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Brought to you by:

The InnBetween

Studium Generale

Studio Europa

Sustainable UM 2030

Welcome to:

Strategies of Change:

New pathways from knowing to doing

by Nora Wilhelm

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Teun Dekker

    • Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education
    • Lecturer at University College Maastricht
    • Chair of the University Council


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November 2023

Strategies for change: new pathways from knowing to doing

Nora Wilhelm, Maastricht

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Reference: Peter Senge

creative tension

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What is the current situation, especially in ‘developed’ countries like the Netherlands?

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Source: Bertelsmann Stiftung & SDSN, Sustainable Development Report 2023, available here

SDGs in the Netherlands

Spillover rank: 161/166

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Ref: Stockholm Center for Resilience

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How can it be that we are not achieving the results we want and need?

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1. Symptom fighting

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2. Linear thinking

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3. Top down approaches

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4. Ego > eco

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5. Lack of visions

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© Photo from Flipboard

6. Resistance to change

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Strategies for change:

*systems change* has entered the chat

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Ref: Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems; collaboratio helvetica toolbox; the Waters of Systems Change, FSG; Nora Wilhelm.

Behaviours, decisions, results, �outcomes (symptoms)

Structures, processes, rules, laws, practices, norms, defined roles, money flows

Distribution and dynamics of power(s), privileges, relationships, implicit norms, traditions

Mindsets, values, belief systems, paradigms

Direct service

Structural change

Personal transformation

Paradigm shift

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Ref: Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems; collaboratio helvetica toolbox; the Waters of Systems Change, FSG; Nora Wilhelm.

Behaviours, decisions, results, �outcomes (symptoms)

Structures, processes, rules, laws, practices, norms, defined roles, money flows

Distribution and dynamics of power(s), privileges, relationships, implicit norms, traditions

Mindsets, values, belief systems, paradigms

Direct service

Structural change

Personal transformation

Paradigm shift

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Ref: Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems; collaboratio helvetica toolbox; the Waters of Systems Change, FSG; Nora Wilhelm.

What is a system?

An interconnected set of elements that is coherently organised in a way that achieves something

  • Donella Meadows

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Ref: Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems; collaboratio helvetica toolbox; the Waters of Systems Change, FSG; Nora Wilhelm.

Changes in the system

Paradigm shift


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Ref: Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems; collaboratio helvetica toolbox; the Waters of Systems Change, FSG; Nora Wilhelm.

Behaviours, decisions, results, �outcomes (symptoms)

Structures, processes, rules, laws, practices, norms, defined roles, money flows

Distribution and dynamics of power(s), privileges, relationships, implicit norms, traditions

Mindsets, values, belief systems, paradigms

Direct service

Structural change

Personal transformation

Paradigm shift

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Ref: Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems; collaboratio helvetica toolbox; the Waters of Systems Change, FSG; Nora Wilhelm.


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Ref: Presencing Institute, Nora Wilhelm.

I am separate from others

Social divide

I am not part of nature

Ecological divide

I am disconnected from myself

Spiritual divide

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Concrete implications

for changemakers

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  • What kind of change am I working towards? Is my ‘solution’ a match?
  • Did I do my research? How deeply do I understand this challenge?
  • Do I understand what others have tried and are currently doing in this field?
  • Have I oversimplified the challenge or am I navigating complexity adequately?
  • Am I including stakeholders?


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Shared vision

collaboration, synergies, complementaries

Partial solution

Partial solution

Partial solution

Partial solution

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Potential solution

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Are you ready to solve the problem you’re currently tackling? To see your solution scaled, institutionalised, mainstreamed?

To move on to the next challenge, the next step on your journey towards the vision?

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Have you considered resistance to change? Who benefits the most from the way things are today?

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  • Systems-informed solutions
  • Shared visions → collaboration
  • ♡ the challenge
  • Impact > ego
  • Anticipate & address resistance to change

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One possible strategy: Social Innovation Labs

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Ref: Presencing Institute, Nora Wilhelm, collaboratio helvetica.

