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Smoothness Reporting for Animations and Scrolling

Michal Mocny (mmocny@google.com), TPAC 2020

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Animations and Scrolling are a big part of UX!

“Stuttering” tends to be a very visible problem to users, leaves a bad impression.

Today: hard for developer to know when, what, why hiccups happen

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Topics covered

  • How exactly do we want to measure smoothness?
  • Options for reporting the data
  • A few Open Questions

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Measuring Smoothness

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Measuring Smoothness

Folks tend to think of Smoothness in terms of FPS, but this has some flaws:

  • A perfectly static website is perfectly smooth, even when not generating any new frames.�
  • With multi-threaded rendering, separate system compositors, variable screen refresh rates, etc, what does FPS even measure?
    • Showing stale frames on time is still bad…
    • Partial updates...

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Measuring Smoothness

What really matters:

Missed opportunities to show expected animation updates

Aka: “Dropped Frames”

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What do we consider Animations?

  • Animations:
    • Scroll
    • Pinch/Zoom
    • JS driven Animations (i.e. rAF loops, or repeated updates to animating properties)
    • CSS & Web Animations
    • ...Canvas, Video, Continuous Input handling...
  • Not animations:
    • Insertion of new content
    • Clicking on a button takes a long time to produce UX in response
    • Form inputs appearance changes, responding to input
    • Background loading

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Defining: Dropped Frames

  • When an Animation is expected to produce an update for a vsync, yet the page (or the browser) does not do so, we have a dropped frame�
  • Animations are not always expected to produce an update for every vsync
  • For scrolling, we expect to update the scroll position to a certain point with each frame


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rAF animation that conditionally updates

var frameCount = 0;

function animationStep() {

if (++frameCount % 2 == 0) {

anim.style.transform = 'translate(' + frameCount + 'px)';





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CSS animation with idle periods defined


div {


animation: mymove 5s infinite;


@keyframes mymove {

0% {transform: translate(0px)}

25% {transform: translate(100px)}

75% {transform: translate(100px)}

100% {transform: translate(200px)}



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Scroll-linked animations

document.body.addEventListener('mousewheel', () => {

const now = new Date();

while ((new Date() - now) < 1000) {}

}, {passive: false});

window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {

const now = new Date();

while ((new Date() - now) < 1000) {}

document.querySelector('#top').style.top =

window.scrollY + 'px';


Here, a non-passive listener delays scroll start… but scroll is smooth otherwise.

Here, scroll handler is passive and so scroll itself is smooth, but the animation run within the handler is delayed.

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Options for reporting the data

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Diagram: Timeline w/ animations & scroll

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Option 1: Report all the raw data points

Note: Fabricated data to serve as example. Reality likely much less dense.

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Option 1: Report all the raw data points


  • Ergonomics
  • Performance (data sizes)
  • Security / Privacy

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Option 2: Report per animation (summaries)

  • Since animations can be defined using different strategies, may start at different times, and in response to distinct events… it is convenient to just generate summary reports per animation.
  • Focusing on the animation simplifies attribution
    • The source of new smoothness problems is immediately apparent
  • API strawman:
    • For each animation, at the end of animation (or N-seconds after start)
    • Report # expected frames, # produced frames, duration, as well as some metadata
    • You can turn this into a %smooth, or an average effective FPS
  • (I presented an earlier variant of this option at a Web Perf meeting this year)

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Option 2: Strawman API

interface PerformanceAnimationTiming : PerformanceEntry {

entryType: “animation”,

type: <one of “css-animation”, “scroll”, “js-animation”, …>,

startTime: <when it started>,

duration: <how long did it last>,

interval: <average vsync interval during this animation>,

framesProduced: <# of frames produced during this animation>,

framesExpected: <# of frames that were expected during this animation>,

element: <the animating element, if/when possible>,

id: <the animation id, if present>


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Option 3: Report per frame (on timeline)

  • “Flatten” all animations along a single timeline, and report similar to the original Frame Timing API proposal (Note: data differs substantially from original proposal).
  • In the end, this is a good overall summary of what the user experienced.
  • API strawman:
    • For each vsync:
      • For all animations currently running, sum up #expected frames, #produced frames

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Option 3: Strawman API

interface PerformanceFrameTiming : PerformanceEntry {

entryType: “frame”,

startTime: <when it started was presented, possibly needs fuzzing>,�updatesProduced: <# of animation updates produced during this frame>,

updatesExpected: <# of animation updates that were expected since the last frame>,


Note: may have 0 updatesExpected if there are no animations active.�Alternatively: could replace counts with state? COMPLETE, PARTIAL, IDLE

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Option 4: Report a single summary

  • Similar to proposal for Final-LCP or Final-CLS (?), report a Final-Smoothness
    • Or, perhaps at key moments, and every time visibility changes?
  • API strawman:
    • Similar to Option 2, but the whole page is treated as an animation

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Option 4: Strawman API

interface PerformanceFrameTiming : PerformanceEntry {

entryType: “animation”,

type: < “page” or “summary” >,

startTime: <when it started>,

duration: <how long did it last>,

interval: <average vsync interval during this animation>,

framesProduced: <# of frames produced during this animation>,

partialFramesProduced: <# of partial frames produced during this animation>,

framesExpected: <# of frames that were expected during this animation>,


Here we treat the overall page timeline as an animation, and report it using almost the same format as Option 2.

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Mix and match?

  • The options aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.
  • Could offer a single page-level summary, but still give access to details per frame or per animation (either via PerformanceObserver or some property on the PerformanceEntry)

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Open Questions

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Open Questions

  • [How] Do other venders currently measure animation smoothness?
  • Agreement on Dropped Frames perspective?
  • Agreement on defining Animations?
    • Especially, JS updates to animatable properties outside of rAF loops��
  • Is “Dropped Frame” a boolean signal, a count, or does it need weights? (i.e. “impact region”)
  • Smoothness during page load?
    • We expect more smoothness hiccups during load. Should we report smoothness during load distinctly?
    • i.e. Goal: minimize the time until page is smooth, then make sure it stays smooth afterwards?
  • Can Responsiveness metrics track latency to the start of an animation?