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Introduction and Program Development

J. Lauret, Brookhaven National Laboratory

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  • The EIC Computing Coordination Group (ECCG) launches a monthly computing opened meeting
    • ECCG: Andrea Bressan, Cameron Dean, Wouter Deconinck, Graham Heyes, Jerome Lauret
    • Ideally, co-chairing - Cameron Dean has agreed to help from ECCE, pending other chairs
    • 2nd Monday of the Month - currently 11-noon (time could be modified)�
  • Aimed to
    • Bring together the proto-collaboration and exchange progress, directions and ideas - better planning and coordination of resources, leverage knowledge across borders
    • Provided to the community updates and a way to participate to computing discussions pertinent to the EIC (proto-collaborations members, projects … )
    • A platform for contributors to bring their feedbacks or contribution ideas


Jérôme Lauret - EIC Computing Meeting 2021/10/18

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Sustaining EIC Computing …

  • Proto-collaborations have had a few questions and requests
    • No dedicated funding for EIC computing
    • JLab/BNL balancing existing resources (re-allocating, opportunistic)
    • BNL: Small allocation of initial funds from a past program development and the Physics department provided the initial storage �
  • Requested or raised concerns
    • Storage believed to be on the “short” side by 50% comparing to initial requirement gathering
    • What do we do past the proposal? Need may increase! Archival storage (post-proposal long term saving of key results)
    • S3 scalability , better usage monitoring and feasibility of Fedeartd ID access
    • More homogeneous storage access (multi-protocol availability, S3 / Xroot / ...)


Jérôme Lauret - EIC Computing Meeting 2021/10/18

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Data store and access infrastructure in support of EIC’s science

Our proposal focused on deploying a reliable, easy access and scalable storage services in support of EIC science and its future technical design report and detector simulation needs

  • Year 1: �. Provide an initial mass storage facility support (HPSS) for the EIC - 2 PBytes � + core infrastructure would allow adding tapes (via other funding)�. Potential access of the EIC/HPSS via a DataCarousel service (as required)�. Extend S3 with a High Availability proxy front-end: reliability, scalability and monitoring
  • Year 2:�. Extend the storage with +½ PBytes of S3 storage - re-align with requirements�. Storage Access via Federated ID R&D - feasibility of using OpenID, AA infrastructure
  • Year 3:�. +0.5 PBytes of additional storage �. Global distributed caching on the OSG - fast, low latency access of � cached dataset throughput the institutions participating in the EIC


Jérôme Lauret - EIC Computing Meeting 2021/10/18