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LunarLAB:�Lava-Tube Astronomical Base

Julia Condon

Final Presentation

ASTE527 Graduate Space Concepts Studio

Department of Astronautical Engineering

Viterbi School of Engineering

December 12th, 2017

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The United States in Space

  • ASRA: The American Space Renaissance Act
    • ASRA presents need to reestablish US dominance in space
    • Problem: This hasn’t been happening lately!
    • Need to re-inspire countries and people of the world with a fascination for human space activity

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The United States in Space

  • The National Space Council: Reborn
    • Oct 5, 2017 – first meeting since 1993
    • Accentuated ASRA goals
    • Humanity has not returned to the Moon since Apollo 17 (Dec 1972)
    • USA has not left LEO in 25+ years
    • NSC pushing US presence on Moon
    • Emphasis: boost economy, commercial sector, government prowess
    • Encourage collaboration between government and contractors

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  • LunarLAB: “Lava-Tube Astronomical Base”
  • Astronomy: A natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena
    • Ideal for study – low seismic activity, negligible atmosphere, slow spin=long integration period
    • entire electromagnetic spectrum available
    • Protected from micrometeorites

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  • Surface and subsurface facilities
    • Lander sites, dwellings
  • Government, commercial, private sec. use
  • Sustained by tourism, advertisement, commercial factories, low gravity experiments/tests, lab space, lease
  • Would inspire future missions

and provide a base of operations

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  • Lunar Lava Tubes
    • Drained conduits of underground lava flows
    • 10s-100s m wide
    • 10+ m thick roofs
    • Skylights / Collapsed Entrances
    • Ancient volcanic regions on Moon

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Benefits: Temperature

  • Extreme Temperature Protection
    • -150°C to 150°C
  • Steady temperature within tubes
    • ~20°C
  • Thermal Inertia similar to:
    • Pyramids
    • Arches National Park

Lunar Diurnal Temperature

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Benefits: Radiation Protection

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Benefits: Habitat

  • “Ready Made” Habitat
    • Less emphasis and price towards material
  • “Dust Free” Environment / Stability
    • Prevents:
      • Lunar dust storm damage
      • Micrometeorite impacts/damage
  • Stability
    • Lava tubes/pits too large to be stable on Earth would be stable on the Moon
    • With strong arch shape, would be stable up to 5000 m.

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Location Scouting

  • Lunar Prospector
    • 1998 mission mapping Moon’s surface
    • ~100 km (60 mile) altitude
    • Neuron Spectrometer Instrument
      • Large quantities of water ice at lunar poles
  • Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory
    • Detected large, lava filled impact basins
    • Measures internal structure of Moon & crust thickness
  • Resource Prospector – early 2020s
    • First extraterrestrial mining expedition
    • Harvest lunar ice
    • Proof of “In Situ Resource Utilization”

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Resource Prospector

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Capable Rovers Exist – Lunar Environment Modifications Needed

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International Gemini Lunar Polar Rover Mission

  • Twin Rovers
  • Explorer + Communicator
  • Polar Region
  • Ground Penetrating Radar
  • Deep Drill
  • MMRTG Power

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Location Scouting: Equator vs Poles

  • Equatorial Settlements
    • More centrally located, more extreme diurnal temperature differentials
    • Free return trajectory if engines do not perform as expected (Apollo 13)
    • Use Equatorial Settlements in early phase for safety
    • Most lava tubes / rilles can be found near equator
    • Aristarchus
  • South Polar Settlements
    • Less centrally located, less extreme temperature differentials
    • Lunar Ice
    • Deep Space Gateway planned for polar location – later phase
  • Extensive search for accessible lava tubes
    • Would eliminate need to create entrance/skylight

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Lunar Lava Tube Locations

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Lava Tubes - LRO

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Location Scouting

  • Marius Hills - Equatorial Settlement
  • Collapsed Lava Tube Segments
  • Average width: ~650m
  • Average depth: ~50m

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Location Scouting

Aristarchus Crater / Oceanus Procellarum

  • Centrally located
  • Equatorial
  • Nearby minerals
  • Extensive rilles/possible LunarLAB expansions

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Location Scouting

Schrodinger Crater

  • Far side of Moon
  • Deep Isolation
  • South Polar

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Constructing Habitation

  • Surface and subsurface
    • Lander, dwellings, hydroponics
  • Stabilize Talus Pile (debris) from skylight
    • Artificial explosions / rockslides prior to entry
    • Deploy rover/crew into pit
  • Inflatable membrane
    • Modular quilted inflatable structure
    • Raw materials delivered later on
    • 3D printing
  • Entrance doors (collapsed tubes, skylights)
  • Support Beams

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Base Design

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Surface and Subsurface Facilities

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Base Design – Surface & Lava Tube