Social Innovation Labs are multistakeholder processes which convene affected parties & decision-makers, build systemic understanding and enable them to develop solutions together.

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Ref: Presencing Institute, Nora Wilhelm, collaboratio helvetica.

  • Social: bringing together stakeholders from all sectors
  • Systemic: fostering systemic understanding and address root causes
  • Awareness-based: overcoming internal barriers to change and strengthening self- & eco-awareness
  • Experimental: testing prototype solutions and scaling what works

4 characteristics

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Ref: Presencing Institute, Nora Wilhelm, collaboratio helvetica.

  • Social capital: new relationships & trust
  • Human capital: new capacities & competencies
  • Intellectual capital: new knowledge
  • Physical capital: new products, services and spaces
  • Financial capital: new resources, savings, cost-reduction

Key results

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Ref: Dissertation of Nora Wilhelm (Cambridge University); own model based on the ‘Three-Cycle Model of Social Innovation’ (van Wijk et al., 2018)


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How can we contribute to a paradigm shift?

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Ref: Impact Loop, collaboratio helvetica, Nora Wilhelm.

  • Individual
  • Team
  • Organisation
  • Ecosystem
  • Country
  • World

→ personal transformation leads to transformation on the other levels and vice-versa

Levels of change

What is the role of universities?

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Ref: Impact Loop, collaboratio helvetica. Nora Wilhelm.

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Ref: Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems; collaboratio helvetica toolbox; the Waters of Systems Change, FSG; Nora Wilhelm.

Behaviours, decisions, results, �outcomes (symptoms)

Structures, processes, rules, laws, practices, norms, defined roles, money flows

Distribution and dynamics of power(s), privileges, relationships, implicit norms, traditions

Mindsets, values, belief systems, paradigms

Direct service

Structural change

Personal transformation

Paradigm shift

Dare to challenge the narrative

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Ref: Presencing Institute, Nora Wilhelm.

I am separate from others

Social divide

I am not part of nature

Ecological divide

I am disconnected from myself

Spiritual divide

What are ‘developed’ countries, really?

What is the responsibility and role of Europe?

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What can I do?

Good questions & lines of inquiry

Clear cut, one size fits all answers

This is about finding your unique �contribution, as individuals and collectives.

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  • Get clearer on my purpose, values, and strive to design a life that is aligned with them.
  • Become increasingly aware of the paradigm of thoughts underlying my actions, choices and the systems I am part of. Take responsibility.
  • Dream big: what does the world I want to live in look like? And how can I contribute to it today, and tomorrow?
  • Reflect on my change work and strategies: what level of intervention am I focusing on? Are my strategies adapted to the complexity of the challenge?
  • Collaborate with others, and include different stakeholders in my work, consistently.

What can I do?

Do what you can within your sphere of influence, it will grow naturally over time

(and we will talk more about this in tomorrow’s workshop)

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Present Reality



Reference: Peter Senge

creative tension

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“The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day. After all, a movement is just people moving.”

- Gloria Steinem

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Do not hesitate to reach out:

Thank you!


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René Gabriels

    • Philosopher and Social Scientist
    • Lecturer at Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    • Starting now Lecture Series: The need for a revolution (Studium Generale)


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Ceren Pekdemir

    • Assistant Professor at Maastricht Sustainability Institute
    • Specialisation Governance for Sustainable Development
    • Coordinator of UM wide minor Sustainability


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Marvin Reinartz

    • Student Biomedical Sciences at Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
    • Member of FHML Green Team
    • Member of HUMMUS


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Brought to you by:

The InnBetween

Studium Generale

Studio Europa

Sustainable UM 2030

Strategies of Change:

New pathways from knowing to doing

by Nora Wilhelm

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Want to learn more?

Join the workshop tomorrow at The InnBetween!

Tuesday, 7th of November, starting at 19:00 hours.

Use this code to sign up: