, you have focused on appreciating what makes you unique. 

Now think about ways to share your talents & gifts.


                  • making a craft for someone if you’re good at art
                  • writing a song about someone if you like to sing.


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DAY 18

Write about something you feel grateful for in your life today.

Before you begin, you might consider:

  • a different style of writing, such as a poem, writing from a different perspective, a letter, etc...;
  • putting your writing in a sealed envelope and saving it to read on a challenging day.


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DAY 19

Have confidence in all the choices you have made today and be grateful for being able to use what you’ve learned to make them.

What have you done today that you’re grateful for? Take 5 minutes to write and reflect. 


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*DAY 20

As The 21 Day Challenge winds down, write a thank you note to someone that you haven't yet thanked during this challenge. What would you thank them for? 


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DAY 21

Reflect on The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge and what the process has meant to you. Think about how you can continue... 


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Thanks for accepting the challenge!


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Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:

  • FreePik
  • Google
  • Photographs by Google Slides & Unsplash
  • The Roar Newsletter
  • SlidesCarnival
  • UrbanProducts