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Energy Supplies

  • Nuclear Power
    • Deregulated – NASA supplied with funds to develop compact nuclear reactor (Kilopower ; 1 – 10 kW)
    • If demonstrated in extraterrestrial setting, freedom to do things previously considered impossible
    • 10+ years of sun-independent, continuous power
      • Ideal for long nights. Could fit anywhere
    • Could expand landing sites to poles (ice present)
    • Challenges: Safety, affordability, reliability
  • Solar Panels (secondary source)
  • Natural light & energy for base
    • Synthetic bioluminescence
    • Natural LED

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Compact Nuclear Fission - Kilopower

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  • Mining
    • Pyroclastic rocks
      • Can convert to water, fuel, construction materials
    • Lunar Ice (South Polar Settlement)
      • Water for fuel production, crew sustainment
  • Hydroponics
    • Food / Oxygen production
    • CO2 processing
    • Key for permanent lunar development
    • Large movement in urban areas producing fresh food using hydroponics / electric lights to grow food in intensive cultivation

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  • Commercial factories
    • Space to expand
  • Scientific tests & experiments
    • Low gravity, low atmosphere
  • Tourism
    • Lunar Observatory (skylights, domes)
    • Hotels (surface and subsurface)
  • Advertisement
    • Product Placement

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  • Stability
    • Emergency Bunkers / Supports
      • Higher quality material – more expensive
      • In case of:
        • Tube/pit collapse
        • Oxygen failure / containment breach
        • Seismic activity / meteor bombardment
    • Protection from cave-in/falling rocks with carbon fiber “net”
    • Guniting
  • Location
    • Chosen craters/tubes may not be ideal base location
  • Contract Negotiation
    • Acquiring costs, resources, designing base

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Long-Term Benefits

  • Government
    • Completes NSC/ASRA goals. Makes government look “good” in the eyes of the public. Positive relations between government and contractors.
  • Economic
    • Boosts economy by creating jobs (planning base, getting to base, astronauts/employees building and manning base in future.
  • Commercial
    • Moon tourism, people could pay for experiments to be completed on Moon (similar to ISS), advertisement opportunity

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  • All technology exists!
    • 3D printing Modular quilted inflatable housing (Gossamer Spacecraft)
    • Rocket/Lander to get to the Moon
    • Solar technology
    • Batteries
    • Nuclear Power (in development/close to completion)
    • Space suits
  • Clearly credible and feasible within 5-10 years

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  • ASRA Mission: Permanently secure USA as preeminent spacefaring nation
    • Permanent base on Moon would secure this by providing a constant US presence in space
  • Would provide base of operations with:
    • Low gravity (easier to launch)
    • Great opportunity for scientific advancement / experimentation
    • Opportunity to forge new & improved political, economical, and scientific partnerships
    • Future Mars missions could use lessons learned on Moon
  • USA would lead the Moon effort – free world takes lead
    • Bring together countries of the world through collaboration and discovery

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Thank You!

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References – Information/Images

  • Agle, D., Brown, D. and McDonnell, S. (2013). NASA's GRAIL Mission Puts a New Face on the Moon. [online] NASA. Available at: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/grail/news/grail20131107.html [Accessed 5 Oct. 2017].
  • American Space Renaissance Act. (2017). ASRA Summary. [online] Available at: http://spacerenaissanceact.com/asra-in-depth/summary-2/ [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017].
  • Blair, D.M., Chappaz, L., Sood, R., Milbury, C., Bobet, A., Melosh, H.J., Howell, K.C. and Freed, A.M., 2015, March. Determining the structural stability of lunar lava tubes. In 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Vol. 2174).
  • Bridenstine, J. (2017). In-Depth Summary. [online] American Space Renaissance Act. Available at: http://spacerenaissanceact.com/asra-in-depth/summary-2/ [Accessed 5 Sep. 2017].
  • Coombs, C. and Hawke, B. (1992). A Search for Intact Lava Tubes on the Moon: Possible Lunar Base. The Second Conference on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, [online] 1, pp.219-229. Available at: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992lbsa.conf..219C [Accessed 17 Oct. 2017].
  • De Angelis, G., Wilson, J., Clowdsley, M., Nealy, J., Humes, D. and Clem, J. (2002). Lunar Lava Tube Radiation Safety Analysis. The Japan Radiation Research Society, [online] 43, pp.S41-S45. Available at: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/els/contentscinii_20170926100858.pdf?id=ART0002563802 [Accessed 8 Sep. 2017].
  • Eckart, P. ed., 1999. The lunar base handbook: an introduction to lunar base design, development, and operations. McGraw-Hill.
  • Gibson, M., Oleson, S., Poston, D. and McClure, P. (n.d.). NASA's Kilopower Reactor Development and the Path to Higher Power Missions. [online] Cleveland, OH: Nasa Glenn Research Center. Available at: NASA. (2017). Resource Prospector. [online] Available at: https://www.nasa.gov/resource-prospector [Accessed 6 Dec. 2017]. [Accessed 10 Dec. 2017].
  • Horz, F. ed., (1985). Lava tubes - Potential shelters for habitats. In: Lunar bases and space activities of the 21st century. [online] Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute, pp.405-412. Available at: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1985lbsa.conf..405H [Accessed 20 Sep. 2017].

