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Dog’s Favorite Toy

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What is a dog’s favorite toy?

Will a dog choose the same toy each time he wants to play? In this experiment I’m using a ball, rope, stuffed animal and a toy stick to see if my dog will pick the same toy each time. I think the time of day may affect this as well. My dog is playful at different times during the day.

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I think my dog will choose the rope, because she likes playing tug-a-war. I also think that because she has not played with a rope in a little while and she normally likes playing with ropes.

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Dog Toys

Toy Stick Cow stuffed animal Ball Rope Toy

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  • For this project I’m using 4 dog toys the subject (dog) has never seen before.
  • Lay the 4 dog toys out on the floor where the dog plays.
  • Bring the dog into the room.
  • See what toy the dog goes to first.
  • Allow the dog to play with all the toys for 2 minutes before removing the toys.
  • Wait 1 minute and reintroduce the toys to the dog.
  • Record which toy or toys the dog chooses first and whether it is the same toy each time or a different one.
  • Repeat 4 times and for 4 days.

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Some problems that may occur when doing this experiment are as follows.

1. The dog may not be in a playful mood

2. She/he does not like the toys

3.The toy maybe flavored or have a smell

4. The dog could be distracted by something

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Choosing a Toy - Data photos

Chose Stick Chose Stuffed Animal Chose Ball

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The conclusion of this experiment is as follows: On day 1 the stick got picked the most. On day 2 the ball and the stick got picked both 2 times. On day 3 the ball got picked 4 times. On day 4 the stick got picked 4 times. So in the end my hypothesis was wrong because stick got picked 8 times in all and the rope did not get picked at all.

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Real World Connection

What is your favorite dog toy experiment helps people understand what toys dogs like the most, so you can get that toy for your dog instead of a toy they won’t like. This experiment helps the understanding of what dogs like the most.

This project also helps us not buy dog toys that we will throw out so that helps the environment because we get toys that we will not throw out in a month, and throw out in a year.