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Using Tools to Go and

Creating a classroom website.

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What are we going to try to accomplish?

1. Set up tools to go account or google account.

2. Learn the basics of building your classroom website.

- set up background

- add pages

- embed video or documents

- edit the page titles and pictures.

- copy markbook files to paste to pages.

- add users to your site and manage access.

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Log into tools to go or google.

1. Go to www.google.ca

2. Log in

3. Click on "sites" at the top of the page

4. Click "CREATE" on the left navigation menu

5. Browse the gallery for site layout

6. Choose your layout

7. Choose a name for your site

8. Select a theme

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Editing the side navigation bar

1. Click on the more button at the top right of the screen.

2. Click edit side layout.

3. Use the buttons along side bar to add your remove gadgets.

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Edit homepage content

1. Edit student of the month

2. Edit word of the week

3. Create a new post

4. Add a new gadget to the page

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Creating new pages

1. Click new page icon at the top of the page

2. Select the name and type of the page you would like. Create it.

3. Go to "edit sidebar" under the more button

4. Click "add sidebar item" at the top of the side bar

5. Pick "navigation"

6. Click "edit"

7. Click "add page" and look for the new page you created in the tree diagram.

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Adding users to the site

1. Click "share" in the right top corner.

2. Click in to the "add people" box at the bottom of the page

3. Add student email addresses

4. Set permissions

5. Save

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Embedding video

1. Open the page you wish to insert the video into.

2. Click the edit icon at the top

3. Click "insert" on the top menu

4. Click "video-->you tube video"

5. Copy and paste the URL from the video

6. Save page

7. Watch video

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Embed document into HTML

1. Open a new tab and search "embedit.in"

2. Follow me