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References – Information/Images

  • Huber, S., Hendrickson, D., Jones, H., Thornton, J., Whittaker, W. and Wong, U. (2014). ASTROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY: PLANETARY PITS AND CAVES FOR SCIENCE AND EXPLORATION. Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group. [online] Available at: https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/leag2014/pdf/3065.pdf [Accessed 26 Sep. 2017].
  • Lpi.usra.edu. (2017). Prospector Mission Overview. [online] Available at: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/missions/prospector/overview/index.shtml [Accessed 16 Nov. 2017].
  • Mardon, A. (n.d.). Lunar Lava Tubes and Artificial Tunnels: Habitations for the Near Term Future. Lunar and Planetary Science, [online] XXVIII. Available at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc97/pdf/1023.PDF [Accessed 19 Oct. 2017].
  • Mason, L.S., Gibson, M.A. and Poston, D., 2013. Kilowatt-class fission power systems for science and human precursor missions.
  • Mendell, Wendell W. "Lunar bases and space activities of the 21st century." (1985).
  • Meyer, H. (2017). Exploring the Lunar Subsurface. [online] Lroc.asu.edu. Available at: http://www.lroc.asu.edu/posts/821 [Accessed 5 Sep. 2017].
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  • Palac, D., Gibson, M., Mason, L., Houts, M., McClure, P. and Robinson, R., 2016. Nuclear Systems Kilopower Overview.
  • Rincon, P. (2015). Lava Tubes Save Enough for Moon Base. [online] Science & Environment. Available at: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-31953052 [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].
  • Sadeh, E., Sadeh, W., Abarbanel, J., Criswell, M. and Rice, E. (2000). Inflatable Habitats for Lunar Base Development. ICEUM4. [online] Available at: http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/object/doc.cfm?fobjectid=39540 [Accessed 7 Nov. 2017].

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References – Information/Images

  • Schrunk, D., Sharpe, B., Cooper, B.L. and Thangavelu, M., 2007. The moon: Resources, future development and settlement. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Soderman (2017). Marius Hills pit offers potential location for lunar base. [online] Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute. Available at: https://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/lava-tube-lunar-base/ [Accessed 12 Nov. 2017].
  • Sood, R., Chappaz, L., Melosh, H.J., Howell, K.C. and Milbury, C., 2016, March. Detection of Buried Empty Lunar Lava Tubes Using GRAIL Gravity Data. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Vol. 47, p. 1509).
  • Spudis, P.D., 2015. Volcanism on the Moon. In The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (Second Edition) (pp. 689-700).
  • Thangavelu,M., Schrunk, D.,(2010) The International Gemini Lunar Polar Rover Mission, The International Lunar Conference, ILEWG, ICEUM 11, Beijing
  • Thangavelu, Madhu. "Living on the Moon." Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering (2012).
  • The White House (2017) Vice President Pence Hosts National Space Council. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2017).
  • Wang, B. (2017). NASA testing small nuclear reactors to power missions to Mars and beyond | NextBigFuture.com. [online] NextBigFuture.com. Available at: https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/12/nasa-testing-ultra-simple-small-nuclear-reactors-that-will-power-missions-to-mars-and-beyond.html [Accessed 5 Dec. 2017].
  • Wang, B. (2017). NASA testing small nuclear reactors to power missions to Mars and beyond | NextBigFuture.com. [online] NextBigFuture.com. Available at: https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/12/nasa-testing-ultra-simple-small-nuclear-reactors-that-will-power-missions-to-mars-and-beyond.html [Accessed 5 Dec. 2017].
  • Wendel, J. (2017). Lunar Lava Tubes Could Offer Future Moon Explorers a Safe Haven. [online] Eos - Earth & Space Science News. Available at: https://eos.org/articles/lunar-lava-tubes-could-offer-future-Moon-explorers-a-safe-haven [Accessed 8 Sep. 2017].
  • Zuber, M.T., Smith, D.E., Watkins, M.M., Asmar, S.W., Konopliv, A.S., Lemoine, F.G., Melosh, H.J., Neumann, G.A., Phillips, R.J., Solomon, S.C. and Wieczorek, M.A., 2013. Gravity field of the Moon from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission. Science339(6120), pp.668-671.

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References – Images Only